NataviaLeigh's Journal

NataviaLeigh's Journal


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7 entries this month


15:44 Aug 26 2011
Times Read: 445

A vampire's life cold and dark. A vampire's life a lonely existance.

My life is a hollow grave dead ground. The moon kisses while the sun stings and burns.

A vampire's life is dark and dence never dying but never seeing.

We are feared but then what do we fear? We have everything but it turns out we have nothing.

They want to be us, but in a vampire's life they want death.





15:34 Aug 26 2011
Times Read: 446

"My soul is dark but I'm darker. I can see the need of your wonder

but I can't tell a peep about my being a vampire

for my name is Vampira. I will sink my teeth into your neck lights out!

See you on the other side"




What out of 129 things have I done

13:50 Aug 25 2011
Times Read: 451

Level 1:

(x) Smoked A Cigarette

(x) Smoked A Cigar

(x) Kissed a member of the same sex

(x) Drank Alcohol


Level 2

(x) Are / Been In Love

(x) Been Dumped

(x) Shoplifted

(x ) Been Fired

(x) Been In A Fist Fight


Level 3

(x) Had A Crush On An Older Person

(x) Skipped School

(x) Slept With A Co-worker

(x) Seen Someone / Something Die

SO FAR: 13

Level 4

(x) Had / Have A Crush On One Of Your Facebook Friends

( ) Been To Paris

( ) Been To England

(x) Been On A Plane

(x) Thrown Up From Drinking

SO FAR: 16

Level 5

(x) Eaten Sushi

( ) Been Snowboarding

(x ) Met Someone BECAUSE Of Facebook/Myspace/MXit

(x) Been in a Mosh Pit

SO FAR: 19

Level 6

(x) Taken Pain Killers

(x) Loved/Liked Someone Who You Can't Have

(x) Laid On Your Back And Watched Cloud Shapes Go By

(x) Made A Snow Angel

SO FAR: 23

Level 7

( ) Had A Tea Party

(x) Flown A Kite

(x) Built A Sand Castle

(x) Gone Mudding

(x) Played Dress Up

SO FAR: 27

Level 8

(x) Jumped Into A Pile Of Leaves

(x) Gone Sledding

(x ) Cheated While Playing A Game

(x) Been Lonely

(x) Fallen Asleep At Work / School

SO FAR: 32

Level 9

(x) Watched The Sun Set

(x) Felt An Earthquake

(x) Held A Snake

SO FAR: 35

Level 10

(x) Been Tickled

(x) Been Robbed / Vandalized

(x) Been Cheated On

(x) Been Misunderstood

SO FAR: 39

Level 11

(x) Won A Contest

(x) Been Suspended From/In School

(x) Had Detention

(x) Been In A Car / Motorcycle Accident

SO FAR: 43

Level 12

( ) Had / Have Braces

(x ) Eaten A Whole Pint Of Ice Cream In One Night

(x) Danced Randomly In The Moonlight

SO FAR: 45

Level 13

(x) Hated The Way You Look

(x) Witnesed A Crime

( ) Pole Danced

(x) Questioned Your Heart

(x) Been Obsessed With Post It Notes

SO FAR: 49

Level 14

(x) Squished Barefoot Through The Mud

(x) Been Lost

( ) Been To The Opposite Side Of The World

(x) Swam In The Ocean

(x) Felt Like You Were Dying

SO FAR: 53

Level 15

(x) Cried Yourself To Sleep

(x) Played Cops And Robbers

(x)Recently Colored With Crayons / Colored Pencils / Markers

(x) Sang Karaoke

(x) Paid For A Meal With Only Coins

SO FAR: 58

Level 16

(x) Done Something You Told Yourself You Wouldn't

(x) Made Prank Phone Calls

(x) Laughed Until Some Kind Of Beverage Came Out Of Your Nose

(x) Kissed In The Rain (

SO FAR: 62

Level 17

(x) Written A Letter To Santa Claus

(x) Watched The Sun Set and/or Sun Rise With Someone You Care/Cared About

(x) Blown Bubbles

(x) Made A Bonfire On The Beach or Anywhere

SO FAR: 66

Level 18

(x) Crashed A Party

(x) Have Travelled More Than 5 Days With A Car Full Of People

(x) Gone Rollerskating / Blading

(x) Had A Wish Come True

SO FAR: 70

Level 19

( ) Worn Pearls

(x ) Jumped Off A Bridge

(x) Swam With Dolphins

SO FAR: 72

Level 20

(x) Got Your Tongue Stuck To A Pole/Freezer/Ice Cube

( ) Kissed A Fish

(x) Worn The Opposite Sex's Clothes

(x) Sat On A Roof Top

SO FAR: 75

Level 21

(x) Screamed At The Top Of Your Lungs

(x) Done / Attempted A One-Handed Cartwheel

(x) Talked On The Phone For More Than 4 Hours

(x) Recently Stayed Up For A While Talking To Someone You Care About

SO FAR: 79

Level 22

(x) Picked And Ate An Apple Right Off The Tree

(x) Climbed A Tree

(x) Had/Been In A Tree House

( ) Been Scared To Watch Scary Movies Alone

SO FAR: 82

Level 23

(x) Believe In Ghosts

(x) Have/had More Then 30 Pairs Of Shoes

