I just heard that the Oxy Clean guy died.......I am betting that it was the Sham Wow guy that killed him.
Sometimes I sit around and wonder who the first person to eat lobster was
I mean think about it....giant bug like creature that eats all the shit at the bottom of the ocean.
Who said "Hey I bet that this would be great if I boiled it with tons of melted butter"
ok here,s your answer,
During a fall harvest festival in 31,827BCE, a 22-year-old caveman named Fnork killed, cooked and ate a lobster he found crawling on a beach in southern France.
Before that meal, lobsters were considered to be spawn of the devil (and high in cholesterol), and many people praised Fnork as the bravest man in the world.
According to interpretations of a cave painting, Fnork ate the lobster boiled, with melted butter and mashed turnips. Fnork's lobster bib was made of goat hide, and he used a goat's femur bone to crack the claws. Fnork said the boiled lobster was OK, but he wanted to try one stuffed with crabmeat in the future
Wow, love it lol
No new comments have been left in your Journal.
I better get cracking!!!
So Michael Jackson as passed into the great unknown.... I truly hope that all those allegations of child molestation were not true.
If they were - well I am sure that he is paying for it now.....
It is official.......I am building an ark.
Ummm, can I come on? I will scoop poop out the one window ;)
It's a deal!!
I'll scrub the decks...it's a dirty job I know, but someone has to do it!
Cancer's Kismet is HYSTERICAL.........
I'm with stupid ----------->
So........Much...........Happening...........Can't ..........Catch..........Breath!!!!
That they would bring back Moonlight and Blood Ties.....
So the medicine is kicking in and I am starting to drift off to that fairy tale place.....
Cross your fingers that I can stay there tonight. It has been over 2 weeks without a good night's sleep........
Another business dinner...........I just want to go home and take a nap!
It has not stopped raining here FOR 7 DAYS!!!!!!
Is it me or has the quailty of new member profiles just gone way down?
Come on people - if you are really here for all the reasons that you say you are put a little effort into it. If I can learn how to do this (and I am double the age of most whelps) you can too!
I will not even bother to rate these profiles......
I agree 100%
I know, RIGHT?
I mean, one sentence for a description... no avatar... no info at all... lame-o!
Hey if you want anymore info then just message me.......... NOT! lol
Or the other one I like "I'm looking for a lady Vamp"
I must say though mine was pretty crap when I was first here.
Most the newbies have been going down hill for awhile. I have to laugh at how many guys and girls that come here think this is like some dateing site and everybodys supposed to jump up and message them for info.
I suppose they think it is a dating site for some reason. Dunno. Maybe word is spreading that it is?
I am not in the mood for rating simply because of this very reason. I have not rated in quite sometime!
I totally agree that the quality has gone down... I haven't done rating in over a year because of it... I think 3 major items contribute to it...
1. Teeny-boppers that think they are "bad-ass" because they read/saw the newest vampire things (in this case Twilight). They think they MUST prove they are bad-ass by being on a site dedicated to vampires but don't really care to learn about them. They believe in just one theory of vampires and many refuse to even read anything to learn about the other theories that have been around for decades and centuries...
2. People that have been spoiled by other sites into thinking that they are there for trolling for people... They think they should HAVE the right to be able to message 500 people their first day here, be able to do whatever they want to their profiles, and do whatever they want (ie the vampbox) just because they signed up for the site. Most of these people will NOT read the sign up information, VR manual, or FAQ. They simply believe it should be theirs.
3. People believe that being online is permission to be lazy... They don't bother to spell check, even though many internet browsers have the ability to do it right as you type... They believe that speaking in "textese" is an acceptable way of communication. And sad to say, thanks in the USA to the "no child left behind" laws, children that can not do the work of spelling, English grammar, and social items are allowed to pass just so that the children that know what is going on can continue their progress, while slowing down their ability to learn at the same time.
Yeap...ShatteredAngel pretty much summed it all up in a nutshell.
I agree - AND not being able to spell does NOT excuse you.....want to know what I do EVERY SINGLE TIME I TYPE ANYTHING HERE?
Because my deep dark secret is that I cannot spell to save my life!!
You don't like the generic, "I'm different, if you mess with my friends I'll kill you, I don't cyber, I like/dislike" type profiles???
So much to say - where do I start...................
From the first thought that pops into your head, it'll all flow from there :)
talk about whats in your heart that no one else you can talk to. Say it here, and let it be said so you no longer have to worry about it in your heart.
Yes, I usually start at the beginning.... : )
It doesn't matter where you start, as long as it leads you to where you need to go.
I have no idea why I like to do this but........I love to see the reasons why posts are closed. (I learn and I get to see just how many people cannot follow instructions HA!)
It's not weird. You're just curious! And...maybe bored? Lol.
Yes...oh yes it does... ; )
Yahoo - someone added me to their friends list...........now I have to figure out who. Hmmmmmmm
You are on 31
Friend Lists
Well you're already on mine... But yes the "mystery friends" is something that I wonder about as well...
When you update a journal entry all of the comments dissapear......
Thank you imagesinwords and ThothLestat for your kind words about be reciving Cinnamon's mark!!!
No prob :)
LOL... Lagniappe is me too, commented with the wrong profile :P
ha ha ha.... I wondered about that....
19:21 Jul 01 2009
OOPS! I missed that class.
Who are the guys?