When I did evocations I found a couple of spirits particularly
helpful. Once interesting one was Vassago. I originally called him
because I could not find my photo id when I was in another country.
I gave him 7 days, and I found it on day 4 in my backpack that I had
looked through several times. I don't know if it has had anything to
do with Vassago or not, but since then I have lost 4 or 5 different
important items, each time as a joke to my friends I say "well I
better give Vassago a call", and the object would turn up very soon
after. Of course I never meant it, I would only do an evocation if
it was actually important, and most material possesions aren't THAT
important to me. My friends have found this humourus that whenever I
mention his name the object is found almost immediatly lol.
Well today my s/o found out he had lost his cel phone. He called the
restaurant he was at where he figured he had lost it, and they said
that none had been turned in. For some reason he was really stressed
about this (can anyone say cel phone security blanket ) It was
making my day miserable, might have cost us $100 for a new one and
new chip, and he might have put off his trip to seattle (I have
really been looking forward to the time alone this weekend.
When I was reading through the "it only took 2 days" posts I realized
that perhaps for less important matters maybe things can be done even
I decided I would call Vassago and give it a try. I have called him
several times before, so when I couldn't find his metal seal I made,
I went ahead and did it anyway. I cast a circle, honoured the 4
directions and invoked my HGA. This was right in the middle of a
workday so I was doing a shorter version. I used an abramelin square
to determine things past, since he lost it last night (ever noticed
how the abramelin squares don't cover all that much in the modern
world) and had a vision of 2 people looking at it and playing with
it. I figured they had stolen it.
I called upon Vassago next. When I felt his presence I told him to
have my s/o's cel phone found within 2 hours (the reason 2 hours is
because we would have had to go out then and get a new one before the
stores closed, for my s/o's trip out of town). Not the exact
wording, but basically I had to know where it was by then. I thought
about people turning it in back at the restaurant, or it bieng in the
house somewhere. I offered Vassago a good reward. He agreed, and
said something that confused me, he wanted me to stay in the house
for the rest of the day as part of the agreement, I said no, he
seemed to really want this so I said I might try but I will go out if
I wish. Still confused about this bit. I thanked him, gave him the
licence to depart, thanked by angel and closed the circle.
I told my s/o it had been done hoping to jog his subconscious to help
a bit. I was a little skeptical since the time limit was very short,
but forced myself to think positively about it. I figured that
getting a cel phone found wasn't nearly as important as getting a
husband back, so 2 hours should be enough :>
After exactly 2 hours I phoned the restaurant that my s/o had called
earlier, and they had it :) So it worked, and luckly Vassago didn't
tear me a new one for calling him on such a trivial matter.
To sum it up, apparently the more you call a certain entity, the more
things work out with them.
Skrying and evocation are a large part of working Enochian in my opinion. Fortunately I have never met, or heard of, anyone who has suffered ill effects from evoking Enochian entities. So relax :) The Enochian entities for the most part are pretty benevolent. The cacodemons are another story altogether. However, I have found the cacodemons even more malevolent and more difficult to work with than the Geotic spirits for example. I do not recommend working with the cacodemons unless you have worked extensively with the Enochian system as well as with goetic spirits. Also, a solid knowledge of your darker aspects is essential when working with this type of entity. A good knowledge of magickal technique, meditation, ritual and the Enochian system is advisable before the practitioner ventures into working with any entities. Once can easily start with the skrying of the letters and symbols to start while they are learning the system. John Dee and Edward Kelly did not use a protective circle and triangle for example, they placed the skrying implement on the table top and recited the various prayers to god.
The Enochian angels tend to appear when called, answer the questions asked of them, and leave when asked. Keep in mind however, when you are skrying, just because you think an entity is gone, doesn’t necessarily mean it is. Make sure that you continue the operation until the end including the necessary banishings and license to depart if these are used in your system. During the skrying session I have found that the EE’s tend to get annoyed or evasive when asked obvious questions that they believe we already know the answers to, or that can be found easily in a book. I have done may skrying sessions where I become at a loss of what to ask, as all my questions suddenly seem stupid or irrelevant. The angels seem to enjoy pointing out the fact that I already know the answer! I have found that the more specific my questions are, the more of an explanation I tend to get. The more vague the question, the more vague the answer. Also, if you ask the EE’s a question that does not correspond to their domain, they may answer it, however it is more likely that they will refer you to the angel that rules over that particular area or ignore you.
Evocation is one of the most important aspects of the system. I believe that skrying can be learned early on with basic practices and a well grounded knowledge. However, when one first starts on the Enochian path, they should keep the skrying practice to once a week at the most as to not over exert themselves and to not over encumber their psyche. If you start to feel drained, overworked, not yourself, fuzzy headed or unstable, you should reduce the frequency of your skrying sessions and concentrate on grounding. Also, when you first start to practice skrying make sure that you perform a banishing or license to depart when you are done. The most important aspect for the beginning mage (first few years) is that in your mind there must be a clear distinction between day to day life and the rituals that you perform. If you find the feeling of the entity still with you after a working, or visions that persist after the working, go back into the temple and banish as well as give the license to depart again, until this no longer occurs. It may seem interesting or enjoyable to have continued Enochian visions, however it is useless in day to day life and can start to interfere if left unchecked. Also, if you start to have obsessive thoughts about a particular Enochian entity that you have worked with, it is time for a good banishing and some inner work to discover where this imbalance within yourself lies. If we are in harmony and balance an entity cannot harm or bother us.
The best way to practice skrying is to skry the Enochian letters first. The Enochian letters can easily be skryed by looking at the letter, building a visual image of it in your mind, then projecting the letter into your skrying device. Sitting in a relaxed receptive state and waiting for impressions or images also works extremely well. This practice should produce different images than the ones that you may have gained from just connecting with and contemplating the letters. In this case you are more likely to see entities, or a landscape, or visual images that represent the character of the letter. These images will also become more intense than the previous exercise.
After you have become comfortable with the whole practice of skrying and have skryed each of the
Enochian letters, skrying of the angelic and lesser angels on the tablets can be done. If you are brand new to magick, this should be after at least one year of practice and extensive reading. It is best to start with one entity and work with them for awhile until you become very familiar with them. They will also often give you information on how to enhance your skrying ability. The more that you ‘get to know’ an entity the better you will be able to understand them during skrying, and the more information that they will be willing to give you. I find that entities seldom teach you anything of much value during the first skrying session compared to what they will share after many sessions. However as you build up a connection with any particular entity, as well as show that you are dedicated, you will start to receive more and more information, as well as the quality of the information improving.
When performing Enochian evocation, you can work with a hierarchical structure, for example, if you were to call upon Aaetpio, the senior of Mars on the Earth tablet, you would call upon Aaetpio under the names of Oip Teaa and Pdoce; or you can just call the specific being in question that you wish to work with. Look at the diagram below to see where these names are on the great table.
If you were calling upon Dopa, who is one of the lesser angels in the water quarter on the earth tablet, you would call upon Dopa under the names of: Adopa, Oloag, Noalmr, and Oip, Teaa and Pdoce. In the second example, just the name of Adopa could also be used. This can be done by reciting the corresponding prayer that Dee wrote, or the one that you have written and included in your book.
For evocation it is extremely helpful to use the Enochian keys. Whether the keys were to be used with these entities is not known for sure, however, they have been shown to work very effectively in this type of working. I have also found the calls to work quite well when evoking entities from other magickal systems such as the goetia. I have found evocations in both cases to work far better when I implement the Enochian calls. The first and second call are to be always used in every Enochian evocation. These calls are related to the spiritual realm and sort of open the gate in my opinion. The second key must always be used with the first as they compliment each other and complete their energy current. After the first two keys are used, the practitioner can either go on with the corresponding prayer, or use the corresponding Enochian call before the prayer. The call would be chosen by it's elemental correspondences. The 16 remaining calls (after the first 2) easily correspond with the four elements and sub elements. As stated earlier which call is used when is not easily laid out, this can be decided intuitively or logically depending on your preference.
