This is my 2 cents of opinion so to speak. I gonna be total honest this time and try to express my deepest thoughts and feeling over the vr community. I feel it nessesary to do so in order to get it out of my system. I love vr and have some great friends here and that is mainly why im still here. But the latest mega updates and changes on vr is in my opinion way out in the blue. I feel I need express my opinions on that matter because it bother me even when I try my best to ignore it. I gonna put this in points in order to get my point out more clear.
I don’t know what was wrong with the old system really. But I do feel this new system really is very unfair to a lot of vr members. The best example I can give about to why I see this system extremely unfair is the message it tells “Get friends or get penalty points” Comon serious that is so unfair. My irl friend dreamwave is a good example. She is level 30 something and have 11 vr members on hers friendlist. And she have penaltypoints for that. She is not the kind of person who is after to get an huge amount of friends and for that the system punish her. It is so unfair. Why punish anyone just for that member happen to be more solo? Why do anyone deserve to be punish for he or she don’t have so many friends? Everyone haven’t so easy to get friends. The popular vr members have got all advantages and they who struggle to come in in the community and they who prefer to be more solo be punished and get the bad sides of it. The popular members can kinda easy create an hell for they who is more solo and don’t have so many friends. This new system kinda take away the ability for they who don’t have many friends to defend themselves.
You will never see me start an mentorgroup so long as im an covenmaster. To me the mentorthing seems to be like minicovens. The only different seems to be the limitation of members and no mark. I feel it would take away time I need to put on the coven. I do however feel in some ways it to be a fun add to they between level 80 to 99 and for all sires who don’t run a coven and don’t intend to start an coven. I comit I don’t understand the whole idea with mentorship I base my thought on what I feel it to be. I simply feel like why should I start a mentorgroup when I run a coven? To me it don’t make any sence. I kinda think I would feel like isent the coven enough for me etc etc. But once again that is just my thoughts.
Well I ofcourse still love vr. But yes I hope it someday be more a place that aim to provide more knowledge and a better place to help eashother to gain knowledge and deeper understanding over vampire stuff and other darker nature aspects. As it is now so do I feel it is a lot about competition and statuslevels etc etc. But vr is still a great place and a second home for me.
03:27 Jul 26 2009
pantvamp i feel the same way about the whole friend penalty