You call my name
But you don't know me.
You look at me
But you don't see me.
You read my writings
But you don't understand me.
You listen to my songs
But you don't hear me.
You see my darkness
But you don't know why.
You see me fight to survive
But you do not help me.
I died alone
But you will not miss me.
Dark of Hair, Pale skin,
Bluest of eyes
Hands like claws
that hold me close
as I give my blood to you.
The faster I run, the closer it comes
My feet pounding out my fear
When I look it's always gaining on me
as I try to elude it's reach.
It's all over if it catches me
No more night to enjoy
Is it possible to ever run fast enough
to escape dawn's coming light.
Expand this more. That seems to be your problem with your poetry. You leave it raw and unfinished. Add more imagery. Show us what you are seeing as you write. Describe everything in detail, then read it out loud to see if it flows. Just keep editing and revising everything you do until you reach a finished piece that sounds beautiful.