Reciting three calls in Enochian and a prayer may take awhile, however the calls, prayers and rituals work together to set up the energy necessary for the working. I have found that the calls and rituals start to build and put together the temple on a magickal level piece by piece. One analogy that explains this very well for myself as well as others that I have worked with is: Enochian evocation is sort of like flying an airplane, the pilot (main operator) is sitting in the cockpit flicking all of the switches and setting everything just right for takeoff. When each call is said, each conjuration spoken, and each symbol visualized it sets up the area of working just right for that particular operation. At the end of the last call or prayer, there is a sudden feeling as though the last switch has been put into the on position and everything is ready.
John Dee wrote several prayers for evocation of the EE's for use during his 19 day working, or conjurations in general. These prayers are very effective in calling forth the entities desired. John Dee’s prayers can be recited in the original Latin, or in the English translation, or perhaps even translated into Enochian. The English translations of the prayers are not perfectly accurate, but are pretty good. The available sources for the translated versions of these prayers can be found in James’ Enochian Evocation, Turner’s Elizabethan Magick, or on the Esoteric Archives CD. The most important part is to do the prayers with feeling, as they say “enflame yourself in prayer”. I have also found that prayers which are written by the magickian themselves are even more effective then those recited from Dee . I have also experimented with using the evocations in the lesser key of Solomon for use with Enochian evocation, and have experienced good results. When using the evocations found in the keys of Solomon I have changed the words so that I am not commanding the spirits as is done with demonic forces. There are also many good evocations listed in the greater key of Solomon that were used with angelic entities that could work quite well. Also, some modern magickians have written out goetic style evocations in Enochian that also work very well with summoning the EE's. The primary example of this being in the back of Crowley ’s edition of The Goetia. Concerning prayers with Enochian work, as long as one does not diverge too far from the basics and what has proven to work over the years, success will be obtained. I have found that the EE's, even though very unorthodox in many of their outlooks do tend to prefer proper ritual and prayers or evocations.
The appropriate skrying implements have been mentioned in the last chapter which outlined temple setup. The main rule of thumb is to use the skrying device that works best for you, as well as allows you to open up your inner seeing. The skrying device does not have power within itself; it is a tool that allows the magickian to open up their natural abilities. This skrying device is the object in which the conscious mind focuses upon. It is not within the crystal ball that the magickian sees the spirit, it is more of a tool for the subconscious to see beyond this world. The ball or mirror acts as a portal to allow us to see beyond our day to day ‘reality’. One mistake that can be made by the magi is to believe that the spirit is actually inside the skrying device. This is not possible, since you would not be using a method that would trap or confine a spirit to the crystal. The device is for the magickian, not the spirit. The entities from other planes, I believe, have much less trouble contacting us, it is us that has difficulty seeing past our physical reality. The temple setup, conjurations and invocations are what brings the spirit, not the magick mirror.
The more practice that is done with evocation and skrying the better one will become. I have found that after many years of practice the results of skrying and evocation can increase substantially as one ascends spiritually and increases their connection with the Enochian system. The skrying experience can start as a mild impression and work up to an experience that is unforgettable. Meditation is a necessary practice to become proficient at skrying. The meditation brings uo beyond this state, and beyond our ego. When we are busy thinking, we are not open to experience new things or other realities. Don't worry if you cannot meditate for a long period of time, as you will still achieve results. Also, as with anything else, the more that you meditate the better you will get at it. The important factor when skrying is to be able to let go, of yourself, everything around you, and your concept of reality for a short period of time. You are to acheive an altered state. If dancing,
drumming, sex or hypnosis works for you, then these tools should also be used. When performing an evocation ritual it is important to not have any preconceptions of how it will go or what will happen. Any preconceptions that you bring into the operation will hinder you in seeing properly. Preconceptions can also limit a working, if for example you perceive that the being will talk to you through your thoughts, then you might not here the quiet voice behind you. Another example is if you expect to see an entity in the crystal, you might be limiting the operation to just that, when in fact you might have had a partial physical manifestation. This is yet another reason why meditation is important, you need a blank mind that is not full of constant chatter during the operation. If you are worried about whether it will or will not work, or are thinking about mundane life, this will interfere greatly with anything that you could see.
Also, it is important to note that when you skry, it is not (well for most people) like watching TV or a movie. Many people when they begin skrying expect some spectacular vision that will utterly blow them away. Skrying is much more subtle than that. However, when you are more proficient at it, the visions can come to be more real and vivid than the reality that we are used to! (this being one of the many reasons why it is important to separate ritual from day to day life) Most people, when they skry see the image in their minds eye, or just ‘know’ what the image is, as aposed to actually seeing a landscape in the crystal. Other people will just ‘hear’ the voices of the angels with their inner ear.
There are many times during skrying that my partner or I have experienced an entity so strongly that we have never forgotten it, and have even gone so far as to question the reality in which we perceive when we are not skrying! This is one of the reasons that banishing and grounding are very important! Not all skrying sessions are like the
one just explained, however they can be. Don’t get discouraged if your skrying does not come out like this, it took me ten years to reach this point. I started out getting nothing, then after a couple of months I got some impressions. Unfortunately I discounted these impressions because I thought I was supposed to see something with my eyes. After another couple of months my impressions got stronger, and I started to have an idea of what the entities were trying to communicate with me. Most people tend to give up at this point. Fortunately for me I am very persistent and kept skrying. Eventually I got to the point where I was able to perceive beautiful landscapes, beings of all types, as well as clear messages that were being communicated to me by the entities. Unfortunately it took years before I was able to stop doubting every skrying session! I would always wonder if it was ‘real’ or not, if I was accurate or just deluded, and if the entity was just lying to me. There are so many stories on people being duped by entities, or deluded by their own minds, that I was overly cautious about believing my experiences. Unfortunately most of the people I have talked to that are learning to skry have these very same barriers.
Whether your skrying session is just your imagination, if you have called the right spirit, and if the spirit is telling the truth are the most difficult aspects of skrying. (and you thought just seeing the damn
spirit was the hard bit!). It is this questioning, doubt and seeing what we want to see that holds most practitioners back. The advice I have been giving to everyone over the years pertaining to skrying is to use my ‘great magickian rule’. It works nearly every time for nearly every person! This rule goes as follows: when performing an evocation think to yourself “I am a great magickian and my skrying sessions are accurate”. This may seem silly, however someone skrying several times and doubting all their results is just as silly, and amazingly enough most people do it. The ‘great magickian rule’ should be used for the first few months or the first 20 or so times of skrying. If however you have been skrying for years, I recommend that you use this rule for your next 20 skrying sessions. It is extremely important that when you are using this rule to NOT go and take any advice given by the entities until you are more practiced at skrying, or have analyzed the results at the end of the 20 sessions. The rule is to help us trust our intuition, not to blindly follow entities advice. So, when following this rule, know that your skrying session worked out great, and that you should write down every detail of it, no matter how silly it sounds. Oftentimes when we are skrying we view some of the results as silly or made up and don’t write them down, unfortunately that is our ego trying to thwart us, and most often these are the most profound insights when looked at afterwards. You can put the entries in a password protected file if you have to, but record as many details as you can remember. Make sure to make your diary entries during the skrying session or as soon after the working as possible, since important details seem to rapidly fade. I fill out my skrying diary after I have given the spirit the license to depart, but before I end the working. I also sometimes will fill out the entities answers in the middle of the skrying when I feel good at multitasking.
After following this ‘great magickian rule’ for awhile, be sure to check back on your diary notes no sooner than a week or two after the session. This gives you time to become objective about the working. As you look back over your notes, the skrying sessions will tend to come back into your memory quite vividly. At this time, you can usually tell if it was a particularly successful working. I have found that most people who are new to skrying cannot tell if their skrying session was accurate during the skrying session or right afterwards. This also thwarts many experienced practitioners. It seems to take some time for us to step out of the situation to see it objectively. One example of this phenomenon is is to think of a time when all of your friends could clearly see a solution for a certain problem you were having, but you could not. However afterwards when you look back at the situation everything seemed obvious. When we are caught up in something, we have a difficult time seeing around it. With skrying, after we completely trust our impressions for several sessions, we start to get a feel for which ones are successful, and which ones were more of our overactive imagination.
