Just a few announcements this morning before I go to bed.
Current as of 26th of Nov at 4:30am Australia timeness.
Firstly; I don't like you. I don't like your family, and I don't like your pets.
Also on the notices today, I'd like to say a big FUCK YOU to hottopic stores.
Finally, will people stop attempting to steal my robot bee's.
Oh! I almost forgot... Nemmy's mysterious sign-ups of mystery open today.
Put down your name and I promise I wont hunt you down and experiment with how many times I can insert a drill bit into your skull.
...Probably shouldn't have added that last part...
Waaahhh waaaaahhh wahhhhhh violent video games wahh wahhhh wahhhhhhh destruction of society wah wahhh wahhhhh teaches kids how to be criminals...
So, quite a few months ago, the U.S gamers had to endure this tosser called Jack Thompson.
Ironic he should resemble the name of my favorite WWII video-game assault rifle! *strokes chin*
ANYWAY! This fucktard was most famously quoted for this line: "Grand Theft Auto teachers children how to kill and steal cars"
If a child plays GTA then goes off and does said act in real life down the track, me thinks there is alot LOT more deep seeded issues in that childs life.
Oh! But by the genius logics of such amazing minds as political blow hards, if he didn't play GTA as a child, he wouldn't have known HOW to do the unspeakable acts he carried out in later adult-hood.
[insert pause for slow clap here]
Why am I ranting about this? I'm glad you fucking asked! Sit down, eat a cookie and shut the fuck up and I'll tell you...
And don't chew so loudly...
So, here in Australia, we've been digitally arse-raped over and over again by the classifications committee/what-ever-the-fuck-they-are-circle.
Boils down to this: Company makes game -> Company realeases game world wide -> Company gets told this game will be BANNED from Australian shores until it complies with our classifications which max at MA15+...
(Pretty much saying the word shit and putting in a gun will top you out at MA15+)
So there isn't exactly much room to grow in the way of game developers.
Thus, final product has to get reworked for Australian release. Which consists of cutting out a good portion of shit to swing it into MA15+ rating. OR! The more popular choice for game developers these days (because it saves money) is just say... "Okay, fuck it... Ban it. The amount it costs for us to rework and reship a product would almost mitigate any profits we'd make..."
Government goes "Yay! We're oppressing people!!" Australian gamers and game retailers go "Fuuuuuuuuck you, Mr. Government!"
Evidently, we lose out...
All this can be solved by 1 tiny, simple, minuscule, quick act, which is just add an R18+ classification...
That's it... If we did that, we'd be just like all the other counties that treat their citizens like big kids!
Fact is, right now, we're the only developed country that bans video games...
So, why isn't this done yet? I'm glad you asked again! The brilliant mind of Michael Atkinson here in Australia. That's why. Oh, this entire sentance was dripping with sarcasm too... Don't slip...
He believes that anyone 18 or older should only be playing games that "stimulate the mind, not promote gore, sex and drug use etc:"
Wait wait wait... Are you telling me WHAT to play/like? Last time I checked, I had a real problem with authority... Especially when it's ignorant and believes it's doing the right thing by me...
Oh, OH! And he called us and I quote "R18 Nerds" also saying that we shouldn't even be playing video games in the first place.
And apparently, if we had an R18 classification and let these games into the home, children would want to play them more and thus... that = bad, and makes them criminals later in life...
Just because some unstable shit-head with the mental capacity of a tea-spoon went fucking postal, killed a heap of people and blamed GTA does NOT constitute censorship of media.
Games have now become one of the most powerful media platforms in the world.
Wankers that believe Tetris is still the pinnacle of gaming technology are the exact same people fucking this industry... And with the uprising of EVERYONE wanting to play games and taking any old shit just like the music and movies industry, the last thing it needs is more fucking...
The constant push for more detailed games, be it for better graphics, UI, physics, whatever, is also pushing technology forward.
30yrs ago, the only thing pushing computers forward was military use.
The game industry is very very young still, and already it's the beaten red-headed step child who will evidently grow up bitter and cynical and turn on it's creators... possibly ending the world in some epic fasion involving computer created computers and robot created robots! Wait... Hmmmm, strange urge to watch The Matrix again...
Moving on!
This rant is REALLY fucking long... I think.
I'm not sure, I forget when I started writing... Or why I started writing.
I'm actually horribly tired and not sure WHY I wrote this.
BUT! In the spirit of Christmas; I'm going to laugh merrily... Laugh at the fact that if you got this far, I wasted precious time from your pathetic lives that you reinforce to be meaningful by settling down with a wife and having children, but at the end of the day... You're going to be rotting away in the dirt just like me, few billion years later, you'll be completely gone... much like this planet, in a spectacular collapse of the sun!
Don't it just make you feel insignificant? ^_^
Fucking tangents... Forgot where I was.
You know what, fuck it... I'm going to go collapse on my bed now.
re: "Grand Theft Auto teachers children how to kill and steal cars"
I love when people make this claim, because it's so easy to prove false. Clicking and pressing buttons on a game controller is NOTHING like hotwiring a car or shooting people. Both require VERY different sets of skills.
hmm... I wonder if I can replace the steering wheel and gas pedal in my car with a game controller...
Don't you be talkin shit about Tetris man. Tetris rocks.
But you are an R18 Nerd.... :D
So I was sitting there listening to ear bleedingly loud music and installing Call of Duty: MW2.
Then I hear this insanely loud "POP".
And I mean, it was fucking loud. Left my ears ringing and everything.
Anyway, so that happens and computer immediately hard shuts-down.
It was my power supply exploding right next to my leg.
Good times!
So, now I have a 800watt power supply sitting on my floor that smells like it's just been pulled from a house fire. =s
Thank the fuzzy-wuzzy lord I had a back-up one from my old computer.
But, it's only a 550watt, and I'm worried it's not feeding enough power to my GPU.
Oh, wells!
Completely random note tho; CoD:MW2 is fucking amazing.
So last night, my guild in WoW decided to do a shits and giggles run of Naxxaramas.
Tho, for every boss killed, you had to do a shot.
Oh, and you couldn't wear pants... O.o
Let's just say, there is a lot of bosses in that place, and my kidneys are now protesting to high fucking heaven.
It's a day of firsts, I just want water... =s
05:45 Nov 26 2009
Hmmm ok I'll go on a whim here and put my name down, only because you PROMISED you won't hurt me. = /