Here is a small taste of a fan fic i am working on....
Chapter 1
Awakening of the powers
Last time, we saw the Wild Force Rangers defeat Mast Org and his Orgs. Now, a new evil has risen to take his place. Mistress Imperious. Her henchmen and followers had risen, to take the place of the fallen Master Org and his Duke Orgs. Mistress Imperious rose to her feet as she looked at her skullies and a wicked smirked soon graced her lips. She’d extend her claws, and then retract them as those dark onyx hues seemed to be filled with nothing but malice and destruction. Her jester, Jaco, at her side as usual as he played the classic buffoon and danced around the room and his mistress.
“Today is the day, my children, we rise, and we take over this world! We do what those before could not! Enslave mankind!” Cheers would erupt from her minions below her as those who heard this as well would cheer as well. This was the start of her evil plan. To gain those who she could use and to capture those who would listen to her as well. “Now my children! Go to the surface and capture those pathetic humans!” Mistress Imperious would say. With that, her jester and about fifty skullies would disappear to the surface. Little did she know she would be met with a new resistance, a new team of power rangers. As the day seemed to progress, screams and distress could be heard. Artemis and Draven, the two who had always been stuck together, had heard the screams of the people outside of the library.
“Hey, you hear that, Draven?” Artemis would turn as she looked at him. The two of them, would run over to the window as a gasp escaped from the lips of the female. Her eyes widening at the sight of those running from the Skullies and Jaco. “Oh, I see it, Artemis. We got to help them! Let’s go!” He would say. The two would drop their books and run outside. Once outside, they would help people escape while they began to fight off the Skullies. As they began to fight, two more would show up. Two more females to be exact. The four would bump into each other, as they ended up back-to-back. “Hey, who are you two?!” Artemis would ask. The twin girls would look at her and one of them would speak. “I’m Isis and this is my twin sister, Genesis.” Isis would point over to her sister, who had long black hair.
“Always a pleasure to meet new people, but this is not the time for that!” Came another voice as another male had shown up. He had thrown one of the henchmen into the crowd of the others. “Name’s Jaylen.” He’d quickly say as four soon became five at this point. Soon, a sixth person had shown up along with what seemed to be a seventh as well. “Name’s Jose and this is, Skyler.” Now, this was a rare sight to see once more. Amongst the chaos, seven strangers had come together to defend people they had never encountered. Just then, seven small like orbs would come from the sky above the seven. Each of them, gasping as they looked at the small orbs before them. What were these and what? There were small animals within these crystals as well. They all looked at the crystals and then at each other. Confusion crossed their features. As much as they were scared, Artemis was the first one to extend her hand out. The others soon followed.
A brilliant glow came from the orbs as they seemed to destroy the surrounding skullies around the seven. Artemis would blink a bit as she looked at the other six that stood with her. As the crystals landed in their palms, a light would go into the bodies of the seven. Each of them, bonding with the crystals. Seven little creatures appeared before each of them. They would make a small noise before talking, the main one, though, taking the lead of the other six. “We are ferrets. We are the remaining animal crystals that the Wild Force Rangers never got to use, along with others as well. Please, allow us to aid you in this time of need and repeat this after me, “Call to the wild! Powers take flight!” The ferret would say. “You heard the ferret everyone!” Jaylen would say. In unison, they would all say it, “CALL TO THE WILD! POWERS TAKE FLIGHT!” As they said this, a light swept over the seven and soon, the seven were suited up. Jaco would scream rather loudly as he cursed the seven under his breath. “Mistress Imperious isn’t going to like this one bit!” He said as he disappeared before the light could even touch him.
Jaco would soon return to Mistress Imperious. Bowing before his lady, he would look at her and gulp as he spoke. “M-Milady. We have a problem. It looks like the Animarium has sent aid to the earth once more. The power rangers have come back to defend this world.” He would state. Mistress Imperious would tap her long claws against the throne in which she sat upon and narrowed her onyx hues at Jaco. “This means, the son or daughter of that wretched Princess Shayla and Merrick has awakened to her true powers as well. Hnm, this will pose an issue for me. It looks like, I may need to hire some more, henchmen or should I say Duke Orgs to aid me in this conquest!” She would state as she thought for a moment. A sly grin soon appeared upon her lips as she lifted her staff. “Those of the fallen, come to me!” She called out. Once she did this, several former Orgs would appear from the ground below. Wicked laughter could be heard as they began to take their forms.
“Now, welcome back to the land of the living...” Mistress Imperious would greet them. One of them would eye her as it took in her looks and then looked at her henchmen and Jaco. “Why have you brought us back from the depths of the lands?! Who calls to us!?” The org would bellow as Mistress Imperious would slam her staff down. “I am Mistress Imperious. I have also, risen from the depths like you, though, I seek revenge for Master Org, who was destroyed by those wretched rangers and their little princess Shayla.” Jaco would look at the Orgs that had been summoned in return. “A-Are you sure about this, my mistress? What if they decide to turn against us?” The jester would ask as he looked at Imperious. “Shh, my jester. If they do such a thing, trust me, it will be the last thing they will do. I will send them back to the earth they came from.”