When people don’t trust themselves and their impressions, when they first start skrying, they tend not to write down important details that seem incorrect or even silly, or even worse, not make a diary entry at all. For example what seemed irrelevant to me in some of my early skrying sessions became amazing years later when I learned about Gematria! There are always the warnings about deluded magickians, spirits lying, overactive imagination as well as the wrong spirit appearing to trick the magickian. I have seen far more cases of magickians not believing in their skrying ability than any instance of the above! There are many reasons that we doubt our skrying abilities. The primary reason for this is the fact that in our society, magick and skrying aren’t real. We are taught that only ‘insane’ people see spirits. We are also taught that these practices are evil. It takes the magickian some time to get over the societal conditioning that we are brought up with since childhood. Also, we don’t have much to compare our experiences with to deem if they are accurate or not. Every individual will have a slightly different vision of the same Enochian aethyre for example. When we are in school and are learning math, the teacher will come along and correct our paper, and we have a solid bases on how to grade ourselves and where to improve. In magick however, most of us, do not have a teacher who can watch our skrying process and offer advice and corrections. Also, if I corrected you on your vision because it differed greatly from mine, that would be ridiculous since your psyche puts different images onto perceptions than mine does. When we don’t have feedback during a learning process we often tend to get discouraged and think we are not
doing it right. This is the reason that I have offered the ‘great magickian’ rule. This allows the practitioner to have at least 20 unaltered experiences that they can use as a reference base to compare their skrying sessions with.
Alongside trusting your visions, you should also keep
When someone skrys on a regular basis, it should not be overdone. In my opinion skrying should not be done more than a couple of times per week when asking for information, unless you have been doing it for many years successfully, and in this case no more than once per month when sending an entity out on a task. This advice is for new skryers. When you have gained a little more experience you will be able to judge for yourself what you, and your psyche will be able to handle. If you do decide to send the Enochian entities out on specific tasks for yourself, be sure not to have more than you can handle out at one time. If you have done five different workings in the last few months, and they are still in the works, your energy very well might get depleted due to the overtaxing of keeping up with the entities. Also, our magick is split when we have several things going at once. It is true that the entity is making the magick happen, but it is us who is subconsciously guiding the entity and the magick.
One quality that I have noticed when skrying is that you naturally become more spiritually connected, and become more spiritually heightened as side effects. If this is done too quickly the magickian can suffer, therefore keep in mind that there is no rush and to take your work slowly. When skrying on a regular basis, it is important to draw a very clear line between the skrying experiences and our everyday reality. As we live in this reality, it is important to be able to maintain it to survive. The difference between an insane person and a Shaman is the fact that the Shaman is able to control when the visions come. If you start to see the visions and entities coming into your everyday life when not invited or expected it is either time to banish more, or to slow down a little! In Dee 's prayers, it specifically states that the spirits will be obedient unto you, come when called, and also importantly will leave when required.
The most difficult, yet most rewarding aspect of skrying is the information that can be gathered from the EE's. For example one can be given rituals for specific spiritual development, for something that is desired in life, or perhaps information about alchemy or science. Since many of us today do a lot of solitary work and do not have teachers, skrying is an excellent way to get magickal teaching. Keep in mind when working with these spirits, that every teacher in not infallible, and we all have our issues and biases, this includes the EE’s even. The EE’s may have a greater understanding than a human teacher, however they may also lack an understanding of the world that we have to live in. When asking for teachings from the EE’s (or any spirit for that matter) be sure to use common sense when analyzing what information you have been given. Just because an angel of god tells me to jump off a bridge does not mean that it is any more reasonable of a request than if another human told me.
However, to obtain this information, the right questions must be asked. One good rule is to not ask something just to see if it works, or something that you already know. You would not believe how many times we have had spirits say "you already know the answer to that". Also, when calling upon the EE's, or any spirit for that matter, it is good to test all information given. Just because they are apparently more evolved than us, does not mean they are on the same path, or infallible. Also, they do have a difficult time comprehending our world. Do not take any advice that seems dangerous or ridiculous. However, be ready to step out of your paradigm about how things work. These entities have been around far longer than we have, and can have great insights if we are willing to listen. Quite often we get to stuck up in our way, or our favorite authors way of doing things, and miss a lot of important or enlightening information because we are too stuck to listen.
When you are trying to come up with questions for an EE, keep in mind their natural correspondences, powers and correlations. It would not make sense for example to ask a water entity questions that involve using fire in magick. The closer that you stick with the entities knowledge base, the more information that you will be able to attain. To come up with questions, think about what is it that you have always wanted to know about magick, science, the universe, etc. and cannot find in a book. There is only a small portion of magickal teaching that can be found in books. Most of the advanced techniques in my opinion are more personalized, and are not something that can be written. However, skrying of the EE's can give you this kind of information. Most of the entities are more than happy to teach humans, and wish to help us evolve. (they seem to find us kind of slow). When asking a question of them, ask with respect. There is no reason to treat them badly or boss them around. Also, you tend to piss them off less, and have them more amiable when you treat them well, as with any person.
The more specific the question, the more specific of an answer you will receive. Also, think about what you are asking, how would you answer it? For example I have asked questions such as “what are the basics of alchemy”. Well it seemed like a good question at the time, until the entity asked me how long I planned to stay and listen to the answer, then told me to go read some books! If I had asked what does alchemical lead correspond to I might have received an actual answer since this is a more direct question. Some of the questions that have worked well for me are: What are some exercises that I can do to improve my psychic ability? What are some better methods for evocation or skrying that would make you appear stronger? What are your correspondences and what do you rule over? What are some future advances in science? How do you view science? How can one merge science and magick? What is the most effective method for traveling the 30 aethyres? and so on. Be sure to look back over your notes every few months as the answers are easily forgotten, even when they seem extremely vivid and unforgettable.
When you call upon an EE, they can be tested in the same ways as other entities. Especially when you first start, all the entities that you evoke should be tested to make sure they are really who you have called up. It is possible that another spirit could appear posing as the entity that you have called. There are several ways to test the entity. You can ask who rules over them, you can ask them their powers and attributes, you can ask them for their numerological correspondences, or you can go by their appearance. The best method, of course, is to work with an entity for a long time and build a relationship and recognition with them. I have also noticed that the longer that you work with one particular entity, the more information that they are willing to give you.
Many of the grimoires available today have a complete description of what each spirit looks like. For the most part Enochian is missing this aspect. One reason for this is that each person perceives the EE's quite differently. The attributes, such as the elements and correspondences are perceived the same, however each person will put a different face to the entities attributions. Quite often seers will perceive the EE's as Dee and Kelly saw them, however there are only descriptions for a very few of the EE's. Also, Dee and Kelly lived in a different time period than we do today where people dressed quite differently. The visions that Kelly had of the EE's reflected the dress of this time period. Due to this it is possible that people today would see the Entities clothed in more modern wear. Also, the
EE's are manifestations of the divine, and therefore do not really have a specific form. It is our subconscious that puts a figure to the energy form that we are perceiving from another realm. We do this to help comprehend these divine beings. If we just related to them as different forms of energy we would not be able to relate to them as well, describe them to others, or correlate them with our own experiences.
Incense is important in evocation. Incense is used to help bring about a change in consciousness. Incense triggers altered states for several reasons, one of them being the fact that it is part of the elaborate setup for the operation and therefore our brain associates the smell of incense with that of a magickal operation. The other reason is that certain smells trigger our psyche on a subconscious level correlating with different elements or planets. When we use incense in our rituals we usually tend to use the appropriate blend that corresponds with the rite to be performed. For example if we are doing a lunar rite, we might burn some jasmine, which will effect our subconscious and open us up more readily to the lunar forces that are necessary for the working. Incense can also be used to attract the spirit to the area of working. A corresponding incense can be used to help replicate the entities own world, or Dittany of Crete can be used as a thick billowing incense for the entity to manifest into. Also, we carry manifestation incense in particular that I have found to really help with evocation.
