A book came in for me, Paganism - an introduction
I was astounded by the lact of judgement and this is right this is wrong attitude by the authors. A husband and wife team.
Sometimes I thought I was reading my own thoughts and words I've scribbled down through my life.
Being married and going through the process, in and out. If learned that I don't need a government telling who I love. I don't have the book here but think it is called handship. Taking a vow amongst a pagan priest or even alone if desired. One couple only took a year vow and reconstituted them yearly, if desired...beautiful
I see myself fighting some long struggle with what I was told and what I learned on my own. Overcoming my fear and finding peace with a mother, I know will never fail us.
Being alone in this quest is the only way I know I will truly just the source. I will seek the knowledge of wiser people than me but only with and open heart and mind to question the questionable.
Thank you to the asshole who thought my phone was more valuable to them than myself. I hope you enjoy it. I do not wish bad things to you, unless I meet you I person. Few things upset me more than a thief. I hope one day to thank you in person for the headache you have bestowed upon me.
Sincerely you friend,
I once praised god and the son and holy spirit. I prayed to them every night wishing to do what's right. The more I did more lost I became. Those who claim peace in the spirit only maddened me with their betrayal. Hypocrites as they claim only love while judgement they place on all. Even other houses of worship.
No longer will I be a slave a deny myself the truth I seek. Alone in this task I will be for that's how I like it. I've been one to do the hip, cool trend and flaunt before I've begun. Lies I say for I'm telling you but like you give a shit or even made it this far.
It think I'll study paganism first. Most of my thoughts run parallel with many of those beliefs. Who knows I may find those answers I've been looming for. I not going to say I'll worship or take on another religion just to fill a hole. I will read and take from it what I choose. Nothing more is needed at this time.
Today has been one of those days. Nothing went right, I'm disgusted with myself and everything I do. I go to work and put a fucking smile on my face and pretend to be in control. Oh what a show I create. The weak listen and obey. The strong are weeded out and pushed aside. There is no room for independent thought in this working environment.
Whatever tomorrow is Friday and myself can return
What a world I live in. It is mine and the choices I make consume me. For I'm alone by choice. Lately though I find myself longing for a companion. Someone to be there, someone who actually cares. So tiered of pretending, so tiered of holding back. I find myself lost without the touch of another. Without the pain of love.
I have always been a loner in one way or another though lately my desire to share myself completely has returned. Maybe I'll find someone to love and protect. There is no greater feeling for me than holding someone I would gladly die for.
I will not settle for this was my undoing before. I don't tend to make to same mistake twice. I know I can find her. I know someone will accept me and love my faults as well as my triumphs.
Star wars day!
Had a good evening with a dear friend watching werewolf movies. Still more a vampire fan, sorry wolves.
Finally put my nipple rings back in. Only been 3 years. Starting to rebuild my collection.
Ready for one of those crazy times when I lose myself in what is nite and hide in silence til the light disappears. I want move to another plain and and see myself helpless and lost in the moment.