I swear that I either better start taking some memory pills or carrying a tape recorder with me where ever I go.
I usually have some really witty or insightful things to write about here but now that I actually have the time to sit down and write them I cannot remember what it is that I wanted to say.
*bangs head on desk*
The cafeteria at my office made fried plantains (my favorite) for my birthday...
... They even called them "Nedra's Birthday Plantains" Well of course they did not call them NEDRA's .... they used my real name....but you get the idea.
Happy birthday NEDRA!
I have no idea what plantains are, but you lucky thing you! :D
HA! Oh Draky.....they are basically deep fried bananas...
If only there were a way to ship you some....you would die. They are SOOOOOOOOO good
I didn't know they were that...I am on a diet so no good for me : (
Deep fried bananas, huh? I've never heard of them either. Guess I'll skip on over to Google and check 'em out! :)
What the hell people!!!
Ok admittly they are really a hispanic dish but COME ON.....
If I am ever in the same room with you all - we are going to eat plantains!!!!!!! DAMMIT!!!!
Ok ok I would eat them just for you ^^
.............but my left foot is about 3x its normal size right now due to a spider bite....
Really painful too........ ugh
I hope you chucked the spider out of the house!
The really sad part is that I did not even feel the bite!
Ouches. Speaking from somewhere where spider bites can (and frequently do) kill, you may want to get that looked at... We don't want to lose our lovely Nedra!
Awwwww thanks lovie! Nah - I am all better now....where I am there are no killer spiders....
Oh no.Sure hope it goes away soon and that it isnt anything serious!
Oh,and,umm we DO SO care.
19:32 Jun 27 2011
Don't feel bad. I have some of the best ideas to write about and then I either forget or I have other obligations that require my attention and by the time I get around to spare time I don't feel like writing! Which is really tragic because I have buttloads of wisdom floating around in this skull!!
11:12 Jul 04 2011
Lol if you get any pills be sure to pass some my way : )