I used to be a hardcore Hin.-chakraologist, until I started experiencing the following:
1) Fracking the sacred Earth for gemstones is uneccesary
2) Putting feelings into stones, okay is there really anything behind that?
3) Real Hind. require sacrifices and certain ones are vegan. Animal rights, and venus fly traps!
4) I am not perfect . No matter what I or the moon do, it all goes away.
5) 2nd hand smoke
Here's the dealo on spirituality and vampyres. Everyone wants to be awesome, put feelings into idle gold and stones that melt in fire, worship the front lawn, moon etc, basically traditions of mythos and hedonism to feel alive,belonging and a sense of diety.........that j just end up as garbage and or flks harmed .because no one really knows and we try to understand as HMNS.....but we never will because of that and no one of us in perfect either. So how can anyone one of us know what a Spirituality and a vampire is? if we've never done it save but one. -JC