Ahh, the public comment section. Shows how you treat others in a public setting. *In shocked falsetto sing song voice* "You talk to this person"? Now if you could speak telepathically with a person in a public setting secretly would you and or would you speak to them in a social dynamic others can see? Why what is your motivation?
Then one is faced with the easy (for them) as opposed to the hard things to do. Is it not so much easier just to talk to a person that makes you feel better rather than question something. Even if they are like an adult shaking a rattle in a baby's face trying to get them to look at them.
Then to be objective one needs another vantage to see from. I have this as I get plenty of attention from an occult source.
Occult, you talk shit and write as much as anyone here. You say people like to talk shit in journals, isn't that the pot calling the kettle black. You write in a public journal calling women names, calling out your haters, for what because they have a mind of their own. You call people followers when in actuality, you have been doing the same shit for as long as I have known you.
You seem to not believe I have a fucking mind of my own because of as you say the company I keep. I follow no one or anything but what feels right to me.
You know what, do your thing it doesn't matter.
Who am I to question who you are, any more than you can walk in my shoes.
So I just had this work nightmare. I was a foreman for steel company and the customers were usually professional contractors that would do jobs for big companies but every once in a while you'd have an amateur come in trying to do some home project themselves. They'd drive in with a passenger sedan and expect me to muscle in something that their suspension can't even handle. Let alone they order it primed that takes a while to dry and get impatient and want it loaded right away. But I do my best to even after warnings and load it for them. So there they go with primer paint rubbing off on their interior with their bumpers and wheel wells scraping as they slowly drive off completely ruining their family car. I think this dream fits well with what I see happening here.
No doubt your declaration there will make someone happy and give you some kudos as you are but a component in larger machine. I'm not even sure who I'm addressing. I once knew a kitra healer whose ministry was to help and give counsel to kindred and now I see...this.
Yes the company you now keep you reflect. I'm here to tell you it's not good. Now I know people change and some not always for the better relatively speaking. Perhaps in the span of many lifetimes they are going through a downcycle that will go up again but in this one life they are devolving.
I must say I think the tried and true method of administering I publicly humiliating well placed bitch slap can work wonders for my kindred to snap them out of their fog. They can hate me all they want as long as I see them snap out of their hysterics and regain their focus.
Who am I? I'm a man expressing his opinion. Anyone that is in a social setting around others does this. You are a bit leading in your expression in my opinion. I expect you to question yourself and your motives if you respect my opinion. If not then you can get all pissy out of insecurity which seems to be a new habit developed by being around others that act that way. Now for you to say it doesn't matter. Ask yourself where it comes from? Walk in your shoes no one can do but I can express my opinion. You can listen or not. I know this public venue isn't one I'd use to address someone about personal issues as it becomes something else entirely when in the public eye and on this site where people are emboldened to act out because of how they fit in with others and are shaped much differently than a private conversation not to even mention how a person acts when not physically present to fear a reprisal. No here you fear the gossip if you are swayed by anything. But you have made it that way by your comments. I'm not one concerned about the rumor mills so I suppose it's really no harm other than your choice to put it in this venue rather than talking to me personally. It's a shame that I'm hearing another's warnings about you and I didn't listen because they came from the wrong spirit are proving true.
Occult??? Why would you address me that way? Perhaps if there were other comments and you wanted to distinguish by @OccultRanger but you are the only one so that's not it.
I don't like wasting my time addressing situations that won't be effective. Perhaps if I had some credibility among members here I could have some effect. But if I do it would go to those who won't say anything publicly while the ones who care about the rumor mill and drama will add their two cents. Right now I'm only expressing these comments for the benefit of the former.
Now you have addressed me saying I do the same things concerning talking shit on journals and address me as a hypocrite for it. Even pulling in your personal experience with me and calling my character into question. So You have expressed your opinion and I have considered what you have said and find myself questioning where you are right. For the most part I just find a person driven by others speaking nonsense for the dramatic effect on a stage.
Seems helpful.
Yeah I figure if they remain active they'll remain on it not unlike bonus one gets for posting in society forum or the stream within 48 hours. I think I'd keep a person if they post and interact at least within a month. Even if they don't and are absent for a while with their real life then all they have to do is show they are active again to get it again.
Seems like a lot of work.
Maybe but I think it's worth it to find out who is real and who is fake. I got trust issues and until I can interact with others in video chat it's hard to distinguish the real ones over the internet. Some don't seem to mind the fantasy but I'm here to meet real people not some work of fiction someone creates to manipulate others.