Honor: 12 [ Give / Take ]
20 entries this month
21:51 Jan 28 2009
Times Read: 1,234
Not to mention.. once it's started, it'll be a 10 year project... unless I have more time than I currently have to dedicate to it.
Lawdy, Lawdy
21:47 Jan 28 2009
Times Read: 1,236
Undergraduate Major in Zoology
0.o That's going to be expensive.
10:40 Jan 27 2009
Times Read: 1,247
So, I'm doing much better. I found a cat I'd rather have for about $4k. I can have a breeding pair for about $7.5-8k.
The best part is.. they're pure bloods of what I want instead of just being half breeds.
Fucking. Awesome!
I have definately saved the breeders information.
03:37 Jan 27 2009
Times Read: 1,250
It's forecast to dump 9" of white hell tonight.
I can't wait till summer comes back.
On my way to my zoo..
04:28 Jan 26 2009
Times Read: 1,260
We acquired 3 new lizards today. On top of that I found another snake I want for my collection. Now I just have to acquire that too.
Oh... and don't think I have forgotten about my $8k kitties. It's only a matter of time. =)
Maybe I will get my exotic pets and zoo someday. ♥ That would make my heart soar. I'll have to get myself a damn veterinary license to take care of them all myself. An internship at a zoo wouldn't hurt either. Yes... things will someday come together. It will be fucking awesome. I will have my freedom, my animals, and l♥ve.
Life will be perfect.
Pics n' Stuff
17:29 Jan 24 2009
Times Read: 1,265
I put some pics in my portfolio. It's just a small display of my love for animals so far. I'm not done adding what the pics are, but I'll finish later.
It's bedtime for me. I'm off to dream of the insanely expensive kitty that I want, because in my dreams is the only place I'm able to afford it. hahaha =/
Ni ni peeps.
♥ Who loves me? ♥
17:25 Jan 24 2009
Times Read: 1,267
So... I found a cat that I want.
I mean that I REALLY want and would love to have.
The question is... who wants to buy me an 8 thousand dollar cat? *bats eyelashes*
♥♥♥♥♥ Please? ♥♥♥♥♥
blah fucking blah..
04:57 Jan 23 2009
Times Read: 1,277
I'm going to use the 'estrogen card' tonight. I'm just going to be moody, and not give anyone a reason for it...
I have ovaries... I'm entitled to it every now and then. I just don't abuse it like some crazy bitches do.
I'm off to work.. my moodiness is their problem now.
Have a good night people.
23:49 Jan 20 2009
Times Read: 1,286
One of the guys I work with calls me his 'little sickly one'. I'll be damned if he's not right. I feel like crap 3 out of 5 days that I'm working, but I'm usually fine on my days off.
I'm really starting to wonder if I'm getting too old for the kind of schedule I'm trying to keep.
09:52 Jan 18 2009
Times Read: 1,294
I'm going to scamper off to bed and pound the hell out of the ketchup bottle.
By gawd EP better be doing the same thing here soon, or I'm going to be VERY disappointed. HAHAHAHAHAHAHA :P
♥ Beethoven ♥
17:02 Jan 15 2009
Times Read: 1,308
Simply amazing.
15:56 Jan 13 2009
Times Read: 1,317
Hooray for hot breakfasts.
Bacon, eggs, hash browns, toast, french vanilla hot chocolate.
Most days a hot breakfast is waiting for me when I get home from work.
I'm so fucking spoiled. :D
yay =/
01:18 Jan 10 2009
Times Read: 1,335
I have phlegm in my lungs. I can feel it trying to tear loose when I cough.
I'm not going to let that ruin my plans for tomorrow.
*happy dances*
-.^ hmm20:58 Jan 05 2009
Times Read: 1,351
I'm still not sure what to think of this one.
*ponders it some more*
01:54 Jan 05 2009
Times Read: 1,360
I saw a fox yesterday.
I squealed like a girl.. WC laughed at me.
20:31 Jan 04 2009
Times Read: 1,367
Some pics of minis are now posted on myspace. I've always wanted pics of them and I don't mind that the quality of the pics isn't all that great.
I'll put some pics on here, but I'll have to pick and choose (as a lot of the females show nipples). It'll have to wait till later though.
I'm going to find me a lunch type snack then go paint one of my unpainted minis. :D
So I went digging..
01:06 Jan 04 2009
Times Read: 1,369
.. and I unearthed some of my minis today. Quite a few of the ones I unpacked got dinged or bent in the moves. I went to the local artsyfartsy store and got glue to put some back together.
I'll have to do a little touch up on most of them. That wouldn't be such a pain in my ass if it weren't for the fact it meant resealing them.
I've been sitting here taking pics of the ones I unpacked for an hour or so. It figures that my expensive digicam can't focus on them, but the craptastic camera on the cell does just fine.
I think tomorrow I'll attempt to paint one of the primed ones. It should be good and relaxing for me. =)
I owe some to some close friends of mine. I'll definitely start painting those as I come across them... considering they're a couple of years overdue.
Once Upon A Time..
03:29 Jan 03 2009
Times Read: 1,371
I used to have a really artistic side. Painting, drawing, arts & crafts...
I feel that stirring again. I'll have to see what comes of it. Maybe some happy, relaxing, fun time for PD.