Evocation step by step
1. Decide on the EE to be called
2. Decide on the questions to be asked
2.5 Construct the appropriate sigil for the entity to be called
3. Set up the temple with tools, incense and materials that correspond with the entity called
4. Decide on the opening rituals and prayers for the ceremony
5. Take a ritual bath or shower
6. Light the candles and set up the sigil dei aemeth with the skrying device
7. Meditate or do the four fold breath
8. Do your opening ritual
9. Do a planetary invocation
10. Do a planetary invocation if relevant
11. Do the appropriate calls
12. Do the appropriate prayers
13. Place the sigil of the entity around your neck or the neck of the skryer if two people are present
14. Gaze into the skrying device
15. Wait for any images or impressions to come about.
16. Perform your closing ritual.
There were several rumors and allegations about Edward Kelly performing necromancy. Having the dead help with him finding buried alchemical potions and the like. No such information ever made it into the diaries, so you will never know for sure... Pretty cool paining though :) I have finally returned to working on this page after a long delay. Necromancy is always a touchy subject. It is difficult to decide how much, and how much not to put. I used to believe that all information should be freely open for all. That was back before I received any decent secret teachings that are not common knowledge and are quite dangerous. After working with some of these techniques, I agree that some information just should not be put on webpages. People say necromancy is dangerous, well for once I will actually agree (I still disagree about Enochian for the most part).
There are several items, products and books that one should get ahold of before they start with necromancy. My first suggestion is to read Maya Daren's Divine Horsemen book as well as a couple of good websites on Vodou. Santaria is also a good place to look for information on ancestor work. Get yourself a bottle or 2 of Florida water, any brand will do, but the L&K is my fave (aside from my homemade of course). Start with ancestor work. There is not that much that needs to be purchased for this sort of work (they do enjoy rum though), but regular work is essential. You do not set up an ancestor alter then go and forget about it later.
Spiritual baths are ESSENTIAL to this path! If anyone tells you otherwise ask how much necromancy they really do and look at their health! You can make your own if you find some good recipes :) Or you can purchase mine, either way. If you do want one, just email me and tell me that you are doing this sort of work and need my necromancy work bath mixture. I recommend getting $20 worth to start, which is good for about 10 baths I think. If ordering baths from an online store is not your thing, at the very least have a salt water and Florida water bath before and after any necromancy work. I also sell smoking ghost powder, which, when thrown burned will help you to see the shade. I also carry deads manifesting incense. This is for the more experienced people to use as it works quite well. I also of course carry human bone necklaces and graveyard dirt for the aspiring necromancer.
Please be careful with this stuff! Have you ever run into a dead when you were a kid and been scared out of your wits? How about felt a dead nearby that you knew was a murder in life? Not to say they all feel creepy and scary (there are several wonderful deads to work with) but they are out there. Why all the warning? I run into too many folks who do not take this seriously. Folks who read D&D books or websites about necromancy and want to jump into it head first. To be expected I guess, the question I still get asked the most by newbies is: "how do I evoke a demon".
I don't recommend learning necromancy off the web, or from most books really. Even this site. I haven't included nearly enough info for someone to successfully practice. Also, I will not be around to bail you out when you find you can't get out of bed for 2 weeks for some reason. If you really are interested in the art, and naturally drawn to it, search out and find a teacher (don't email me please, I am inundated by them already :P). Or go walk through a graveyard in the middle of the night (without talking to any deads or stopping at graves till you are more experienced) and see how it goes, see if you really are drawn to this sort of work.
I at one point was given a bucket of graveyard dirt from a Jewish cemetery where many holocaust victims had been shipped over to be buried there. The groundskeeper had given it to me to plant my flowers in. He was quite nice, would lend me his shovel anytime I needed etc. LOL. Well I took the bucket of dirt home. I had asked permission from the deads discretely during the process (when he suddenly had to go off and find a bucket) and they were all for it. I put the bucket in a corner in my livingroom meaning to get to it later and forgot about it for some time. Well I routinely do magic in my apartment, burn incense, put out offerings etc. and many other things that help a dead to grow in strength. I am known for not fearing anything (go figure) and most things don't disturb me. However the next two months were quite interesting... The dreams, or I should say nightmares started. I usually only get a nightmare once every six months or so unless someone is actively working against me. Well these nightmares were nightly. I would also wake up shuddering and not know why. My strength lessened over the 2 months as well and I was sleeping most of the day. At night I would always see several entities that did not seem friendly. The regular banishings did not work (their dirt was in my house). It began to get quite disturbing. I eventually started to get very depressing thoughts even though I had not suffered from depression in 8 yrs (and that was after my mothers death) so this was quite odd. I worked through it all best I could still not realizing the source. I kept up my daily practice, increased my cleansing baths and sprinkled my temple wash (a mixture that I make that guarantees to get rid of deads) around. It still didn't work (the dirt was *still* in my house).
The final straw was when one night I felt a VERY strong entity trying to possess me. Fortunately I have been practicing magic for a number of years and do a lot of will exercises. However I nearly lost. It did not have good intentions. I had a 7 day novena currently going for a very powerful protective entity and that was nearly flung across the room, it was odd, it moved back and forth physically (knocking loudly on the stone table) then finally settled down as the flame flared up. The salt and other ingredients that I put around the room got rid of the spirit from me, but I could still feel their presence (that damn dirt was STILL in my livingroom). When I finally went to sleep that evening (I'm pretty sure I waited until sunrise LOL) I asked a local crew of invisibles I work with to let me know what the problem is as this was all very much confusing me. I awoke in the middle of the night with the strong vision of the bucket of dirt and just "knew" that that was it. Well that day I disposed of it properly in water and really gave the apartment a good cleansing! It did take a month to get my energy and luck back up, however the severe depression was gone almost immediately.
It's not like this sort of thing happens often (most people are smart enough not to get random dirt from mixed deads LOL) and most deads are not quite that disgruntled. Also, most deads are not quite that strong. However things like t his do happen. My teacher still makes cracks about buckets of dead folks! Btw, the gardener at the graveyard is one of those people that when you see them you just *know* not to stand to close to them, and you wonder how they are still alive.
Just to scare folks off messing with this other then with extreme caution I have another story I will be adding about a woman who I knew died from working with dead folks.
Crowley states (page 141 MiTaP)
" Necromancy is of sufficient importance to demand a
section to itself.
It is justifiable in some exceptional cases. Suppose
the magician fail to obtain access to living Teachers, or
should he need some especial piece of knowledge which
he has reason to believe died with some teacher of the
past, it may be useful to evoke the "shade" of such a one,
or read the "Akasic record" of his mind.
If this be done it must be done properly very much on
the lines of the evocation of Apollonius of Tyana, which
Eliphas Levi performed.
The utmost care must be taken to prevent personation of
the "shade". It is of course easy, but can rarely be
advisable, to evoke the shade of a suicide, or of one
violently slain or suddenly dead. Of what use is such an
operation, save to gratify curiosity or vanity?"
Crowley has some good advice and obvious experience in this matter. The working with the shade of a dead magician is defiantly a working that should be left up to only the most experienced in this art! Start with your ancestors and work up... Well you may think that dead magicians are friendly, but you never knew them in person, and you do not know what they are like now. Also, magicians, obviously are much stronger then your average dead, so likewise can cause more potential problems. For working necromancy, it is absolutely essential that one must first have their ancestor alter up, and have worked with their ancestors for some time. This time is to get to know how to work with dead folks, as well as to form a strong working relationship with your ancestors. Your ancestors are very helpful with magic and this work, as well as offer you good (yet often biased LOL) advice Just because they are dead does not mean that they do not still have the same biases/leanings.
Working with your ancestors
To work with ones ancestors you will need to setup an ancestor alter. There are a few different traditions on this, and ways to do it. However there are fortunately also a very specific set of things that are pretty much done accross the board.
Ancestor work is defiantly the first steps to necromancy. You're ancestors are basically your family, they like you (well usually), they watch out for you, they protect you, and often you already know each other. Working with family first is always more wise then some stranger out of the graveyard, or even a friend that you don't know what they are like dead. Also, ancestors are a LOT safer to work with, so a great place to start. Some people however do not like certain ancestors. I say call those first that you *do* like, and leave the ones that you don't have as good of a relationship with until later. Start with the ancestors that you like the most and got along the best in life. If you have not met any of your ancestors yet, call the ones closest to you first, eg. parents, then grandparents, then great grandparents etc.
