Stunned I look up from the floor
Blood runs from my bruised lip
Pain radiates across my face
Anger makes me shake
Bravery forces me to my feet
Fear makes my stomach churn
Shock makes me want to cry
Love makes me want to deny
Disgust makes me despise
You were one I looked up to
One of my blood and of my love
Now my trust is shattered
Gone forever, never to return
When you come close I fight myself
Because I want to cower away
You hurt me once but never again.
I won’t accept it next time, I swear.
The ones to be protected are long gone
And it’s down to you and I.
If you strike me again, I hit back this time
I’m just not sure if I want you to die
So don’t make me decide, I’m warning you
Take your violence somewhere else
It’s not welcome with me, it never was
But now there’s nothing to insulate you.
I scream into the darkness for blessed release
Not for pleasure and not for peace
I plead with the creator
For an end to this pain
I want to have light ended
Forever from this day.
Leave me in the dark
Where the light Never shines,
Where it’s quiet and lonely
Where I can safely hide.
I’ll cloak myself in shadows
Of the darkness, so dear
That you’ll never even notice
If I pass by you, quite near
Until like the shadows that cloak me,
A shadow, I become
To drift along in the darkness,
But never quite alone.