() Streaking

(x) Visited a Jail

SO FAR: 85

Level 24

(x) Played Chicken

(x) Been Told You're Hot By A Complete Stranger

(x) Broken A Bone

(x) Been Easily Amused

SO FAR: 89

Level 25

(x) Caught A Fish Then Ate It Later

( ) Made A Porn Movie

(x) Caught A Butterfly

(x) Laughed So Hard You Cried

(x) Cried So Hard You Laughed

SO FAR: 93

Level 26

(x) Mooned/Flashed Someone

(x) Had Someone Moon/Flash You

( ) Cheated On A Test

(x) Forgotten Someone's Name

(x ) French Braided Some ones Hair

(x ) Gone Skinny Dipping

(x) Been Kicked Out Of Your House

SO FAR: 99

Level 27

(x) Rode A Roller Coaster

(x) Went Scuba-Diving/Snorkeling

(x) Had A Cavity

(x) Black-Mailed Someone

(x) Been Black Mailed

SO FAR: 104

Level 28

(x) Been Used

(x) Fell Going Up The Stairs

(x) Licked by A Cat

(x) Bitten Someone

(x) Licked Someone

SO FAR: 109

Level 29

(x) Been Shot At/Or At Gunpoint

(x) Had Sex In The Rain

(x) Flattened Someones Tires

(x ) Rode Your Bike/Driven Your Car Until The Fuel Light Came On

( ) Got R20 Or Less Worth Of Fuel

Total: 113





13:46 Aug 25 2011
Times Read: 452

Since i was a teen, I always found writing things down to be a healthy way to process my thoughts, so here goes...

I went back and forth trying to decide whether I should even write this. I'm sure by the time I'm done I'll either delete it, or just save it and never post it.

Not sure where to begin other than I'm feeling saddened by the way people have been reacting lately. It's as if a collective pain has taken over, not only this country, but this world. Listening to people talk about others lately has made me feel so alien. i don't believe I am better than anyone, nor do i believe that I'm less, i just feel disconnected, i guess.

There seems to be a lack of relatability with one another lately, and I'm not sure why it feels so much more apparent lately. It's like we've lost the ability to recognize ourselves in each other. When i walk down the street and see a homeless person i can see a part of myself in them. Without any judgment of what kind of person i think they may be, or what they have done to get to where they are now - all i see is a human being with the ability to feel. That homeless person is somebody's son, daughter, brother, sister, mother, father... and all i can feel is love for them.

The same feelings occur when i see a person driving a fancy car, or an elderly person, an ex-friend, or a child.

I KNOW I'm not the only person who shares this perspective - and i know this because people smile sometimes. That tiny gesture alone, lets me know that for whatever reason that person chose to share that smile with me, its an act of love.




A link to a tribute video for a small part of my family :}}}}

22:47 Aug 21 2011
Times Read: 458






23:51 Aug 18 2011
Times Read: 486

The silence amplifies my footsteps.

I pull the phone cord from the wall.

You remain silent.

You don't wake.

Tonight you will be mine,

Your rebirth a thing of beauty.

Don't scream.

From now, you're pain will be less.

Just let me give you a gift,

My gift of a bloody kiss.

For tonight,

you will be a creature like me.

A child of the night.

Your eyes reflect the moonlight clearly.

I place your corpse in the ground.

I didn't bring flowers,

Who needs them when their dead?

You awake gasping,

air you do not need.

Your undead beauty,

Leaves my breathless chest sore.

You smile when you see me.

The pain will go in time.

We lay in my casket,

and watch the dead angels sing.

They sing for you.

As your awakening was such a beautiful thing...

Dark Vamp Pictures, Images and Photos




Something from someone very close to what is my heart and so true wether you are a man or woman

22:23 Aug 14 2011
Times Read: 489

And so with interest piqued, or perhaps through boredom, you have chosen to read this musing. Well let me first clarify the title: I say ‘A’ painful truth rather than ‘The’ painful truth; for who am I to state what is definitively true. The truth lies in the perception of the individual and here I can only relate that which I have found to be sadly and painfully true. This is not a story…but is related by me to you for the person in question to remain anonymous.

