What divides reality from the dream world? The binding forces of the mind can be explained through the same processes as hallucinogenic drugs.
A chemical called serotonin controls your brain cells like a switch it prevents the conciousness from seeing visions during the waking hours. When a human sleeps this chemical is reduced and the brain begins to dream and rest.
Psychodelic drugs inhibit this process while awake preventing the serotonin from being attached to the cells. This causes hallicunations, sense of well being, and a sense of understanding.
It would seem that we are locked into this world by our brains. People who exhibit mental illness have a tendancy to experience hallucinations, voices, sensory depravation.
Humanity labels them mentally ill but are these people seeing things that the natural mind cannot?
Have their brains unlocked another realm of the spiritual that human kind is not prepared for. Demons whispering in their ears and walking in their shadows.
Humanity as a whole may never fully understand this for the very fact that once your eyes are opened to that realm you may never go back.