PhoenicianDream's Journal

PhoenicianDream's Journal


Honor: 12    [ Give / Take ]


12 entries this month


03:11 Aug 28 2009
Times Read: 1,114

This totally appeals to my geektastic side. Squeeee!



02:33 Aug 30 2009

ok that was cool, i love it!



00:23 Aug 24 2009
Times Read: 1,129

Elaboration? Of one point anyway... everything would take too long, and I don't have all of that figured out in my head yet anyway.

Something that was for me is no longer for me.

Sometimes when an idea becomes mutated it's no longer appealing.

Mutation causes ownership to go right down the shitter.



19:51 Aug 27 2009

damm mutants!

04:35 Aug 28 2009

Fuck it, have some waffles!

04:41 Aug 28 2009

Haha I like the way you think Bones. ;)



00:16 Aug 24 2009
Times Read: 1,133

I quit.





03:05 Aug 23 2009
Times Read: 1,142

My chest fucking hurts tonight.

Glad that waste of money of an EKG I had done came out normal.



03:17 Aug 23 2009

Ask your doc about angina which is chest pain that reoccurs at different times.

13:45 Aug 23 2009

I've had the same thing happen to me before as well. Here's the deal. Is your tooth still bothering you? I know this sounds backwards but it very well could be the tooth. If you let the infection go long enough it can cause your heart to have strange palpatations that hurt.

00:18 Aug 24 2009

I doubt it's the toothache.


WC ♥'s me!

16:22 Aug 20 2009
Times Read: 1,149

He made me waffles.

I like waffles!






05:20 Aug 20 2009
Times Read: 1,160

Life seems to be full of disappointments...

so I'm not sure why it is that I'm surprised, or even that it gets to me when I'm disappointed.




07:09 Aug 20 2009

depends how high ya set the bar.

12:21 Aug 20 2009

Because to be disappointed meant that you had hope. Without hope there is no living. Its a vicious circle.



01:39 Aug 20 2009
Times Read: 1,165

It'd be nice if this fucking mosquito bite would heal already. The damn thing is almost 2 weeks old. I swear that little bastard tapped directly into a vein.

On a plus side, the last time we went to go get feeders WC picked me some wild flowers. They're beautiful!

Work is going alright, I have one trainee that is fantastic, and another that probably won't work out. I don't put up with shenanigans in general, and I tend to let people they need to nip it in the bud or get the fuck out when they start that crap during their trial peroid. Luckily my boss' adore me so they have my back when I come to a decision regarding my shift.

I took a trip home to visit friends and family last month. It was much needed. I miss my people so much. It's not easy, not being able to call them and say 'hey, want to do this', or 'how about we do that'?

I spent my time in a nice hotel, then a resort, then crashing with friends and family. The hotel was pretty nice, I didn't spend very much time in it. I basically was there to sleep, wait till I figured out what I was going to do next, eat some breakfast, and go swimming.

I discovered einsten bagel in the hotel, their breakfast sandwiches and spontaneity (green tea with ginger) are pretty damn good. I had a fritata in the hotel, my first one of those. It was delicious. It had zucchini, spinach, roasted red peppers, and goat cheese. I'd definately do one of those again.

Swimming in the pool was alright, though the pool was entirely too small IMHO. The only thing that made up for it were the 2 drunk couples that were also there. They offered me and my friends tequila (ooooo tequila) but when it came in the form of an aquafina bottle I politely told them I wasn't old enough to drink. It was pretty funny seeing the drunk guys reaction to that. The other drunk guy proceeded to strip off his boxers and run around the entire pool area naked. o.0 It was funny to watch especially when he started chasing the bigger guy around trying to hug him. One of my friends thought the naked guy was really hot, I was pretty much indifferent. The thought of random wiener is still disgusting to me... *shrugs* it looks like I'm never going to grow out of that. Which is fine with me.

I moved to a resort in Scottsdale to chillax with one of my friends. She's been stressed out a lot lately so I figured that she could use the time out of the house. We had a great time. Munching on some food, watching some tube, reading. I woke up at 4 am one day, and since I couldn't go back to sleep I went for a walk and finished it with a sunrise swim. It was soooo relaxing. I loved it. I was able to nap just fine after that.

