Swinging on the bench, relaxed, calm, collected. Lauren was lovin’ it.
Lauren was a bit on the chubby side, practically hated herself. Never had a lot of friends, had low self-esteem, and was considered a nerd. That didn’t matter to Lauren though, all that mattered to Lauren was Ricky.
Ricky was a total… asshole. All he cared about was himself. A dog could die and he would just stare.
Lauren was in love with him, and would die to be with him.
Well one day, they were paired up for the dreaded science project. She beamed. He shuddered. They went over to his house to start on the project, and every night after that they worked over at his house. They understood from where each other was coming from and after a couple nights, they exchanged numbers, and stayed up texting till 3 in the morning.
Ricky felt differently about Lauren after getting to know her better… He kinda liked her. He planned it. He was gonna ask her out.
But later that night Lauren had a nightmare about all the taunts and teases Ricky said to her in the past. All desire to be with him was killed.
So they were hanging out again the next day, they were all finished with their project, but wanted to just chill. And Ricky was just about to pop the question. But Lauren interrupted him.
“I’m so happy that we became friends, but that doesn’t erase all the pain you laid on me.”
“I’m willing to overloo-”
“No Ricky, I really don’t want to see you, ever. You always thought you came first in everyones’ book. Well it’s different now. Ricky, I don’t want to be your friend, or anything else, because, I’m simple too good for you.”
And with that, Lauren stands up, and escorts herself out the door.