This fanfiction takes place after the Upper Demon, Akaza has been defeated by Kyojuro Rengoku and with the assistance, of a new mysterious Ice Hashira, by the name of Azirella Kamekaze. None of the characters in this story belong to me, they rightfully belong to their creator, Koyoharu Gotouge.
Chapter 1- Encounter
“Come at me with all you have, Kyojuro.” The upper demon would state as he was trying to provoke the Hashira into attacking first. Naturally, the mild tempered Hashira wouldn’t do so. That would, leave the demon to attack first. Akaza had wasted no time in taking his stance. A smirk, played across of the upper rank demon as he then called forth the attack. “Destructive Death: Needle Compass.”
He would say as the ground would glow beneath him. Kyojuro, now stood at the ready as he watched the demon call forth his demon art. Wasting no time at all, Akaza would dart forward towards the hashira and began to throw punches towards him. A couple of the punches had landed, though, Kyojuro had managed to dodge the rest with his katana. That red katana came to life as he called forth one of his flame style techniques.
“Flame Breathing, First Form: Unknowing Fire” He would say. The hashira would bring his blade to decapitate the demon that stood before him. Of course, Akaza, being quicker than Kyojuro could anticipate, would block his attack with out any issues. Just then, a line of ice, came from the woods as a female had emerged from it. Sapphire hues, locked onto the demon and the hashira. Her voice held absolutely no emotion as she her hues laid upon the demon. “Do not, lose your focus, flame hashira…” She would merely state. Kyojuro, looked a little surprised by this hashira. His girlfriend of all people? Why was she sent to assist with this mission?
“Right!” He said as he refocused and called forth another form of his. “Flame Breathing, Second Form: Rising Sorching Sun!” He called forth. He would release this attack as the female soon, called forth her own. “Ice Breathing, Seventh Form: Icy Wonderland.” She would say. Ice would cover the ground beneath the trio. They would soon take to fighting once more. Blades clashing with that of the demon before them. Sparks flew, as those blades seemed to clash. The two hashira, stood side by side as they looked at each other and then at the demon before them.
Boasting a bit, Akaza would blurt out once again, “Ahh, come on Kyojuro, join us in the ranks. You’ll get stronger soon enough and you and I can fight for all eternity!” He would state. Kyojuro shook his head and sighed a bit, “As I told you before, demon, I have no intentions of joining you all. I have a duty to uphold as a Hashira of the demon slayer corps, and I plan to uphold it until the very end. Even if I die trying.” He would state. The female would twitch a bit as her voice dropped. “That’s why I am here. The master sent me, to assist and to prevent your death. You are so revered, Kyojuro, my love...” The ice hashira would state as her hues were focused on the demon before them.
Tanjiro and Inosuke, had been watching the fight and the conversation as well. Once again, the three of them took to fighting. Each of the hashira, taking blows, calling forth attacks and Akaza, taking the damage that had been dealt to him as well. Daybreak would soon be upon them all. Of course, the hashira were getting tired out, and at this point, Kyojuro and Azirella were ready to finish this fight that had begun in the first place. “Shall we put an end to this here and now, Azirella?” Kyojuro would ask as the pinkette would nod. Kyojuro would also nod and then look to Akaza. The flame hashira would take an airtight stance as his body soon became engulfed in flames, “Flame Breathing, Ninth Form: Rengoku!” He would exclaim. Just then, flames erupted from the flame hashira. The pinkette would join the other, “Ice Breathing, Ninth Form: Glacial Freeze!” The joint attacks combined in a magnificent swirl of colors as their blades came down together to behead the demon. Once the attacks had been done, and the demon fell, the pinkette went to one knee, and smiled at the flame hashira.
“Amazing job, Kyojuro.” She would say as she stood back to her feet. Once the body and head fell, Azirella would walk over to the other hashira and would begin to heal him. “Ice Breathing, Nineth Form: Healing Touch.” She would say. This was one of the rarer forms that the hashira had under her belt. Not all, of those hashira had something that allowed them to heal someone on the spot. A soft sigh escaped her as she ran her hands along the flame hashira and healed him. Inosuke, would soon come forth and watch her. “Hey!!! Who are you!?” The boar headed slayer would ask. Sapphire hues would look at the male and she would softly sigh a bit. “Ice Hashira, Azirella Kamekaze.”