I invited all of my friends and family that could make it to go swimming with me in the resorts 5 pools the night before I checked out. We had a blast. We went to the midnight showing of the new harry potter. I enjoyed the movie, but no surprise as I enjoy the harry potter series in its entirety. Afterwards we hit a dennys for a snack, and giggled a bit at the freak show of the 3am Dennys crowd.

While I was visiting back home I got 2 massages, a manicure, a pedicure. My sister took me on a couple of shopping sprees for clothes. I had dinner, and went to a bar with my favorite gothic couple. I went to a candle party, which given the atendees had the atmosphere of a toy party instead. I ended up with a toothache an managed to get some antibiotics and vicodin to help with it, but that managed to put a damper on my drinking. I went to a goth club with friends, and I learned that goth clubs are entirely too pretentious when one doesn't have an alcohol buffer to help put up with it. We did karaoke again... that seems to be an annual thing. I'm slowly overcoming my issues with singing in front of other people.

I spent some time with my parents, and sister, and went bowling with my friends and family (including my nephew.. surprise surprise).

My mom, sister, and I spent some time making jewelry. It's actually really fun and relaxing.

I had a great time, and enjoyed everything except the toothache and the heat. I spent quite a bit of time there, but sometimes it doesn't feel long enough.

I would have liked to see the brat pack wile I was there to see how they're doing, but honestly it's not worth putting up with seeing their mother and that's unfortunate. That's life I supose.

Oh well.. at least I'm looking forward to the next time I visit the people I love . :)



12:29 Aug 20 2009

::sighs:: Just hearing the joy in your voice makes me miss home so very much.

Im so glad that you had a great time. Nothing like being able to let go and just be!!!



18:26 Aug 18 2009
Times Read: 1,174

I found out on the way home this morning that 'D' has passed away. I wanted to pull over and cry, but I couldn't. Funny that happens when you're stuck on the freeway. I had to keep my composure and keep going. I continued my conversation, minus the tears that were fighting to get out. Somehow I knew she could tell I was upset.. I'm sure the silence gave me away. It usually does.

'D' was like family. I've missed her.. I always will. Too bad I haven't seen her in years. Our being around her caused her too much grief, from her family. We didn't agree with anything her family was doing to her, or how they treated her. They knew how we felt, so they gave her shit every time we came around. I suppose that's why we just stopped coming around... because she didn't need extra stress.

Sometimes I believe the hardest goodbye is the ones that we're robbed of.

Goodbye 'D' wherever you are, I hope you're at peace. I love you.





16:40 Aug 13 2009
Times Read: 1,194

Fuck... to every dog I ever had that tried to stick their paw down their ear when it was bothering them... and I yelled at them for it:


I understand now what the fuck it feels like. If my paw would fit in there I'd fucking do it too right now. Ugh.



03:50 Aug 16 2009

mean ole pd lol



20:05 Aug 10 2009
Times Read: 1,211

Alright.. I feel like a fuckin' dork. My toes were up against the bass box when the Scorpions came on.. I screached a little and giggled 'cause it tickled my toes.



01:05 Aug 11 2009

lol hahaha remind to turn the bass up......


dream shizzle

01:00 Aug 10 2009
Times Read: 1,215

I've been having weird dreams again. I guess that would be normal for me though. At least they're not so gory that I wake up swearing that I can smell and taste blood for hours.

Last night in my dreams my sister died, then I died, then my mom died, then I died again.. not once but twice more.

I need to go take a nap now, and I'm not really looking forward to it.





01:01 Aug 09 2009
Times Read: 1,222

I'm so tense and sore.. someone needs to promptly get their ass over here and rub me.

I had a nice long journal entry written about my recent vacation. I'll have to rewrite it because it got ZAPPED! =/

Anyway.. it's pizza, a movie, and rootbeer for dinner tonight.



02:06 Aug 09 2009

*rubs your shoulders and neck* hope you feel better...get a hold of me if you need anything

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