I'm retired now and don't really care about money like I use to. At this stage I care about other things like fresh meat. So going to buy a domain for a website with that particular need addressed. Since this is my only social network if I want that here got to set a banner there. That can be a hard sell as I'm very honest hating misdirection and that doesn't compare with those you'd see focusing on all the good like sponsors to the winners in a race. But I'm sure I'll get something for my effort. Unless they are mine or from a local directory then I license all images I use on the internet. Better to fresh sets of eyes than here in stream posts that are constantly disliked.
I briefly tried another network-X aka Twitter as it is headquartered two blocks from where I live that has a vampire section. But it felt wrong posting image links there like stealing their business. Perhaps if I shared more time and energy there it would be okay but no just need to create my own site then promote it myself which isn't that hard. Seems I'm most comfortable as a loner in every regard. In my present state I'll have to focus on astral travel and the like to feed now. But it's the hunt that is most appealing to me so squatting in Cancer's site fighting over scraps as a society master isn't fulfilling to me. Let the lazy skank ass leeches and scavengers have their piece after a real predator does their work. I have a journal section called the Blood Bank that will be for my referrals that receive the password from my site. I rather hate those referrals from members that just water down the purity I prefer. That may be problematic but will have to change passwords when the cheaters get in and needs to be managed as a contingency.
Well that's the plan, We'll see.
22:50 Dec 03 2024
There's some Discord servers that have a few sang groups hanging out in the., but takes a while to find out the real serious folks.
23:21 Dec 03 2024
I've been invited there before but after consideration my intuition told me it wasn't a good fit. Shit, I grew up in a whole other world before the internet then spent the nineties incarcerated so I'm quite the antique with analog instruments that work better after you hit them not true with the digital. Hard part for me is distinguishing the natural vampires from the sympathetic ones. Even natural vampires who have the trait that are unconscious of it will just naturally use it accordingly but the sympathetic ones take it to levels it shouldn't in my experience. My father was such as we are both hypersensitive.