NocturnisOrchid's Journal

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Approaches to Deity, Self, and Magick

15:06 Jan 30 2007
Times Read: 764

Approaches to Deity, Self, and Magick

In perceived ethics and personal approach, practitioners of magick seem to fall into one of two paths: the Left Hand Path or the Right Hand Path. The two paths are often seen as being diametrically opposed to one another, and further, the Left Hand Path is generally associated with "black" magick whereas the Right Hand Path is generally associated with "white" magick The following short article explores the real meaning of these two approaches and posits the existence of a third, more unified approach.

The Left Hand Path affirms that each individual can be a god and that magick is worked by exerting the Will on the outside world. In the magick of the LHP, the practitioner does not supplicate divinities or powers outside of him- or herself. Rather, the practitioner acknowledges that he himself holds all the power he needs to change himself and the world around him. "My Will be done," is the anthem of the Left Hand Path, and these staunch individualists worship no power save the power of their Self.

The practitioners of the Right Hand Path generally accept that each person contains a spark of the Divine, but where the mortal individual is concerned, there are powers greater still. Gods and goddesses exist on a level far superior to humanity, and it is through their power and their will that magick is enacted. Thus, in the RHP, the practitioner declares, "Thy Will be done," supplicating the powers that be in order to achieve change within and without. When a working is complete, the individual expresses gratitude for the assistance lent to him or her by the deities who were the real power behind that working.

In general, most practitioners seem to feel that the paths fall into one of the two polarities: Left Hand or Right Hand. And yet, in my own experience, I would have to argue the existence of an Ambidexterous path that blends the elements of the two above extremes. The Ambidexterous Path is probably more appropriately called the Path of Unified Duality, and this is a path that may at first seem to be one of contradiction.

In the Path of Unified Duality, not only are both of the Left Hand and Right Hand approaches seen as true, but also they are seen as being true at the same time without conflict. Thus, in the Path of Unified Duality, the god without is the god within is the god without, each aspect simply being perceived from a different angle. As both the god that is the Self and the god that appears greater than the Self are one and the same, declaring "Thy Will be done" is identical to saying, "My Will be done." Both enact change and both sides are active regardless of which approach the individual is consciously taking. Thus, the power of the deity not only empowers the individual; simultaneously, the deity is the power of the individual and the indidual him- or herself.

Unsurprisingly, if I had to label my own approach in terms of such paths, I would have to say that I follow not the Left Hand Path and certainly not the Right Hand Path, but the Path of Unified Duality

Michelle Belenger

House of Kheperu




Sigils and Descriptions of the Avatar

22:47 Jan 16 2007
Times Read: 771


The following is a list of the seven Avatars that manifested to me during pathworking on the Elven Star. Fenecai was the first to make contact, and true to his nature, he came on like a ton of bricks and was amazingly hard to ignore. Once I was certain I'd contacted something that was truly outside of me, I did further pathworkings to determine what directions the Avatars were connected with, their respective colors, metals, and other associations, and the qualities that defined them. All these are listed here, along with the sigils for each Avatar.

Fenecai (FEHN-nuh-kye)

Click for Sigil

Title: Lord of Fire.

Gender: dark/destructive masculine.

Element: Fire.

Direction: West.

Color(s): Red, orange, black.

Symbol: Rod of Kingship or pole-arm.

Metal: Brass

Planet: Mars

Races: the fierce dragons of the heights, phoenixes, stonewings, and sons of the forge.

Essence: destruction and renewal; cataclysmic change.

Appearance: Big, broad-shouldered Draconian warrior with outspread wings. Wears armor and carries a halberd-type weapon. Shifts occasionally to a phoenix of flame. Sometimes in his draconian form, his wings and talons trail fire. Moves ponderously but then lashes out in sudden, powerful strikes. An alternate form is the Forge Lord, a fierce dwarven warrior with flame-red hair and beard.

Elerian (ay-LAY-ree-ahn)

Click for Sigil

Title: Lord of the Shining Host.

Gender: feminine androgyne.

Element: Light.

Direction: Above.

Color(s): White, yellow, silver.

Symbol: Musical instrument (lyre or flute)

Metal: Platinum or gold.

Planet: Sun

Races: elves and all fey.

Essence: (positive) magick, beauty, creativity and song.

Description: Lithe and fine-boned elf with pale skin and long, reddish-blond hair. Wears a long, flowing robe that is an almost luminous white shot through with gold and silver thread. Wears a collar or torque of gold. Carries a lyre, lute, or flute. Dreamy, flowing movements -- exceptionally graceful.

Hss'tah Feliss (huss-TAH feh-LEESS)

Click for Sigil

Title: Huntress-Priestess.

Gender: dark/destructive feminine.

Element: Darkness.

Direction: Below.

Color(s): Gray, black, indigo.

Symbol: Small curved blade.

Metal: silver.