The ancestors that you call will most of the time have the same biases that they did in life. Fortunately though I have not yet had someone complain about their Christian ancestors disapproving of the ancestor work. I have had some of my ancestors disapprove of certain deads I worked with, or specific spells but that is about it. That is something that you would have to discuss with them, and perhaps do out of their view if need be. More often then not however, your ancestors will be happy to help you out in your magical workings, as well as give you insight into any new deads that you bring in to work with, or are thinking of working with. Your ancestors will also help you out in your life. If you go to them and explain troubles that you are having, they will often help you out best they can from the other side. Your ancestors will also often give you warnings and advice about your life, from their perspective from the other side. Oftentimes your ancestors will appear to you in dreams when they have something important to relay to you. This happens usually even if you don't yet have an ancestor alter up.
To setup your ancestor alter, well first find an alter, or a shelf or someplace suitable. As you can tell I am pretty open to many ways that work LOL. Next grab a new white natural fabric table cloth. Purchasing fabric by the yard from your local fabric store works best for this. If you are on a budget, Walmart does have $1 per yard sales :) There are a few ways to prepare this alter cloth, many of them (the Afro/Cuban based ones) recommend your own urine, some water and various herbs. Check out the books and websites for more info about this. I am not an expert on this subject, I only know what I have read from others. Next you would put out your ancestors photos and any personal objects that you have of theirs. Do not use photos with the living in them however for obvious reasons. It depends on how large your ancestor alter is, and how many ancestors that you have there, when deciding how many photos and/or personal objects to put out. For personal objects items that they owned in life or that have special meaning to them are used.
Place several glasses of cool water on your ancestor alter, 9 is one of the common numbers of glasses, or you can just place one in front of each ancestor, or one for all of your ancestors. This will depend a lot on preference as well as space. Of course you can always ask your ancestors which they prefer. Along with this you can place out food. Raw uncooked rice is a favorite of many people and works quite well for this purpose. Along with the rice you can put out food items that were your ancestor's favorites in life. Just be sure to not leave it out long enough to attract mice or bugs, and to remove it before it gets moldy. You can usually just sort of tell when they are finished with it. Another traditional offering is cigars and cigarettes, and yes, even if your ancestors did not smoke them. The deads also enjoy the smoke of cigars (especially) and cigarettes. Also, don't forget the rum! The rum is defiantly a favorite of dead folks! :) Be sure to put out some rum from time to time for them. It doesn't have to be a lot, a shot will do. I have found that they tend to prefer the Jamaican rums over Bacardi, this could just be my ancestors though. Flowers are also set out in fresh water, as often as you can get them. Fortunately flowers can be bought at any store, or often borrowed from your local park or neighbor. I am just kidding of course, I would never recommend that anyone do anything illegal such as stealing flowers! White flowers are traditional in some paths, but any colour will do. I try to get white first though. Potted flowers also work, however they still do like the odd fresh batch. When flowers are not in season, well then you can get creative and perhaps put out plants that flower in the winter.
Every time that you go to your ancestor alter (and I recommend that you do this daily) be sure to say hello and make some conversation, as well as perhaps let them know what you are up to "here are some fresh flowers that I found in Stanley Park mom, I hope you like them, they planted several new colours this year". Some folks are probably thinking at this point "well that is good and all but HOW do I hear what my ancestors have to say to me?". Fortunately most practitioners, with practice and some instruction, can begin to understand and "hear" or hear them. One thing that I want to mention, that far too often goes unsaid is that different people have different ways od perceiving the invisibles and magical energies. The method most commonly talked about is "seeing" or actually seeing them. While some folks do perceive them this way, there are also many other ways to communicate with and know when the invisibles are around. Along with seeing is also hearing, sensing, knowing, feeling, etc. It is best to meditate on a regular basis and work with your ancestors daily to get a good sense of which of these methods, or combination of methods works best for you.
To communicate with your ancestors basically have your ancestor alter setup. Let them know (by speaking out loud) that you will be by later that evening to have a chat with them. Bring with you flowers, some booze, a little bit of food and re freshen the water. Light the candles on the alter if they are not already lit. Then place out the food and water and tell your ancestors that you wish to learn how to communicate with them. They may send you images or visions. you may hear knockings or voices, you may see images out of the corner of your eye, and you will most likely get an impression in some way of what they are trying to communicate. Ask them how they like the food and drink. Ask for any advice or help they can give. Just sit and have a chat with them. If you cannot get an impression back when you first do this, don't worry, they may come to you in a dream later or let you know another way. Sometimes learning how to be open to receive what they are saying takes awhile. Just state your parts of the conversation out loud. If you can an impression of what they are saying, it is often right. You can also use a pendulum to conform things.
Advanced Necromancy with a Relic
Another method of working necromancy is through the use of our human bone necklaces :) Upon purchase we will send you a set of instructions on how to work with your bone.
A True Story about a Death from too much Necromancy work by an inexperienced woman
I do get tired of hearing all of the magic is dangerous tripe around. Most of what is in print I would not consider all that dangerous. However there are some aspects of necromancy that are actually quite dangerous. For example, not all dead folks are nice. Not all living folks are nice, and the passing over to the other side does not give them an attitude adjustment, it often sours them up actually. Also, who knows if they are still, or ever were, sane or not? We work with dead folks because we enjoy it, but also because they are powerful. Well obviously anyone that can have powerful magical affects could be dangerous to work with. Walking into an old house or graveyard and working with the dead there would be like walking into a new house or random park and working with the complete stranger there. The sort of thing your mother warned you against.
We used to hold a magical discussion group at a local coffee shop each week. We would get various regulars that would show up. This one woman that was about 50 would show up from time to time. We all thought that she was a little crazy and deluded about her spiritual enlightenment. She had lived in a very haunted house in the town for many years where people would see strange people, things moving, feel really uncomfortable energy etc. The woman also had some photos from that house where the images had very odd things in the background. When she moved, she moved into yet another haunted house (as seen by others as well). It seemed actually that she probably brought them with her unknowingly from the old house. She told us that her path was to help those from the other side move on.
Over 6 months time, we saw her mental stability plummet considerably, as well as her appearance age and lose it's attractiveness very very rapidly. She was about 50 and looked more like 80. One of the members taught her the LBRP. We could all see an increase in her energy as well as a better feel about her. That only lasted for awhile though, and she stopped doing the LBRP.
She would also channel spirits. She was not very particular about which spirits she would channel, any that wanted to enter her would do. She had this odd and creepy energy about her, the sort that you find in the uncomfortable part of the graveyard, even though she was a nice enough person and socially pleasant. She also talked of having demons in the house. One of the younger people from the discussion group stayed with her for awhile as they had just been thrown out of their apartment. This person had been physically pushed down the stairs by a presence that could not be seen. The lady that owned the house was quite uncomfortable when I asked about this and said not to worry that she had taken care of the problem. She often allowed homeless people to stay at her house, so there were many people that saw some very strange things around there! A couple of people had even reported her being possessed against her will and doing quite odd things.
One night her roommate (who also sometimes showed up at the discussion group) had seen her walking around in a very strange fashion and growling words in a male demonic like voice. She was also throwing things around. He convinced her to go into her room and back to sleep as he thought it was just an odd dream state or something. The next morning he found her dead. The doctors never could figure out what the cause of death was.
We did a ritual to honor her next meeting and say our goodbyes. She did not feel that much different dead then when we saw her alive actually.
Graveyard Work
Do not do this exercise without FL Water and a cleansing bath bought from us (well unless you know another worker that makes very good ones and knows a lot about necromancy). The second you get home from this take the bath no matter what!
