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What is normal?

22:09 Sep 23 2013
Times Read: 448

*Disclaimer: Outsourcing is just

the dump for all my (non-Sandbox)

Forum posts, mostly for my own


What is normal?

People will say things like "that's not normal", "that's weird" "you're crazy", but what exactly is normal, what constitues being weird or crazy?

Is it possible to have a master definition of normal that fits every man, woman, and child?

Does normal exist on other levels?

Is it possible to be normal?

Do you think you are normal, if so why or how are you normal?

As others have said "normal" is an average, a tool to be used to determine what behavior, actions, beliefs, perceptions, ideas are outside of a mildly fuzzy consensus. But I feel like it is too widely assumed that there is a singular base of "normal".

I usually break it up into three major spheres:

Biological: You eat, sleep, metabolize, etc on par with others in your species. It's less the specifics but rather that you do, infact, do these things and in the (sometimes wildly) general quantities/durations. This is generally used to determine symptoms of possible illness.

Societal: Now, this category can be pinched and stretched quite a bit but generally bureaucratically divided peoples tend to have rather distinct social norms that if one wishes to maneuver within unmolested they would choose to recognize and adhere to the pattern. Here, abnormalities could be beneficial (overthrowing outdated ideals, practices, leadership, etc) or detrimental (imposing restriction, elevated corruption, etc) and individual reception can vary but using a norm can help one (or many acting as one) to anticipate and prepare for such.

Individual: Now this one can only be determined by said individual and can change drastically throughout a lifetime. Normal isn't a tool for finding what's "wrong" but what's changing, could be a positive or negative thing.

To conclude, I don't think normal's purpose is simply to act as a guide to what is in step with the established pattern and to alert the observer to areas that have stepped out of that (though that is common). As with any tool, it's all in the use.

Is there a universal "normal"? Absolutely not.

Can you be normal? You may have to expand the sphere of "normal" you're comparing yourself to but sure, immediately or eventually.

Do I think I'm "normal"? At the moment I would evaluate myself as: mostly.




Time travel and the possible effects on our lives.

22:06 Sep 23 2013
Times Read: 449

*Disclaimer: Outsourcing is just

the dump for all my (non-Sandbox)

Forum posts, mostly for my own


Time travel and the possible effects on our lives.

Imagine the possibilities of being able to travel into the past or future, with the ability to change outcomes and prevent tragedies.

Now image being able to witness historical events, find lost treasures of long ago stories, and finally understand were "we" come from. To be able to solve all of life's mysteries, to gain knowledge of things we have yet to come to terms with and understand, and to finally be able to know what evolution truly looks like from beginning to the end of it's existence here on Earth.

What would be left of life to inspire us? To mystify us? What would be left to believe in?

If, by any chance, we were truly able to break the bonds and chains of time and use it to our advantage to gain knowledge and solve mysteries, do you believe we as people would be left with any faith or beliefs? That there would be anything on Earth to keep us fascinated with their lull and elusiveness characteristics?

If we had all the answers that came with the questions life throws at us, would we still exist?

A twist: What if that were the true meaning of life? To solve and uncover the mysteries presented to us, to overcome the challenges and pain, and with finding all the answers and ending the suffering, we were to cease to be?

That, after uncovering everything humans have ever wished to know, was what ended life? That there was nothing keeping humans from ceasing to be?


The fundamental problem with this scenario is the assumption that were humanity able to unlock the key to time travel that only we, our singular self, would be the one awarded the chance to utilize this magnificent power. Were more than one individual given the chance to alter the past, the present would simply become an ever changing cycle of events altered, and altered again as the motives of others interfere with our "grand plans." Time would dissolve into a jumbled mass of throbbing confusion and frustrated ambition. We always assume that we are above the selfish "others" and would therefore use the control over time to observe and explore the great questions of the universe, but first... just one small personal endeavor to attend to and then, oh and then... but first...




Truth vs Mainstream

22:02 Sep 23 2013
Times Read: 451

*Disclaimer: Outsourcing is just

the dump for all my (non-Sandbox)

Forum posts, mostly for my own


Truth vs Mainstream

I was talking to someone a little while ago and during the conversation I had a small thought. I am hoping that this will put some thoughts into other people's heads and get some good replies. All I can say is PLEASE KEEP IT RESPECTFUL! Just because you do not agree with someone else, remember this is not high school.

I see so many mainstream "vampires" coming onto the site now compared to 8 years ago. Some I think just get on here because it is "cool." With shows and movies out now like "Vampire Diaries", "Supernatural", "Teenwolf," "Twilight" etc that what a lot of those on here call a gift or curse seems to just to be turning into a fun phrase or title for the younger generation.

It seems that a lot of the newer generation take the title to fit in, instead of actually trying to search for whom they really are.

Now, as far as truth goes, this could be put under speculation but (and does not just apply to older people, older members) it seems to me that a lot of people that DO know what they are either resent having to be so or are happy to embrace it.

My questions for you are this:

1. Do you think that vamparism in main stream is causing truth to disappear?

2. Do you know what you are? Are you still searching?

Please help figure out where truth ends and fiction begins because I am truly starting to see a lot of them both getting mixed up.

If your truth can be rattled by the likes of Hollywood then perhaps it's best to keep searching. Fiction is a handy propaganda tool but in this instance I'm thinking the anonymity had in the shade of a truly pervasive media trend is the best cover one could hope for these days. In an age when information spreads at hyperspeed and "truth" lay at one's fingertips, the best defence is a good scapegoat. Let this plastic packaged media beast stand exposed to sun; it's better to sneer at a sparkle from behind a well shaded corner than be laid bare defending a personal truth to sooth a wounded ego.





21:54 Sep 23 2013
Times Read: 460

*Disclaimer: Outsourcing is just

the dump for all my (non-Sandbox)

Forum posts, mostly for my own



What is the meaning of life? Anybody know? I mean, we live we die and that's it! Is there anything else to it? I would like to hear opinions.

Why does there have to be one? I think too many people spend vast amounts of resources searching for meaning when they could have been living their life instead. Who's to say a life isn't worth living without a purpose? If you are fortunate enough to have found something to live for then you have my kudos but that doesn't diminish someone's choice to live purely for the sake of living.



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