Planet: Moon.

Races: felines, and all who are children of darkness and shadow

Essence: (dark) magick, night, shadows, mystery -- that which is hidden or obscured from view.

Description: A petite, wiry felinoid whose short, soft fur is the color of deep shadow rippled with true black. Wears bracers of soft leather inscribed with designs. Minimal clothing, also of leather -- deep brown or black. Carries at least one small, curve-bladed knife. Sometimes appears covered head to foot in a soft black cloak. Moves gracefully, but in an almost threatening way -- like she is constantly stalking something and just about ready to pounce. Has a dark sexual allure and this is visible in the way she moves as well.

Gwidorian (gweh-DOHR-ree-ahn)

Click for Sigil

Title: Lord of the Wilding.

Gender: positive/generative masculine.

Element: Earth.

Direction: South.

Color(s): Brown, green, earthtones.

Symbol: Living Staff (wooden staff entwined with ivy).

Metal: Iron.

Planet: Earth.

Races: Therians, animal-kin, hybrids: centaurs, satyrs, etc.; all children of the woodlands, wilds, and earth.

Essence: vitality, sex, nature, all primal things.

Description: Variously a centaur, a stag-man, and a man-wolf. Ithyphallic (ie, he's hung and he's happy). Has a distinct Dionysian aspect, and I keep seeing him with a wreath of grapevines (complete with dangling bunches of grapes) in his hair. If he's wearing clothing, he wears a long, flowing cloak the reddish-brown color of both dried blood and rich earth. Beneath that, he wears a tunic of deep green (usually with his privates exposed).

Sephiriel (seh-FEER-ree-el)

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Title: Storm-Singer.

Gender: masculine androgyne.

Element: wind (air).

Direction: North.

Color(s): Light blue, gray, silver.

Symbol: writing quill or sword.

Metal: Quicksilver.

Planet: Jupiter (he says Mercury is not a planet)

Races: Celestials, angels, nephilim, children of air and winged ones.

Essence: thought, Will, judgment, the Word.

Description: Tall, thin, and sharp-faced with shoulder-length pale (gray?) hair. Wears either a loose-fitting tunic of grayish-white material or the tunic with a breastplate of some non-lustrous gray metal that is neither silver nor steel. Also wears bracers, greaves, and a thin circlet of the same strange metal. A little haughty and detached. Economical but swift movements.

Neride Eyooli (neh-REED ee-YOOL-ee)

Click for Sigil

Title: Lady of Waters.

Gender: positive/generative feminine.

Element: water.

Direction: East.

Color(s): blue, green, purple.

Symbol: scrying bowl or sphere.

Metal: Copper.

Planet: Venus.

Races: the wise dragons of the depths, nagas, undines, naiads, asrai, and all children of the tides.

Essence: healing, emotion, vision, flow.

Description: Long flowing hair with beads and shells tied to the strands. Kohled eyes. Wears nets or veils of many colors. Lots of jewelry. Moves fluidly, sensuously. She is also a dancer.

Illana (ehl-LAHN-nah)

Click for Sigil

Title: We of the Dreaming.

Gender: plural.

Element: dream/magick/glamour.

Direction: Within.

Color(s): all and none.

Symbol: sphere of crystal or a mirror.

Metal: glass/crystal.

Planet: The multiplicity of worlds.

Races: all, the many-souled.

Essence: glamoury, magick, Awakening.

Description: Veiled in iridescent, translucent colorless material that looks like it's been spun from rainbows and spiderwebs. Almost completely covered head to toe. All you can clearly see are her hands. Everything else keeps shifting -- and even this form is a compromise, for otherwise they keep cycling through a multiplicity of forms and faces almost too rapidly to see. The most uncanny and "other" of all the Avatars.


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The following is a list of the seven Avatars that manifested to me during pathworking on the Elven Star. Fenecai was the first to make contact, and true to his nature, he came on like a ton of bricks and was amazingly hard to ignore. Once I was certain I'd contacted something that was truly outside of me, I did further pathworkings to determine what directions the Avatars were connected with, their respective colors, metals, and other associations, and the qualities that defined them. All these are listed here, along with the sigils for each Avatar.

Fenecai (FEHN-nuh-kye)

Click for Sigil

Title: Lord of Fire.

Gender: dark/destructive masculine.

Element: Fire.

Direction: West.

Color(s): Red, orange, black.

Symbol: Rod of Kingship or pole-arm.

Metal: Brass

Planet: Mars

Races: the fierce dragons of the heights, phoenixes, stonewings, and sons of the forge.

Essence: destruction and renewal; cataclysmic change.

Appearance: Big, broad-shouldered Draconian warrior with outspread wings. Wears armor and carries a halberd-type weapon. Shifts occasionally to a phoenix of flame. Sometimes in his draconian form, his wings and talons trail fire. Moves ponderously but then lashes out in sudden, powerful strikes. An alternate form is the Forge Lord, a fierce dwarven warrior with flame-red hair and beard.

