PhoenicianDream's Journal
7 entries this month
00:10 Jul 28 2009
Times Read: 1,363
I have A LOT of things to accomplish over the next month, I'm hoping to get them done as 90% of them have deadlines.
When things slow down a bit I'm actually considering starting a mentorship. I already have a rough idea in mind for it. We'll see if it comes to life.
The concept is a bit odd for me. I've never had the desire thus far to level up or be a coven master. Well.. other than my idea of the coven of pampers and binkies... I still entertain the idea of that. It's the idea of collecting all of the little brats that can't behave themself, and adults that can't either because they have the mentality of a 4 year old and locking them in a playpen of a coven. haha
Anyway.. the mentorship will be nothing like that. It will have a purpose. We'll see where it goes.
03:44 Jul 25 2009
Times Read: 1,388
Why must you linger like a stagnant bad fart?
Why can't you just fuck off already?
Your constant presence is worse than having a lifelong STD.. well.. I imagine it is. I wouldn't know firsthand. But you would.
22:11 Jul 21 2009
Times Read: 1,402
New coven = new profile look. o.0
Please leave a message at the beep..23:47 Jul 13 2009
Times Read: 1,415
I am currently unavailable, and will be for the next week..
04:22 Jul 06 2009
Times Read: 1,422
I'm pretty sure I was threatening homicide by the time I got off of work this morning. There's something just a little bit stressful having to deal with medical emergencies while trying to run a place as big as my work alone all night.
All I can do is go get ready for work and do it all over again tonight. I'm glad that at least tonight I wont be completely alone, and most of the raisins have left the building.
I have so much shit to take care of the next few days. Joy of joys.
Alright.. here's the thing
22:00 Jul 02 2009
Times Read: 1,441
I really don't have time to give a shit about the problems of people that are not close to me. That's just the way life is when you work all of the time. (I will say that I will take the time to talk to someone about an issue IF I think they will actually listen and learn.)
What I do know is that life sucks for almost everyone these days. If you want to stay ahead of the game you genuinely have to work for it.
If you're sensitive about your probelms. Don't air them for everyone, but especially to people you don't like.
Some people will be stuck in life long ruts because they're happiest there.
You can't help someone who doesn't really want to be helped. Help is not a handout. It's information, understanding, teaching, and learning.
Whelp (1)
I'm Your Daddy Sabrina
03:14 - March 28 2025

Great Sire (117)
Live Like You Were Dying
23:30 - March 27 2025

Sire (102)
Silencer the Relentless
22:59 - March 27 2025
Vampire Rave is a member of
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20:59 Aug 03 2009
ok it happens with every actor at some point, looks like ole johnny depp is gonna pick a loser of a roll, b.collins in the original dark shadows was one of the worst characters and one of the most boring vampire tv shows ever created, i dont think even with the great tim burtons help he will be able to make this one interesting.