As some may have noticed in my last post, I decided to check out this series "True Blood"
Being that here in Australia it doesn't air and all I heard about it is the name and how people love it, blah blah blah...
So, I downloaded season 1 last night.
Being that it was WoW maintenance, I decided to sit through it... Well, most of it...
"True Blood is amazing! Wooooo!" - "On what grounds?" - "It has, errrrr, vampires in it..."
That right there pretty much sums up, to me, why people find this series so amazing.
Episodically, it can be summed up like this.
Awesome intro theme, sex, sex, sex, sex, sex, vampire, sex, sex, sex, sex with vampire, half arsed attempt at creating a story out of all this, sex, credits.
There is NO story telling technique. The story it self is erratic and other wise non-existent.
There's no character development, and none of which that I care about.
Wait, I take that back... Tara and her cousin (the gay fry-cook, drug dealer, prostitute, porn star)
And I don't exactly much 'care' par say. They're just the most interesting and the ONLY characters with depth.
All in all, seems to me like the director doesn't even know where the fuck he's going with this.
It's just soft core porn.
And yes, of course, the underlying "substance abuse is bad" shit.
But hey... Least they don't fucking sparkle.