Elerian (ay-LAY-ree-ahn)

Click for Sigil

Title: Lord of the Shining Host.

Gender: feminine androgyne.

Element: Light.

Direction: Above.

Color(s): White, yellow, silver.

Symbol: Musical instrument (lyre or flute)

Metal: Platinum or gold.

Planet: Sun

Races: elves and all fey.

Essence: (positive) magick, beauty, creativity and song.

Description: Lithe and fine-boned elf with pale skin and long, reddish-blond hair. Wears a long, flowing robe that is an almost luminous white shot through with gold and silver thread. Wears a collar or torque of gold. Carries a lyre, lute, or flute. Dreamy, flowing movements -- exceptionally graceful.

Hss'tah Feliss (huss-TAH feh-LEESS)

Click for Sigil

Title: Huntress-Priestess.

Gender: dark/destructive feminine.

Element: Darkness.

Direction: Below.

Color(s): Gray, black, indigo.

Symbol: Small curved blade.

Metal: silver.

Planet: Moon.

Races: felines, and all who are children of darkness and shadow

Essence: (dark) magick, night, shadows, mystery -- that which is hidden or obscured from view.

Description: A petite, wiry felinoid whose short, soft fur is the color of deep shadow rippled with true black. Wears bracers of soft leather inscribed with designs. Minimal clothing, also of leather -- deep brown or black. Carries at least one small, curve-bladed knife. Sometimes appears covered head to foot in a soft black cloak. Moves gracefully, but in an almost threatening way -- like she is constantly stalking something and just about ready to pounce. Has a dark sexual allure and this is visible in the way she moves as well.

Gwidorian (gweh-DOHR-ree-ahn)

Click for Sigil

Title: Lord of the Wilding.

Gender: positive/generative masculine.

Element: Earth.

Direction: South.

Color(s): Brown, green, earthtones.

Symbol: Living Staff (wooden staff entwined with ivy).

Metal: Iron.

Planet: Earth.

Races: Therians, animal-kin, hybrids: centaurs, satyrs, etc.; all children of the woodlands, wilds, and earth.

Essence: vitality, sex, nature, all primal things.

Description: Variously a centaur, a stag-man, and a man-wolf. Ithyphallic (ie, he's hung and he's happy). Has a distinct Dionysian aspect, and I keep seeing him with a wreath of grapevines (complete with dangling bunches of grapes) in his hair. If he's wearing clothing, he wears a long, flowing cloak the reddish-brown color of both dried blood and rich earth. Beneath that, he wears a tunic of deep green (usually with his privates exposed).

Sephiriel (seh-FEER-ree-el)

Click for Sigil

Title: Storm-Singer.

Gender: masculine androgyne.

Element: wind (air).

Direction: North.

Color(s): Light blue, gray, silver.

Symbol: writing quill or sword.

Metal: Quicksilver.

Planet: Jupiter (he says Mercury is not a planet)

Races: Celestials, angels, nephilim, children of air and winged ones.

Essence: thought, Will, judgment, the Word.

Description: Tall, thin, and sharp-faced with shoulder-length pale (gray?) hair. Wears either a loose-fitting tunic of grayish-white material or the tunic with a breastplate of some non-lustrous gray metal that is neither silver nor steel. Also wears bracers, greaves, and a thin circlet of the same strange metal. A little haughty and detached. Economical but swift movements.

Neride Eyooli (neh-REED ee-YOOL-ee)

Click for Sigil

Title: Lady of Waters.

Gender: positive/generative feminine.

Element: water.

Direction: East.

Color(s): blue, green, purple.

Symbol: scrying bowl or sphere.

Metal: Copper.

Planet: Venus.

Races: the wise dragons of the depths, nagas, undines, naiads, asrai, and all children of the tides.

Essence: healing, emotion, vision, flow.

Description: Long flowing hair with beads and shells tied to the strands. Kohled eyes. Wears nets or veils of many colors. Lots of jewelry. Moves fluidly, sensuously. She is also a dancer.

Illana (ehl-LAHN-nah)

Click for Sigil

Title: We of the Dreaming.

Gender: plural.

Element: dream/magick/glamour.

Direction: Within.

Color(s): all and none.

Symbol: sphere of crystal or a mirror.

Metal: glass/crystal.

Planet: The multiplicity of worlds.

Races: all, the many-souled.

Essence: glamoury, magick, Awakening.

Description: Veiled in iridescent, translucent colorless material that looks like it's been spun from rainbows and spiderwebs. Almost completely covered head to toe. All you can clearly see are her hands. Everything else keeps shifting -- and even this form is a compromise, for otherwise they keep cycling through a multiplicity of forms and faces almost too rapidly to see. The most uncanny and "other" of all the Avatars.



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