I am at work right now, writing journals instead of working or doing my homework. Nothing new though, feeling kind of lazy recently. I think I have more than enough reason to be feeling lazy though. I have (once today is over) worked 35 days in a row with no breaks. I put in my two weeks notice at one job on August 17th, it is now 35 days past that and I am still working there as well as my new job. Old job is 8 hours a day, 4 days a week. New job is 12 or 14 hours a day (Fri is 12, Sat and Sun are 14) 3 days a week. Thats 72 hours a week of working for "The Man" and then I am taking full time classes as well as running my small business. How I find time for sleep, not sure, but somehow I am still alive.
Yeah, definately think I should allow myself some time to just sit and type out random junk. Hopefully I will get a day off soon, but if these idiots keep not showing up for training - it may never happen. I NEED A BREAK!