A bit of another AIC inspired entry.
But had a huge urge to spread the love of quite possibly one of the greatest covers ever.
It's a bit late, but just noticed it was Layne Staley's birthday last month.
The genius front man of Alice in Chains.
As alot of you know, I'm not one to get all sentimental and shit, but fuck... RIP Layne.
He's a fucking god. Ranked as one of my all time favorite vocalists ever.
[uncontrollable squealing goes here]
Geforce GTX285 2G
Should get it this afternoon.
Or tomorrow, depending on delivery. :]
Yes, yes. I'm going on another rant about music.
I've adored Tool for many many years.
Tho, back in the day I admit I couldn't appreciate them for their REAL genius.
It's only been in the past 5yrs or so that I've truly come to realize what amazing talent they really are.
The whole point of this is to educate those with shit taste in music on what is not only a personal opinion, but out right fact, on what is GOOD music.
Call me pretentious, but I feel it's true.
When it comes to describing what amazing talent is, I tend to use Tool and A Perfect Circle as the foundation.
Because in essence, they are the epitome of what good music is all about.
They never ever single out one person as "the brain/talent" of the band.
Each member strives on delivering their own piece of art and them self.
To quote Maynard; "I'm only 1/4'th of this project."
It points out the lead singer isn't the front runner... They aren't all there is.
But, seeing as we are on the topic of Maynard (vocalist) we might as well start with him.
His singing style is the only one in the world.
Nothing can compare to this man.
His natural tone and pitch really make his work something to behold.
And he is only 1 of 2 singers that I can say I rather hear live then recorded.
That right there is a big fucking thing to accomplish in my opinion.
Up next, is quite possibly one of the greatest drummers to walk this earth.
His tribal drumming style, mixed with his beautiful technique is just mind blowing.
Fuck, I admit that I sit here listening to Tool and being a retard while pretending I'm playing air-drums. [does little air-drum solo] wooo... Yeah, alright I'm done...
As for the bass player and guitarist, I'm going to cover them both in one.
The beauty of these 2 fucking gods, is that almost every song, you get this 'push and pull' feel between them.
Almost like they're fighting for precedence.
Which really adds to Tools atmosphere and unique style.
To single out the bassist for just a moment tho.
What I really love about Tool is that, unlike most bands where the bassist is always never seen, or cared about, they've done the opposite.
Combined with his strange timing of riffs and the fact he uses alot of guitar techniques to play, it really is just fucking epic to hear when you can appreciate each member as a song plays through.
All in all, Tools synergy is that I believe ALL bands should aspire too.
There is none other out there, and for that, I am eternally happy.
Also lyrically, Tool is unmatched.
The depth and thought that goes into each and every song is incredible.
You can sit there for hours digging out the double entendres and hidden meanings. And I often find my self doing exactly that.
Anyway, I'm pretty much done.
Do hope you enjoyed the read and alike.
No idea why I decided to write this, just felt like doing something.
Toodle-pips, kids.
You said rant... I thought you were going to trash Tool... In which case I was going to have to hulk smash you.
But this... This is exactly the way I have felt about the band. They are incredible.
I have to agree with every single thing you just said.
Tool is awesome.
I wouldn't so much call this a rant as a praise lol. And as stated i actually agree a lot of my musical inspiration on music I love came from tool and APC, without these 2 bands there would be so much missing in the music industry today.
Tool alone inspired so many of todays greats and APC as well. Although they have the same singer, they have 2 totally different styles which compliments them so much.Unlike other bands with same singers who's other bands sounds the same they've managed an amazing diversity to the music world.With very good messages behind each song.
"Music is a higher form of language, words are just a mediocre interpretation of music" Quote MJK
Any hardcore Tool fan would think deep on this and come up with what he's already stated his role is in Tool.
Killer one J! I love it, and it is ranting due to the fact that so many people don't actually "listen" to music!
You already know my take on this.
*thumbs up*