Was all she would say as she finished healing Kyojuro. The male would stand up and help the female to her feet. She would look to Tanjiro and shake her head a bit. Walking over to him, she would kneel beside him and begin to use the same form she had previously used on Kyojuro. Once done, Tanjiro would stand up and smile towards her. “Hey, thank you for that. Wait, who are you?” He would ask. Kyojuro would walk forth and chuckle ever so slightly. “This my boys, is Azirella Kamekaze, Ice Hashira and healer of the demon slayer corps. The reason you didn’t see her at the manor, was because she was already on a job and was on her way back.” He would say as he let out a rather loud laugh and smiled down at the two males.
Azirella, would soon make her way over to Zenitsu and roll her eyes a bit. Looking down to Nezuko, she blinked and then looked to Tanjiro and then back at the demon girl. “So, this is the famous demon girl I have heard all about. Well, thankfully, she is on our side. I am happy to hear, that she refuses to harm humans, its such a rare thing to see, especially in a world that we currently live in as well.” She would say. One of the black crows would land upon the shoulder of Azirella and she would pet it. “Tell the master, that the mission was a success, okay? We’ll be home, soon enough.” The crow would nod and took off into the morning skies above them. Standing back up, she would survey the area and start tending to the wounded.
As time passed, a couple of people from the corps had arrived to assist and relieve the two Hashira and the others from their current mission. Once that had been done, Nezuko had come to and crawled back into her box to hide from the sunlight. The Hashira and other three, would set back out towards the manor and Azirella would lightly nudge Kyojuro. The two had been talking rather excitedly about something that was going to happen soon. “Let’s just wait until we are back, okay? I have something I want to ask you, in front of the others.” The flame hashira would state as the other looked at him. She would merely nod a bit as a she would also, blink in confusion. She would then look back to the trio. “How are the three of you holding up?” She would ask. Catching, of course, Tanjiro off guard, he would smile, “We’re fine, Kamekaze-san. How are you?” He would ask in return. “I am well, Kamado-san. Thank you.” She would nod and Kyojuro and Azirella would lace their fingers together and smile at each other.
The other three, would be talking amongst themselves as they walked along. They were still a bit starstruck when it came to the two hashira that were ahead of them. They both, being powerful as they were, and Azirella being able to heal? That seemed to shock them. Insosuke, would be babbling along as he was still, mad, but in awe on how well the two worked together and on how fast the two were as well. Zenitsu, being who he was—was already falling for the female hashira, even though she was already dating Kyojuro. Still, being awestruck as they were, the trio would be talking as they talked about the fight and how ice and flames seemed to clash.
“Those two together, I can see why the master wanted her to assist. They work so well together. I can’t wait, to be like them and be teamed up with someone or at least one of them in the long run.” Tanjiro would state. Azirella would glance back at the trio and smile as she heard the words of the young slayer. While, still holding the hand of her beloved, she would spin around and smile. “You will. I assure you, that you will be paired soon enough. Rengoku-san and I have worked hard, to get our breathing styles to work together. It’ll take some time, young one, but you will get it. Looks like, you and Insosuke, work really well together as well.” She would say as she smiles a bit and then looks at Kyojuro who would just nod.
“Aha, yes! You will eventually be able to team with any of us!” Kyojuro would say as he smiles, and a laugh escapes the male once again. Azirella, who couldn’t help but to giggle at the sudden outburst of laughter from the male. She would look to him and then back at the trio and nod. “He is right. Keep training and never let up. Determination is everything and so is connecting with your own style as well. It takes time, but you all will get there. You are the future of the corps and our hope.” She would state as she smiles once more and looks at each of them.
