Wow! have you ever felt like you are falling apart and dont know which way to go?
Well its been one of those weeks. A friend and classmate of mine was killed in Irqa friday. he was only 19. He was a home town kid and it hit us hard. Small town, VERY small town.
His funeral is tomorrow but his wake and stuff is tonight. I am so scared.
My husband is heading over there. I this is just throwing me for a loop. I keep feeling as if i am lost and i cant find my way out of a wet paper bag. the big crushing waves of life are falling on me. I feel so helpless and that my life is spinning out of control.
Jack's death hit closerr to home with me then anyone else may think. I sent my husband over there and may come a day that he comes home in a box, or not at all or if he does come home he is going to be so fucked up that he is gone anyways..... I wish i could start thinking happy again...