I hide in plain sight
You never notice me
I'm quiet, still and common
My looks do not draw you to me.
I'm friendly only if I know you already.
To strangers I seem cold and mean.
I sometimes feel I'm heartless
When I fail to react as others are seen
To the daily tragedies that are reported.
But I don't seem able to get torn up
I hate that people get hurt or killed
Be they children or adults.
But if I cannot stop, change or fix it
Why am I expected to cry and scream?
15:13 Nov 06 2008
I feel the same...
16:02 Nov 06 2008
wow that's really deep hun.
19:30 Nov 06 2008
But I don't thik you are cold and mean and you could never be heartless. Most of your emotions are those that can be found as Dispatchers, Police, FF and EMT's. We don't react the same as others. That makes us seem cold and heartless, as we can stave off our panic, our concern, our tears, until what we need to do is done.
I love you sis. So Far, its wonderful.
19:00 Nov 26 2008
Ade XX
23:11 Feb 15 2009
19:41 May 07 2009
Really good, I like it.