-Takes notes- in conclusion upon studying the female of the species and it's behaviors towards the male of the species it lends to thought that the moobed duckup is a submissive creature, taking the female's advances and allowing the female to be the dominate of the species thus explaining the lack of male moobed duckup...thus leading us to wonder if the female of the species is similar to the black widow spider who feeds upon it's mate
-Takes more photos- INTERESTING! it seems the female of the duckup species has a tendancy to be dominate, taking part in restraining the moobed duckup for acts of sex and doses of the moobed duckup's food...however the dominance of the female of the species will cause the female to become unable to resist tasting the male causing the female to burst into tears
-Takes notes- the moobed duckup when approached by a female will allow the female to taste of its nose...perhaps a form of continuing the race? it has yet to be concluded but as the Moobed duckup spends time around those not of it's species its genes and symptoms spread to those in which it comes in contact
-Takes notes- the true source of the moobed duckup's delirum can be put upon the narcotic and drink induced state the moobed duckup will place itself in in order to cause temporary amnesia as it attempts comminicate and perform before its peers
-takes notes- when in love the moobed duckup will call to its unknown god called iow awsone and declare its love for guys and giggle as it prances to display its sexy qualities then growls to display is possible dominace and demand to be sated with more of the fruit of liwuor which this scientist concludes is similar to human booze, and apebble or morphone another by product of the Moobed duckup
-takes more notes- when the moobed duckup is in moods of glee his coat will become glassy with happiness and it will begin to utter single sylables as if dances with happy wort worms
-Takes notes- when the moobed duck up is in 'freak' mode the moobed duckup's apendages will flail wildly as the moobed duckup screams for its maternal source to no avail
-takes notes- the maternal term for the moobed duckup is a rare and unusual thing called a Fuecke tho never seen as of this date if it's offspring is any sign of what the maternal source is further study will be needed. Tho when startled the Moobed duckup will scream out for soup, and the wish to mate with it...this still puzzles scientists
when the moobed duckup becomes too lost to his delierium he will become blurry eyed as if in a state of delierium and attempt to silence those who oppose his slurred attempt at his primal call, and thus spreading the slurring infection to those around the moobed duck up
when the moobed duckup is left alone surrounded by non moobed duckups he will attempt to cast of his layers and dool his way into embraces with the oposite sex -takes notes- very interesting
"when confused the moobed duckup will stutter through his non dexterious apendages -takes notes- conclusion the moobed duckup should not touch himself while inibriated for fear of damage as per his ability to butchar words with his apendages"
Hey all, its been a while since i wrote in here
so today i finally had to do what i had to do.
I let her go. Its taken me over a week to get my head straight with regards to what i want vs what is right.
Tonight i will be breaking the empathic bond i have had with her since i met her, it will be the best for us both.
She has to see what kind of scumbag he is on her own, i cannot protect everyone i love.
I will always be here for her though, i still love her and want to be with her but she needs to run her life without me interfering with it. If she reads this i hope she understands that i do love her and will happily whisk her away if things don't work.
For now i need to heal from my accident, i noticed she wasnt concerned when it happened so i guess you can guage peoples feelings by the reactions to tragedy.
Thankyou to all of those that were there, and i fuck all of you that didnt believe me, i will post pics of my casts in the next few days.
Darkness in Light
04:50 Jun 24 2011