Here is an interesting intermediate practice that I recommend (and often bring people on). Go to your local graveyard after dark. I am obviously not recommending anything illegal, so find one that doesn't mind or get permission. I have done both. If you are the jumpy sort, or new to magic it is best to go with a friend (you can compare sprint times back to the gate if all goes well ). Get a bottle of Florida water. Unless you are, or know a very experienced necromancer that offers alternate options DO NOT SUBSTITUTE or leave this out! Before you enter into the cemetery ask the gatekeeper or the guardian of the cemetery, or Baron etc. if you may enter. Do this out loud, but obviously not loud enough to attract curious neighbors. You will get an impression of the answer. Upon entering leave an offering at the gate for the gatekeeper. 3 candies is always good :)
As you walk through the cemetery do so quietly and respectfully while keeping your mind on the working If you are also taking photos , be sure to ask each dead beforehand. I recommend the combination of photos and this exercise only after you have done both many times on their own first. Walk once around the entire cemetery the first time (this should be one that you already know by heart in the daylight) past the graves and sensing if there are any that are particularly strong or that you have an impression that they would like to talk with you. If you happen upon a grave or an area of the cemetery that feels creepy or uncomfortable AVOID IT! There are reasons that we have intuition, that is to save our ass! Heed these warnings. There *are* deads that can really screw you up. These areas can eventually be worked with, with at least 5 years of working with other non ancestor deads, but for now, just avoid them for your own health (see story about about the bucket of dead folks).
Continue your tour of the graveyard, then return specifically to the graves where you got the best impressions from. Stop by the first one and ask if they would like to talk with you. Don't set out any offerings yet, just sit and chat. You can ask to be shown details of their life, their name etc. When you are finished be sure to say "thank you" and leave an offering such as 3 coins, 3 candies etc. During your first visit this should only be done at one gravesite. After you get used to this, then you can work up to 2 and 3 gravesites. Never visit more then 3 deads in one night as this can tire one out considerably.
If you enjoy ghost photography, be sure to ask the resident of the grave before taking a photo, some like it, some don't care either way, and some downright hate it. If you are using a flash, be sure to take the photo after you are done your conversation with the dead as this tends to disrupt their energy. The reason I often use a flash is to capture "orbs". The orbs usually only seem to show up when a flash is used. I have found that there tend to be orbs at gravesites I can feel a presence and an amazing lack of orbs at gravesites where I do not feel a presence.
When you have finished talking with everyone that you are going to talk to that evening head out of the graveyard. Be sure to leave an offering of 3 candies at the gate while saying thank you to the gatekeeper and/or guardian of the graveyard. Walk out the gate backwards, then liberally use florida water on your hands etc.
Some of the side affects to necromancy
While being a very interspersing aspect of the art, necromancy does have it's dangers and side affects. I have found these to include: depression, moroseness, loss of energy, nightmares and/or night terrors, sudden fear but you don't know why, melancholy, health problems, etheric body damage, physical bruises, a general uncomfortable feeling around your house etc. etc. If any of these side affects start, it is time to stop practicing necromancy or to find a decent teacher.
At one point I had a ghost that was a regular resident in my house hit me, I could feel the hits, sort of like a mild electric shock in a way, and ended up with several bruises that took 3 times as long as usual to heal. In this case the ghost was not trying to harm me, it ended up scared and I had inadvertently corned it at the end of the hall (hey it was invisible at that moment). I have also seen many dead folks looking quite solid. I guess the only side affect to this is that it can scare your friends and family. It is always unnerving to suddenly see someone standing in your livingroom that you did not invite in though! Also, if you don't state your boundaries, they sometimes will think it fun to do such things as come wake you up in the middle of the night. You might also want to explain to your dead friends and ancestors about not appearing so that your roomates and/or family can see them. I have had a terrible time with frightened roomates before! A 1 hour lecture on banishing once LOL.
Also, after graveyard visits I have come home nauseous, disorientated and low on energy. That is definitely the time to take an auric repair bath! This disorientation does not happen to everyone, but apparently materializing mediums get it for various reasons, and should definitely make sure that the proper precautions are in place. I believe these sort of folks are actually more common then expected. Being around dead folks definitely does have an affect on us. Different deads do affect us differently, however just being near them can mess with one's energy. Did I mention to take cleansing baths? :)
Some interesting experiences I have had with dead folks have been them running up behind me unexpectedly and yelling at me! Well that always unnerves me a bit. Anyone running up behind me and yelling at me unnerves me a little, and a dead person doing it unnerves me a bit more LOL. The problem is that they seem to know that I can see them and hear them and that others can't, darn. One day I was talking to someone at a bus stop, he had lost his wife a few years before and had become quite obsessed. He had redecorated his truck with photos and sayings about his wife all over it. Sort of like those trucks that you see with christian sayings all over them, well this one had information about his wife. He was telling me all about his wife. Well his wife was there (it was sad he couldn't see or hear her) begging me to please tell him to let her go so that both she and him could move on. Apparently him obsessing over her was holding her here, or at least made her feel bad enough to stay.
Another time I was on a trip in the mountains with a group of people, mostly mundanes. We were out foraging mushrooms. One of the foragers found a leg bone with foot attached and brought it back to the lodge. Quite the conversation piece LOL. Well that night I went to bed a bit earlier then some folks and the person I was sharing the room with was not back yet. I had settled in and gotten all comfy when suddenly I heard this screaming "PUT MY LEG BACK!!!". Well that made me jump about 20 feet! To make a long story short I was not going to let all of these people know that I can hear dead folks, so I told him to go deal with them himself and convince them to put it back as I was not going to do it for him. The energy in the room turned very violent after this. I banished him out of my room.
A student of mine lived in a house that had been haunted ever since the family moved in. There were several times that one of the family members had felt someone try to push them down the stairs. The person who used to own the house was a man that had had a heart attack and had fallen down the stairs and died. I instructed him on several methods to get rid of the ghost if he wanted, or to get to know it better. He decided to try the get to know it better method. Well when he was holding a glass of water that he was going to put out for the ghost, something knocked it out of his hand and the glass flew straight across the room! Well so much for the friendly approach. Most of the methods that will usually dispel a spirit did not work, but finally the ghosts influence was pretty much gone. Since then my student has moved and hasn't had any problems.
Then there are the deads that tend to sometimes follow one home after a trip to a graveyard. They can be quite annoying at times. It can be downright disturbing if they are an unfriendly dead. Where do you think all the assholes go when they die? Same place as the cool people. However sometimes it can work out quite well when a pleasant and helpful dead follows. Be sure to cleanse your house regularly, having too many random deads around can lower energy levels and bring sickness if one is not careful. If you do run into trouble, I recommend sprinkling a salt and water mixture around your house or the area of the problem, this most often helps. If this does not help, well time to call a professional!
Speaking of dead folks, check out my paranormal page.
Instructions for collecting graveyard dirt
(nowhere near complete yet)
First of all, when collecting graveyard dirt, be discrete and respectful. Don't take more than you need, and PLEASE return the area to how you found it. There is nothing worse then going to a graveyard and finding obvious signs from someone collecting dirt. This sort of haphazard way of going about things just makes it more difficult for others to do it, and is disrespectful of the person who's dirt you are taking.
Btw, if you prefer not to go wandering around in graveyards with a shovel, we sell graveyard dirt here.
Be decent about it and ask the dead before you take their dirt, if they say no, just leave it be, go collect someone elses. The last thing you want is an angry dead on your heals. Also, be sure to leave something as a thank you for taking the dirt. Coins, candies, booze, flowers etc. After one leaves the site, leave an offering at the gate of the cemetery when you go, and rub some Florida water on your hands etc. For complete instructions on entering and exiting a graveyard see my sample necromancy practice above.
Here are some ideas on how to collect dirt that I have done without any questions asked. A friend and I brought a picnic lunch and had a picnic in the graveyard. I brought my silver spoon and collected some, and put it in a clean little yogurt container. No one even noticed. During our picnic I was able to place out some food, water and flowers for the deads. If for some reason you go and do this (it is not recommended for the beginning necromancer) be sure to not eat off the same plate as the one for the deads.
