The invocation: I invoke you, ye holy one! Regal and majestic! Glorious splendour! Mighty arch-daimon! Denizen of chaos and Erebus, and of the unfathomable abyss! Haunter of sky-depths! Murk enwrapped, scanning mystery, and guardian of cults! Flame-fanning terror darter! Heart-crushing despot! Satanachia of daimons! Invincible Lucifer!
The prayer: domine deus meus in te speravi conlitebor tibi domine in toto corde meo quem ad modum desiderat cervus ad fantes aquarum. Ouver! Chameron! Aliseon! Mandousin! Premy! Oriet! Mayorus! Esmony! Estiot! Dumosson! Danochar! Casmiel! Sadirno! Eparinesant! domine meus Lucifer!
The conjuration: I conjure thee spirit to come and show thyself in fair and comely shape without guile or deformity by the name of Casmiel! By the name of beloved Lucifer! By the dread day of final judgement! By the omen! By the changing sea of glass! By those beasts having eyes before and behind, and having one hundred hands!
The pact: Je renonce ? tous les biens tant spirituels que corporels qui me pourraient estre conferez de la part de Dieu! De la vierge Marie! Et de tous les, oui, les saincts du Paradis! Pareillement de mon patron saint Jean Baptiste! Saint Paul! Saint Pierre! Et Saint Fran?ois! Et de me donner de corps aaaaaaaaaaaa Lucifer!
Rituel: Astrachios asach abedumar silet scigin lord of all, Lucifer, whose glance searchest the abyss, grant me the power to conceive in my mind, and the power to execute that all which I desire to do! Oh Lucifer! I give unto thee my soul! My inward parts! My desires! And my entire being! Sweet lord Lucifer!
The Vision: I am the daughter of fortitude and ravished every hour from my youth. The heavens address me! They covet and desire me with furious appetite! I am shadowed with the hot circle of stone, and encovered with the crimson warning clouds! I am deflowered and yet a virgin! Behold! I will bring forth children unto you, oh my husband, Lucifer!