Chapter Two- Proposal
Night had fallen upon the group of demon slayers as they arrived back at the headquarters of the Demon Slayer Corps. After reporting back in, that the mission was a success and that the demon had been defeated, the two Hashira had sent the others, to Shinobu to get checked out for any other issues they would have had when it comes to their injuries. After checking back in, the two Hashira had headed back to the Rengoku estate. A small sigh escaped the ice hashira as they entered the home. Stopping, Kyojuro looked at his beloved and examined her over. “Are you okay, Azire dear? You usually don’t sigh like that.” He would say as worry seemed to seep into his voice.
“Ah, I am alright, my love. Just thinking back to that fight. It really was a rough one to be completely honest. I wasn’t sure if I was going to make it in time, to keep you and the others alive, though, I am happy that I did.” She would say as she looked at him as she tilted her head as she noticed the worry in his voice as she shook her head. “I’m okay, I think I’m going to go bathe and try to relax for the rest of the night.” She would say as Kyojuro smirked and walked behind her. Wrapping his arms around her and placing his chin upon her head, he would smile. “I am very happy, that the master sent you. You are truly amazing, Azirella dear. The slayer corps, is lucky, to have such as one as yourself, to join our ranks.” He would say. A blush would spread across the features of the female as a small laugh escaped her and she nodded as well.
“I appreciate that, Kyojuro, thank you so much for the appreciation that you are showing me. It does, mean a lot to me and I am happy, that I am able to assist with things like that as well. There is nothing more, that I want to do, than be able to help you all, as much as I can. “She would say as she leaned back against the other and a smile was upon her lips now as she closed her eyes. Relaxing even more against him, she would bring her hands up, and place them over his. “I love you, Kyojuro Rengoku. You mean so much to me...” She would say as the other would chuckle a bit and nod as he placed a kiss on the top of her head. “And I love you too, my wonderful and amazing love. Aha, you mean just as much to me and more.” He would say as he held her close and then released her.
“Shall we get ready for the night and relax?” He would ask. The female would nod and smile as she was the first to go and bathe. Kyojuro had soon followed as the two would end up end up on the porch and would talk a bit more, before heading to bed. “I’m happy that this mission was a huge success and that we managed to survive it as well. That fight, was indeed a rough one though, and I am just happy, I was able to help once again…” She would say as her voice trailed off as she looked up at the night sky above them. A small sigh escaped the flame hashira as he wrapped an arm around his beloved and pulled her close. He would, kiss the top of her head and then her forehead with a smile. She would look at him and smile as she leaned against him and closed her eyes a bit.
“Shall we head to be? We need our rest for tomorrow, I am sure, that the master has more missions for us to do at this point.” He would say. She would nod a bit. Kyojuro would stand and extend his hand towards the female. She would take his hand, as she was helped back to her feet. The two would head to their room and lay down as it became later in the night. Soon, though, after falling asleep, day would break as the wind chime, they had, would gently chime as a gentle wind would start in the morning. Azirella, was the first to awaken as she fixed some tea for both of them. After doing that and making breakfast as well, she would change into a clean uniform and tie her hair back into a ponytail.
Once awake, the flame hashira would join the female in the kitchen for breakfast and he would soon change as well after he had finished his own food. Azirella, would help, Kyojuro with the small ponytail that he would usually sport in his hair. A smile, and a giggle soon followed as she shook her head and ran her fingers through his hair. After doing so, the two would head off to meet up with the others. Once there, they had given a detailed report. Of course, after the report had been done, the master would smile as he spoke, “Kyojuro, go ahead and do what you and I had talked about.” He would smile once again and Kyojuro would nod, and a laugh escaped him as he then walked over to Azirella.
Taking her hand in his own, his orbs looked into sapphire ones as he ran a finger over her thumb as well. He would clear his throat as Tanjiro, Insosuke and Zenitsu joined them in the courtyard. Azirella would blink a bit as she looked at the trio and then at the other Hashira who had been smiling the entire time. She was completely lost as to what had been going on, or what was about to happen. Once again, Kyojuro cleared his throat and began to speak, “Azirella, my sweet and amazing love, from the day we met, it was love at first sight for me. It took you a bit to fall for me, but once you did, you fell hard for this flame hashira.” He would say as he reached into his right pocket and pulled out a small box. The hashira would go to one knee and open the box. Inside of the small box, sat a ring that had the birth stone for December. He would smile. “My sweet ice hashira, Azirella Kamekaze, would you do me the honor, of marrying me and becoming my wife?” He would ask.
