PhoenicianDream's Journal
8 entries this month
Out of the woodwork...
21:31 Sep 29 2009
Times Read: 1,249
Where has the sudden plethora of dumbshits come from?
You just had to go poke the kids on the shortbus with a stick didn't you WC? :P
And yes tard boy... that shit on your chin really does look more like a bush than anything. LOL
Lookie here princess..
18:05 Sep 29 2009
Times Read: 1,267
Incase you're wondering why you made it to my blocked list...
which until now only had the most elite of cunts on it... I'm sure you don't rank high enough to qualify...
Date: 19:51:17 Sep 28 2009
Rating: 1
I don't give a flying fuck what I'm rated. However, your fight is with WC... and frankly that's where it needs to stay.
Have a nice day.
19:57 Sep 28 2009
Times Read: 1,273
I'm probably going to be without internet access here pretty soon. I'm not sure how long it'll be for.
I frankly don't care either. Rarely do I spend more time online than just checking my messages and logging off anyway.
Anyone who really needs to get a hold of me knows how to reach me.
20:21 Sep 17 2009
Times Read: 1,292
You know.. the great thing about the internet is... you can refuse to exist when you get tired of it.
Delete a few accounts, change email addresses, change phone numbers...
and *poof*
you're out of my life.
I can't say it isn't extremely tempting.
I'll have to give it a little more thought.
bored with it again, or maybe it's still
00:31 Sep 08 2009
Times Read: 1,308
The only reason I log on these days is to check my messages, and my favorite journals. Or to post the occasional journal entry.
I have no interested in liars, drama, morons, or people who mistakenly think they're better than others. It used to piss me off when people would open their big mouths about things they aren't even involved in. These days, I really don't care. If you want to look like an idiot be my guest. If people believe your lies, those are people I don't need in my life anyway. I have no room in my life for people who perpetually play the victim. My time and efforts are put to better use elsewhere.
If you're on my blocked list, you're there for a reason. Good luck, and good riddance.
21:44 Sep 02 2009
Times Read: 1,334
Baby cat knows I'm his new mom. He spent a good 30 minutes to and hour kneading me and rubbing his little face on me this morning.
I adore the little buger. He hasn't meowed outside of his cat carrier which I find a little weird, but maybe he's just a quiet one. He purrs constantly and is always happy.
I took him in to get his little nuggets snipped off this morning. We'll see how happy the poor little guy is when he comes home from that. I can't wait to go pick him up.
♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥00:49 Sep 02 2009
Times Read: 1,346
I have a baby kitty now...
I love him!!!

Horror-scopes Suck15:31 Sep 01 2009
Times Read: 1,349
Today your personal life is in a state of constant flux and uncertainty. Under the influence of the Moon, you feel ill at ease with those close to you and a lack of reassurance from them makes you feel all the more trapped.
People can read you like a book today. Because of the current planetary positions, you are a bit touchier than usual, and your reactions to certain situations seem to be written all over your face. You are blushing, your hands are sweating and trembling, etc. Each of your movements or gestures reveals your emotions. This would be a great time to be in love. Watch out for love at first sight! WTFEver
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21:42 Sep 29 2009
O.o Some one hid their helmet's, they have revolted and only the REAL dumb ones got out...
22:03 Sep 29 2009
I was wondering the same thing ... send them back send them back !
21:38 Sep 30 2009
You let them out .. Shame shame.. no wonder I am suspended from
23:45 Oct 01 2009
If that is to whom I think it goes that shit right?