For those that don't know I'm a bouncer at a night club here in London.
There wasnt much to it .. I asked someone to leave the night club, she refused, her frend nudged me and told ME to back off, so I said she could go too!! I got shoved, which didnt accomplish much I didnt go anywhere, the wee one that shoved me went sliding back, I grabbed her scarf and spun her around to go get her shit cuz she was to leave! *Why is it that little indian girls with big mouths always say "you wanna fight me? Bring it bitch!" pointless I say* As they were grabbing their things a few other doormen were coming to help me escort them out, they kept flipping me the finger in my face. I don't flinch, I think was the problem they had with me?!?!
As we were walking them out the first little mouthy one turned around and flipped me the finger, then spun around and decided to punch me in the mouth, I stood there let her hit me and then grinned and said thank you, and kept heading for the door with her!!
These girls were soo pissed off at me they fought each other outside!! It made me laugh!!
Sorry my digital doesnt work anymore I'm on the hunt for a new one ... I woulda taken a quick little photo of the teeny lil lump on the inside of my bottom lip *twirls a finger* I'm Irish and I'm the youngest my siblings ALWAYS used to pick on me while growing up!!
I now intimidate the doormen at the Honest Lawyer more so then I did before lol .. why cuz I don't flinch and becuz I say thank you with being punched lol .... now mind ya if she split my lip open I probley woulda spit on her and laughed and said You Don't know WHERE I've Been!!
And I'm apperntly cute cuz all my co-workers wanted to poke at my lip and check it out which in turn made me pout lol .. All in all .. Not hurt .. and definantly amused by it!