Your bitterness is your own poison
And you are drinking it in deep
How dare you play God with my heart
Thinking you know the things it is made of
Thinking you know what is written on it
Justice is not your war to wage
Revenge is also not yours to dealt out as you see fit
You are not the just one
You have made yourself an idol to be worshipped
But you are just a false god
Tell me again now who is the hypocrite?
You who thinks they can replace the one full of mercy and love who sits on the throne
The earth would certainly come to ruin with your quick indignation
For there is no mercy or compassion in your rotten heart
You do not mourn with those who mourn
You do not offer kindness, prayers and love to your enemies
You are the devils son through and through
Let’s just be glad you really don’t sit on that throne lest you would have already ushered in the end of times faster then what is already intended