How to summon dead authors with some hinters by Levi
Levi states (page 295) Transcendental Magic
"If concerned with a celebrated personage, we must meditate for twenty-one days upon his life and writings, form an idea of his appearance, converse with him mentally and imagine his answers. We must carry his portrait, or at least his name, about us, following a vegetarian diet for twenty-one days and a severe fast during the last seven. We must next construct the magical oratory, described in the thirteenth chapter of our "Doctrine", and see that all light is excluded there from. If, however, the proposed operation is to take place in the daytime, we may leave a narrow aperture on the side where the sun will shine at the hour of evocation, place a triangular prism before this opening and a crystal globe filled with water facing the prism. If the experiment has been arranged for night, the magic lamp must be so situated that its single ray shall fall upon the altar smoke. The purpose of these preparations is to furnish the Magic Agents with elements"
Hmm OK so if I am going to summon Eliphas Levi I would first meditate on him and his writings... That history of magick book is a little slow in places. I guess imagining the answers wouldn't be difficult after reading a lot of his writings. One interesting thing to note though is that some people speak a lot differently then they write. Me for example, no one that I know in person ever recognizes me by my posts online or my articles. Just to let you know in case you do get ahold of an old author and the speech patterns are different. From my experiences though the speech pattern of their time period tends to stay with them over time, which leads to some questions having to be asked LOL.
This is quite the intensive necromancy working, obviously not for the slacker or the dabbler. And people wonder why they can't get Mathers to show up during a 1 hour ritual tried once! The lack of light is quite important in these operations. I have found that candles are just fine though, it is the lack of natural light that is important here. I have noticed a lot more efficaciousness (is that a word?) when this sort of operation is done at night, no matter how much or little light.
I will not go further into the discussion of how to call up a dead author as I am sure they will thank me for not disturbing their peace by having several inexperienced kids calling them up to ask a simple question about the LBRP or how to get laid.
Levi also states: (pg 292)
"There are two kinds of Necromancy, that of light and that of darkness-the evocation by Prayer, Pentacle and Perfumes, and the evocation by blood, imprecations and sacrilege."
If you don't know what you are doing and haven't been properly trained, just don't mess with option B ok. Regarding the perfumes, I do sell a very good deads manifesting incense :)
So with this we see two styles of working methods here. The former is obviously safer. I don't see how the imprecations would help any, just a preference perhaps.
Levi also states: (pg 293)
"When evoked spectres reply to questions addressed them, it is always by signs or by interior and imaginary impressions, never with a voice which really strikes the ears"
Well apparently Levi never went to the same cemeteries I have! Who hasn't gone to a cemetery and heard knocking from the inside of a grave or building, or people yelling for help, or voices saying things you can't make out? It is not all that uncommon. There are several times that a group of us have gone and afterwards we would compare notes and most of the group heard the voices. But yes, I have found that shades usually do communicate through impressions, images, thoughts etc. The part about it never being audible is horseshit though. Just don't think anything is wrong if you do not get audible, it definitely does not happen with all deads, does not happen most of the time, and is difficult for them to manage. As far as the signs thing goes, yes, keep your eyes, ears and impressions open for what is happening around you.
Levi speaks of the method of the dumb supper (pg 294)
"Evocations of love require less apparatus and are in every respect easier. The procedure is as follows. We must collect, in the first place, carefully the memorials of him-or her-whom we desire to behold, the articles he used, and on which his impression remains; we must also prepare an apartment in in which the person lived, or otherwise one of similar kind, and place his portrait veiled in white therein, surrounded with his favorite flowers, which must be renewed daily. A fixed date must then be chosen, being that of the person's birth, or one that was especially fortunate for his and our own affection, one of which we may believe that his soul, however blessed elsewhere, cannot lose the remembrance. This must be the day of evocation, and we must prepare for it during the space of two weeks. Throughout the period we must refrain from extending to anyone the same proofs of affection which we have the right to expect from the dead; we must observe strict chastity, live in retreat and take only one modest and light collation daily. Every evening at the same hour we must shut ourselves in the chamber consecrated to the memory of the lamented person, using only one small light, such as that of a funeral lamp or taper. This light should be placed behind us, the portrait should be uncovered, and we should remain before it for an hour in silence; finally, we should fumigate the apartment with a little good incense, and go out backwards. On the morning of the day fixed for the evocation, we should adorn ourselves as if for a festival, not salute anyone first, make but a single repast of bread, wine and roots, or fruits. The cloth should be white, two covers should be laid, and one portion of the broken bread should be set aside; a little wine should be placed also in the glass of the person whom we design to invoke. The meal must be eaten alone in the chamber of evocations and in presence of the veiled portrait; it must be all cleared away at the end, except the glass belonging to the dead person, and his portion of bread, which must be set before the portrait. In the evening, at the hour for the regular visit, we must repair in silence to the chamber, light a clear fire of cypress-wood and cast incense seven times"
By evocations of love Levi means those that we had a fondness for in life. That would be quite interesting to prepare a room in one's house or apartment to appear like that of for example Levi's when he was still alive. This description shows the level of commitment and research needed for the operation. Not just something to do lightheartedly or on a whim one evening. A lot of the preparations of the above description nd this one for calling the dead are to prepare the magician in a way that would make one more receptive to psychic impressions, as well as prepare the area so that the dead in question will be more comfortable there and even drawn to it. Also, one spends an hour a day getting to know the dead person and creating a connection. There is more to it, but that is enough for now.
A cleansing of the area is also essential as noted in Levi's descriptions. There are many incenses, resins and cleansing solutions that can be used for this. I personally often will use temple wash, or a wall cleansing spritzer that I made which contains such things as Florida water and van van. Well not very traditional on this path, but it is in others, and works extremely well :) In the last sentence it looks like a mini dumb supper of sorts. The silence and serene aspect is quite important, as is the stillness of the magician. A presence of the shade should definitely be felt at this point. There should be absolutely NO distractions during the daily hour or during the final rite for this ritual. You should also remain silent as instructed. I notice that he instructs to leave backwards as one does from a cemetery. I am actually not sure why he uses cyprus would and I will have to go look it up :) Fortunately I have a good pile of cyprus from a recent mountain trip that I can try and see how it goes.
This method is only to be done with those of whom you were close with in life. Also, it states and hour a day, no less and no more, keep that in mind and stick to it.
Here is my compendium of secret methods for working with the
Daemons of the Goetia and other grimoires. These methods are not
your regular modern Ceremonial Magick approach, but I do have to
say I have excellent results with these methods, as do my students.
For example ceremonial magicians will call up the Daemons as per
the grimoires by threatening them with names of of Deities and
angels that they just don't get along with. Apparently it is still of the
light and still for spiritual growth if one doesn't get too close to the
Daemons. There is a nice safe circle and a constraining triangle
involved. Whilst the Daemons are very patient (something about
living for thousands of years can do that to you), this approach is just
plain rude! The Demonolators on the other hand (well the one's with
a web presence anyways) also use a lot of modern ceremonial
magick symbolism, but they honor and worship the Daemons that
they call. I am sure that the Daemons are much appreciative of this
approach :) However, they shun any practical work or evocation with
the Daemons. It is all for worship and spiritual development.
So what is a LHP practitioner to do if they want to be respectful as
well as get some good ol tangible real life results? Well fortunatly
there is still a lot of information in those old grimoires. It is not like
one needs to use the prayers that Christian magicians decided
needed to be in there. There are plenty of workable methods sans
the prayers. One good example is the Grimoirum Verum and the
Gran Grim. Yes they do contain the odd prayer here and there,
however that is not the majority of the book. Also, those prayers can
be changed to suit the practitioner. Even the Goetia with all it's
prayers still contains much information, especially when combined
with the Greater Key of Solomon to be able to work evocation. There
are also the stories about older magicians and how they worked with
the Daemons. For example in the old paintings of Faust, he is
usually not in a magical circle, and the Daemons or whomever he has
called generally aren't in triangles. Also, there are many other old
paintings that portray the calling of Daemons, and barely any of them
have a circle involved. In one painting of Faust and his assistant, it
looks as though 2 Daemons are fighting over some crown, and a
couple of others are playing with a ball :) They are all scattered about
his study.
