I haven't been on this profile in a while. Now that it is in a new coven I need to be more active. Lethargy was put into House Eternal to help Images with taking things over, not that she needs help but having another active member can't hurt.
I still need to finish doing what I started in my own coven, cf. I also will have the new coven to deal with if it is approved.
I'm just...I've just sort of been on pause lately because I've been worried about my health and stressed about some other things going on in my life. It's just really heavy, troublesome stuff. I have another appointment in a few days, hell I don't know, never mind, I was going to say something stupid, but I'm just going to say that I don't feel well at all, and being so anxious about things doesn't help.
I would do some things around here tonight but I've just gotten a call and they need me a the store.
I just wanted to log in and look at things really quickly. I love this profile, and this portfolio. The things I make aren't that great, but I like them...I don't know, yeah.