Firstly we must ask whether Vampire truly exist. The answer to which is yes! A medical, scientific, and psychologically know truth, but they are not supernatural. They are human like you (presumably), maybe different but human none the less.

No, Vampires can’t fly, unless they buy a ticket and get on the plane like the rest of you. Neither are they immortal, although some are known to have longevity of life, but it is not known for certain if those life spans have exceeded hundreds of years.

So what are Vampires? There are several classifications of Vampire, but the two main types I shall mention here are Sanguine and Psionic, otherwise sometimes referred to as psychic but that is largely an erroneous term. It implies the ability to read minds, although many Psionic Vampires may have a heightened sense of perception. Sanguine Vampires are blood feeders whilst Psionic Vampires are energy feeders.

Let me state here to dispel any misconceptions. Feeders only do so with consent of the donor; they do not fly through windows as bats and strike their prey. Oh, and neither do they change the ‘donor’ into a Vampire by feeding; only in movies.

I will not go into details about Vampirism here as it digresses from the theme of this missive, but there are many web sites that can be found which aptly discuss Vampirism and the different types and I will include a link at the end for you.

On to the subject of loving a Vampire: Love is an extremely powerful emotion, along with hate they are said to be the two most powerful of all emotions. Yet there is a far more powerful combination: The mind, fear, ignorance, and superstition!

From painful experience I know that this combination can, and will, override love.

So now I give you the opportunity to mock: Yes, I am Psionic and to an extent Empathic, but for now I shall just refer to Psionic Vampirism. Now should I pause long enough for the incredulity and scepticism to abate; but I need to clarify that point in order for this to make sense. So even if you refuse to believe, please at least humour me, thank you.

You may love your spouse, partner, girlfriend, boyfriend, mother, father, son, daughter, brother or sister but, and this is the big but, what if you found out that he or she was a Vampire - A blood feeder or energy feeder? Would you still love them?

Yes you say – Well let me assure you that it is not that clean cut a fact. This is where the combination of superstition, fear, misunderstanding, and ignorance can combine to defeat love easily. Four factors combined against one…no contest!

I was the recipient of love, yes I know that is hard to believe but nevertheless it is true. Somebody was in love with me but they found out I am Psionic because I was truthful. I was asked directly because of my interest in Vampires if they really exist. I answered that they do and was then involved in much discussion about the subject. The culmination of which was the direct question as to whether I was Vampire or not.

To be honest or to lie? – I will not lie to somebody close so I admitted I was Psionic: Did I feed on blood? No, never, I am Psionic which is ‘energy’ deficient so need to feed on (absorb) energy: Did I know other Vampires? Yes, of course: Would they attack her, bite her neck and feed on her? No, not without permission, and it is a very intimate thing between two consenting adults: Would I ever bite her? No, I do not blood feed: And so, on it went for a few hours.

So my anonymous friend, what was the outcome? She needed a few days to think whether she could ever be comfortable with me because she was afraid. The movie myth would not let go.

I soon had the answer: She said that she loved me very much, and always would love me so dearly, but she was too afraid to be with me and had to walk away: Her mind outweighed her heart. Superstition, fear, misunderstanding, and ignorance had combined in a major force to defeat her love.

She was frightened that she would never know if one of my friends or somebody talking to me was a Vampire, and couldn’t cope with that.

I guess that the reason for writing this is to make you stop and think. So many people say “I would love to be a Vampire” or “I would love to meet a real Vampire” – WOULD you, would you really. Search within yourself. What would your reaction be?

Would you be able to overcome basic human superstition, human ignorance and loathing? Are you sure that you could cope with the reality?

Maybe it is their Vamprism that made them the person that they are, the reason that they became the person you were attracted to, or fell in love with. Could you really cope with that fact? Could you be comfortable with the fact that they could no more change what, or who, they are than they could the colour of their eyes. It is what they are that made them who they are!

I don’t know the answer…only you do. But what I do know is if you really do not know, not think, but KNOW for certain if you could cope. If you could truly ignore your mind and listen to your heart. Ignore your superstitions and unfounded fears of the unknown, then do not look to start a relationship with someone who is Vampire...Sanguine or Psionic. It is a reality for that other person, not a game…and breaking their heart is just another burden for them to bear on top of the one they already have to live with.So…you decide: Fact or insane ramblings. You decide, but at least

I hope this has given you something to ponder my friend.



21:04 Aug 21 2011

If there is no belief in psionic capacity (and, frankly, I am highly skeptical of such, myself), then understandably someone close to you might have second thoughts if they ultimately conclude you to be to some degree self-delusional. That is a decision only they can make for themselves regarding you, of course.

For my part, until or unless there were ever a successful experiment that documents a transfer of energy between two people, I remain dubious at best of such ability.

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