The one thing i never have understanded the reason with here on vr is stalking. It is for me totall useless. What possible joy would i get out from that? I would love to hear from they who like that thing to explain to me what use that is. Maybe i have misunderstood the meaning of it somehow? I have been asked to stalk members here on vr but havent done so because i simply dont see the point in it.
What have i done to deserve to always get the bad side of the coin? When is it my turn to have some luck in life? For me it always is a struggle. Nothing can ever come to me easy if it not is bad news. Bad things seems to see me as an magnet or something. Like a tornado tuch down right infront my feet and tell me TA DA take this looser and smash me down. Then it runs laughting into the forrest. They say life is not always a dance on roses but for me it almost never is it seems. I just want to be happy but at the moment life is a pain. I guess thats life.
Life sucks sometimes. Just know there are people around who like you and know what you are going thru. :)
05:31 Oct 03 2010
Stalking does nothing for status levels. Therefore it's not worth anything, except for those people who REALLY REALLY want to know when someone on here does something. The funny thing is, I have 18 stalkers...none of whom read my journal or message me or so indeed what is the point?