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Women and Relationships

15:24 Apr 06 2006
Times Read: 681

What is the deal with most women these days? i say most because I know I am not like most guys and I hate when people generalise and include me in the 80% of jerkoffs out there.


Why do you feel the need to play messed up headgames with guys that would never hurt you, never lie to you, never cheat on you, will always be there for you and put you first? What really kills me is I read that post in the forum about "What women really want in a man" I had a real good laugh at that, what a bunch of BS I read in there, all the females were saying they want a man who will be faithfull, and careing, romantic and understanding. BULLSHIT!!!!!! Maybe thats what you think you want but in reality you go after the bad boy, the ones that are assholes and treat you like shit.

Please once again remember I am not talking about all women so please don't send me pissed off PMs saying how you are not like that bluh bluh bluh, if you really truly are not like that good for you, fight the norm, I am on your side all the way.

ok on with the rant


Most if not all of my ex's lacked comunication skills. I am not saying they were stupid or I could not talk to them, but when there is a problem they would never tell me. Don't leave it in and let things build and build until you snap, throw shit at us and threaten to call the cops and have us dragged out of the house if we don't leave. Oh out of the house thats leased in our name.

Leading Us On:

Why, oh gawd please someone tell me why you like to lead us on? Why do you tell us how amazing we are, how sexy we are, how much you would love nothing more than be with us and than say but I don't want to be in a realtionship? If we are so special and amazing why not? Why do you say it and push us away in the same convo.? to put the icing on the cake you do it knowing damn well that we have have already fallen in love with you. Do you like to see us hurt? Is it a game to you? True people like me tend to fall in love quickly, being a hopeless romantic sometimes can can cause oneself alot of pain and heartache, but that does not give you an excuse to treat us like shit and walk all over us.

What do I base this on?? MY LIFE

I am one of those "nice" guys, when I am with someone and I give them my heart they are my world I would die for them if I had to. Where does being like that get me? NO WHERE. It leaves me alone. So where are all these women who say they want a guy like me? In shitty loveless relationships they are to scared to get out of, or alone and trusting no guy, closed off emotionally.

Sometimes people asume that because I act goofy at times and yes somewhat childish at other times that I am stupid.


I am very well read in many subjects, I have traveled alot, I have studied world religions and world cultures. I love the arts in all forms, I have a deep understanding of many subjects that would blow most people away. True my spelling sucks but that does not make me stupid. I say this so you the reader don't think I am just some shithead who has no idea what I am talking about.

In conclusion let me say that even tho I just got my heart ripped out by my now ex wife and very recently got blown off by someone I cared very deeply about I am not as bitter as the rant would suggest. IT'S A RANT, I decided to do these to help myself and maybe gain some understanding from many of the fine VR members. So if you have any answers please feel free to PM me anytime. Life is about learning, and I have a hunger to learn what I don't understand.

The End

Thank you for your time

^Nite Panther^





05:57 Apr 04 2006
Times Read: 712

alright I have decided it is time to use this space for much more than just Quizzes and Poems I have found and was touched by........ So I offer you

"The Kitty Rants."

Part One:AGE

Why is it that people never check the age of other people before they start to flirt with them with PM's? Maybe there are people out there in the sick world of today around my age that would love to get that kind of attention, more power to you (SICKO), but NOT this Kitty. Sure if we chat and we get along good age really means nothing for a friendship, flirt all you want for fun than. I don't mind being there for someone who needs to vent or ask my opinion or some help on/with just about anything, but please I have my Bday on my pro for a reason. If you wanna msg me and chat and you are under the age of 21 be my guest, friends are great, and yes once we have a friendship I will flirt I can't help it, it's just me, BUT there is a difference than, we have a friendship, we know where we stand (well atleast I'll know where I stand, if you decide to NOT accept that well maybe you need to let me know, it's called COMMUNICATION) and it's all in good clean fun than. But why oh why do some feel the need to send me a PM flirtting and acting like we are a couple when YOU ARE 14???

Now I ask you is this opinion just mine?? Do you agree or disagree?

So in closeing PM please I don't mind, ask the few friends I have made since being here I am a nice guy, and I really do care and worry about my friends, BUT if you are under 21 DO NOT start with flirtting, it will get you no where and I will end up loseing respect for you.

Thank You



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