WTF today the new starwars ep7was released here in sweden. I went to the store to buy it. Yes i do buy the movies i want to have. But what happend? They have decided to only release it in 2D. Wtf????? This is only a way for them to get more money from the customers. I bet they gonna release the 3D version in around 6 mounth from now. Then the movie is to old in my opinion. So it ended today with i did not buy this movie, and i will not buy the 3D version when it finally be released. Fuck them!
15:41 Apr 22 2016
What about StarTrek?
15:47 Apr 22 2016
Im sorry i dont know about Star trek. Also im sorry for some prophanity im just kinda upset and disapointed because i have looked forward to the new star wars ep7 to be released and when it did it only be in 2D it kinda feeled very bad.