At no point in recent events- other than this specific entry- have I written about you.
Just because others are, doesn't mean that *I* did.
My entries and other publicly posted items do not, nor will they, be directed at you because I do not care enough to bother reading the shit posts you make. The only reason I even noticed the crap now is because you keep popping up in my last ten after every journal I make.
Stop reading between lines that aren't present.
Be angry at the person who's posting entries at you.
Plain and simple.
There are just some things that cause alarm bells to go off and I swear, the ticking of the checklist for mass murderer and psychotic has you almost marked down completely.
It's that kind of behavior that white kids go on killing sprees with. Triggered little psychopaths who have no regard for anything or anyone but themselves and think the whole world is against them for no reason, but can't see their own hand in their own demise.
Warning signs are all there alongside with the lack of mental capacity for right and wrong and the instability are all there. The only difference between this and them is you won't be famous enough for a documentary. You lack the conviction of the theatrics of it. Instead it will be seen as an unstable person lacking moral support from those around them and seen as a lost cause from the start that was ignored even when the signs all pointed to danger.
A walking, talking, exploding ticking bomb.