A gasp escaped the lips of the ice hashira as tears soon swelled in her eyes and she would nod as a smile soon would replace the look of pure shock. “YES!” She would exclaim as the flame hashira would place the ring upon the right finger. Getting up, he would pick her up, spinning her around and place a long kiss upon the lips of the other. Mitsuri, would instantly begin to cry as the other hashira would clap. The master, would smile as his own lover, would follow suit and nod as well. “Aha, now, we have a wedding to plan for these two. Let us rejoice, for they are the first two, within the ranks to be wed!” The master would say as Azirella would smile and nod. Azirella would turn to Mitsuri and smile as she approached the female and smiles a bit. Mitsuri would blink a bit as she tilted her head to the side as her hues landed upon the other. “What is it, Azirella?” She would ask as she smiles at the other female. A deep sigh escaped the other as Kyojuro nodded. “Mitsuri, would you do me the honor, of being my maid of honor?” She would ask. The hues of the female Hashira widened drastically as she then wrapped her arms around the other and hugged her tightly. “I would be delighted to!” Exclaimed Mitsuri with a rather huge smile. Of course, tears filled her own eyes as she was overjoyed to be asked such an honor.
“Okay my children, with that said and done, shall we get to planning. Oh, Azirella, how are you feeling?” The master would ask as she blinked. A huge gulp came from the female as brows raised from the others. “I know I shouldn’t have sent you on that mission, with…your current state, though, you did come back and not injured thanks to healing.” He would say as Azirella would shake a bit. Shinobu would blink, knowing what he was getting at with this. The insect hashira would walk over to Azirella and hug her as she nodded. “Its okay, go ahead.” She would say in a reassuring voice. Azirella would nod. As she sighed once again and closed her eyes as well. “Shinobu and I, well, we found that I am with children. I’m pregnant with Kyojuro’s kids. Twins. Somehow, the demon sensed it and went for Kyojuro more than myself, he did land a couple of punches, or tried to, I did my best to protect.” With that said, the flame hashira looked over at the two.
“Why was I not informed of this information? I would have told you to stay on the sidelines and help those who were injured, Azirella.” His voice, firm now and anger seeped into that usual, lighthearted voice. Azirella would gulp a bit as she pressed herself against Shinobu and a small sigh escaped her. “I made sure; the twins were fine. She came right to me, as soon as you all returned, that is why she didn’t join immediately at the compound, Kyojuro. I wanted to make sure, they made it and they did. At least they’re still alive. She knows how to evade attacks, that would do harm to her or the babies.” Shinobu would state as she placed her hands on the other’s shoulders and sighed.
“It is all, my fault, for allowing her to go. She insisted as well. She wanted to aid you, due to the outcome that could have happened. She knew, the upper three, demon wouldn’t be so easy to defeat as such. Please, do not be so mad at her, Shinobu and I, take full responsibility for allowing her to go.” The master would say. A deep inhale and then exhale escaped the flame hashira as he walked over to his beloved. Taking her by the chin, he looked down into her eyes. “I am just thankful, that you and our children are fine. I don’t think, I could bare it if anything were to happen to the three of you.” With that, he leaned down and placed a kiss on her lips. The female would blink a bit. Wasn’t he just so angry that she could feel his flames? Now, suddenly, he was alright and calm once again? She would blink a bit as she kissed him back and softly sighed from what had transpired from the news.
Shaking her head, a bit as she rolled her eyes at everything that happened. Of course, now, they had some planning to do at this point. Azirella, Mitsuri and Shinobu would all go to another part of the manor and begin to go over details. Wisteria, of would be involved in this. Kyojuro, had soon joined in on the planning as they picked a nice set of Autumn colors for the wedding.