If we are going to have the Daemons help us with our everyday lives,
it seems silly, well at least to me, to keep them so distant from
ourselves. Only calling them up once for an hour to demand of them
what we want done, then never talking to them again except to
maybe give the reward. Even when we do call them we are safely in
our circle surrounded by names of the opposing (to them) force. That
just doesn't seem right for a LHP approach. I have seen some other
LHP methods for calling the Daemons, such as just call upon Satan
and have him send one of his Daemons to you, well that can work
obviously, however if one wants a stronger manifestation, or to form a
working relationship more steps and ideas are needed. I have also
seen downright odd methods, such as someone recommending that
a newbie (I don't know if this guy had even been practicing magic for
more then a month and he did not know his path yet) to put his own
blood into a bowl with the Daemon seal in it! Well sure, if you are
experienced, know what you are doing, are friendly with that
particular Daemon perhaps, but new to the art and a random
Daemon? I think not! Well I guess some folks don't mind sleeping
for a week!
OK stop babbling and give you the how to's right? Well the first
thing to do is to pick a Daemon to work with. Most of us have already
worked with a few, or at least read up on some. Choose one that
appeals to you. One method for doing this is to open a book of seals,
such as the Goetia, and run your hand overtop of the page and see if
any sort of "jump out" at you. Be sure to only pick one that is friendly
feeling towards you, to start off with. Once you have gotten good at
these methods you can always venture over to the ones that seem
less friendly, but why start with a bad experience? There are many
many Daemons, might as well start with one that you get along with.
I am assuming here that you already know how to meditate. If you
don't, go learn to meditate then come back to this article.
Now that you have chosen a Daemon, do some research. Go onto
the internet, as well as get some good ol' ink and paper books and do
some research. Of course you are going to check out the Goetia or
other grimoire they are in, then perhaps other versions of that
grimoire. You might also look up some older sources of where that
name appears. I also recommend stopping by Wikipedia.com since
they have some good articles on the Daemons. Also, many of the
Daemons are/were old Pagan Deities, so if you can find that link
through research all the better. Of course if all you can find is their
listing in the Goetia, well better then nothing.
The next step is to draw their seal onto a natural piece of cloth or
leather. I recommend practicing the seal a couple of times first on
paper beforehand. To draw the seal on the fabric, do a light sketch of
it in pencil, then trace over it with a darker and more permanent ink.
Painting also works for this. You may also wish to again trace over it
in magical ink after the pen ink dries. For the following exercises,
paint the seal on both sides of the fabric, or use 2 pieces of fabric and
sew them together if your fabric is thin and the ink bleeds through.
While you are drawing out the Daemon's seal, be sure to only be
focusing on the Daemon. Of course no one is perfect, the odd
thoughts of other things might creep in, just bring your mind back to
the task at hand and the Daemon. The artwork does not have to be
perfect, but do try your best. When drawing the Daemon seal be sure
to include the versicle (the ring around the seal) with the Daemons
name in it. There are some versions of the seals that do not contain
this ring, however it is essential for most workings.
For the first exercise and getting to know the spirit, one simply burns
incense (such as frankincense), and meditates while holding the seal
in your hands. To do this, you can sit in a chair or cross legged,
place your hands on your lap palms upwards, and place the seal in
your hands. Since you have made a double sided seal, one of the
seals is touching your palms, while the other one is face upwards that
you can see. Concentrate on what the seal looks and feels like for a
few moments, then proceed to meditate with your eyes open and
looking at the seal, or closed and you feeling the energies of the seal.
During this exercise you may get impressions, images, feelings, a
presence, or many other interesting affects. You are essentially
making very light contact with the Daemon. Depending on how the
exercise goes, repeat each day or every few days until you have
done this 4 or 5 times with one Daemon. Do not switch around at
first, focus just on one Daemon.
The next exercise is dreamwork. Hold your seal just before going to
sleep and ask that the Daemon appear in your dreams. An example
of this would be "I ask that you spirit N appear to me in my dreams in
a form I can understand and to teach me about yourself". Then place
the seal under your pillow and drift off to sleep. Be sure to write down
your dreams, even if they seem unimportant at the time. I
recommend only doing this for a night or 2 in a row at first. Once you
get more used to it you can try it for a week straight. I do not
recommend any longer then 7 days without a good break though.
Also, with the 7 day version, ones dreams can get very disturbing
depending on which Daemon that you are working with! If you are
doing a multiple day dream exercise, and your dreams start to get
disturbing, you can either stop, or you can hold the seal and ask the
Daemon to please go a little easier on you. This works very well.
After you have tried this dream working out a few times. Place a
candle and some water out on your nightstand, and a duplicate copy
of the seal between them. Then place your seal under your pilow as
Skrying is the next step one can take for working with Daemons. Be
sure to check out my skrying section on the how to's of skrying. I am
convinced that everyone can skry. You will need either a bowl of
water, a black skrying mirror (I sell these), a crystal ball, an obsidian
ball, or other skrying device. I have found that an obsidian ball works
best, with the black magic mirror coming in second. Of course these
are not absolutely necessary, the bowl of water works as well. If you
are using a bowl of water I recommend either putting some dittany of
crete in the water, or some of my skrying mix that I sell (email for
details). For this exercise you sit in a comfortable position, with the
skrying device in your hands on your lap. If you have opening or
standard rituals, you can of course do these beforehand. I of course
recommend my Enochian opening ritual. Place the seal underneath
your skrying implement. Be sure to light a candle and place out a
glass of water for this working. When you are settled, have the
candle lit, and have your skrying device in your hands ready to start,
be sure to do a statement of intent. An example of this would be
"This ritual is to receive images of N, to learn about N, and to better
get to know N". I will not include skrying instructions here as they are
in my section on skrying.
Next you will want to figure out which plants, incenses, stones, food,
booze etc. that the Daemon prefers. Tables of correspondences are
useless in this case. There are a few reasons for this. For one those
tables of correspondences are all lumped into elemental and
planetary (and sometimes astrological) categories, not very personal
at all. Another reason is that the tables of correspondences are still
relatively new compared with the age of the Daemons. The current
correspondences in use are from about 1900, whereas the Daemons
are hundreds if not thousands of years old. Before the Golden Dawn
and Crowley alchemical correspondences were used, and even
before that, things were not lumped into categories, but seen in their
own right. One example of this is that I am a Pisces, but I just don't
like the look of or feel any draw to aquamarine whatsoever! With the
Daemons it is more about personal preferences then about tables of
correspondences. The modern Goetia has lumped the Daemons into
planetary ranks, and everyone seems to think that if the Daemon is a
King for example everything must be of gold, and solar
correspondences. Well that may work for some, but not as a general
rule. Also, say a certain Goetia King happens to like habinaro
peppers? You would be doing them a disservice by only putting out
So I have come up with a very novel concept about how to figure out
which foods, booze, incenses etc. that a particular Daemon likes.
Ask them. It is that simple. During your meditation, your dream work,
and your skrying exercises, you have most likely come up with a
good list of possibilities of things that they like from your notes. For
example if you "smelled" a certain incense scent while you were
skrying. Or "felt" a particular gem in your dream, or perhaps saw the
Daemon holding that gem. Or is it possible that by now the Daemon
you are working with has actually told you which offerings he or she
preffers. One handy method of figuring out which offerings they like
is to do the dreamwork, meditation or skrying work, but beforehand
state that it is to find out which offerings they prefer during the rites.
Be sure to write down ALL of the impressions and images that you
get, no matter how silly they seem. You see, our mind likes to play
the "it's unimportant" game so that we get less info that makes it
uncomfortable, ie: non-mundane.
After you have acquired your lists of items that the Daemon most
likely would like as offerings, get out your pendulum. For this
technique you simply purchase or make a pendulum, and put it over
top of the Daemon seal while asking your question. To make a
pendulum you can simply tie a ring to a piece of string. I will not
cover any more on pendulums as there are numerous websites and
books that cover this fully. Basically one direction is a yes, and the
other is a no. You decide on first use which is which, or ask the
pendulum which is which. Be sure to take notes. Another good
method of coming up with ideas for rites and offerings to particular
Daemons is to look up their Deity lore. Many of the Daemons were or
are known ancient Pagan deities. One famous example of this is
Astaroth being known as Astarte. So in this case, one would look up
lore and rites for Astarte for some ideas of how to work with Astaroth,
and some offerings that Astaroth would particularly enjoy. Of course
you can always double check any information that you find using the
pendalum method.