NartinaLeMaliki's Journal

NartinaLeMaliki's Journal


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7 entries this month


14:59 Jan 19 2009
Times Read: 571

So I said that I would try to draw more "traditional" style pictures. Or shall I say pictures that were drawn solely with pencil, but I didn't think I would do two one after the other. GO ME! I just randomly decided to name her Cherise, because the name suited her. And yes, this is a girl. I'm not sure I like the left eye so much, I'm kinda on a half and half scale on whether or not I think it came out right. But all in all, I feel that this picture came out really well. She's obviously either a school girl or a business woman, I'll let you decide that one, though I'm leaning towards girl, since she looks young. Who knows. Anyways, here's my second traditional drawing of the new year! People, I give to you, CHERISE!


Utensils: Mechanical Pencil, Polymer Eraser, Tissue ((To blend in the shading more)), & Adobe Photoshop CS

Time Spent: Approximately 1 hour

Art (c) - Me



00:42 Jan 25 2009

Amazing. As usual. :D



10:19 Jan 19 2009
Times Read: 580

So I haven't really done any traditional drawings for a while, and I decided that I would. Her name, I just randomly decided, is Claire. Forgive me if the shading isn't correct, it's been a terribly long time since I have done a picture solely in pencil. But I do plan on doing more of them in Pencil, that's for sure.


Utensils: Mechanical Pencil, Polymer Eraser, Adobe Photoshop 6.0, & Adobe Photoshop CS

Time Spent: Approximately 2.5 hours

Art (c) - Me




Beauty in Death's Midst

17:14 Jan 12 2009
Times Read: 599


Alright, so I wanted to try a new technique. Something solely done on Photoshop that actually looked good, had a sort of spacey theme, and portrayed beauty in the midst of death. I sort of got to thinking about this theme, and if you think about it, there really is always something beautiful right after a lot of death. It's called a spur of life. The things that had hidden safely away during whatever happened to cause all of the death, start coming out, and exploring, you could say. In this case, it's butterflies. They exploding planet on the upper left was created solely by me as well as the moon on the upper right. I know...right? I learned some new techniques while doing my research. This happens to be one of the pictures that I am going to try to sell in various places.


Utensils: Adobe Photoshop CS

Time Spent: Approximately 4 hours

Art (c) - Me





17:13 Jan 10 2009
Times Read: 610

Teehee, me and my friend on gaia, who's also on Deviant Art , have been talking basically conspiring against our friend Lennie to draw as many "sexy" pictures of his avatar as is possible. This is what I came up with. For Christmas, i gave him a catsuit, and he has yet to wear it, *pouts* but he'll think twice now. Teehee...He's eating a strawberry.


Utensils: Mechanical Pencil, Ballpoint Pen, Sharpie, Adobe Photoshop CS

Time Spent: Approximately 2 hours

Lenniel can be found at Gaiaonline.com.

Art (c) - Me





16:41 Jan 10 2009
Times Read: 612

So on DA, I found a contest that I thought I would actually get into. It's for a company called, "NVIDIA" and basically, we had to design a picture that we thought spoke visually. For this contest, we were to submit a picture that was digitally done, and then, in the "Artists Comments" section, write a mini essay consisting of 250-500 words. Not a problem for me, because I write too much when I do. So anyways, here are the two pictures I submitted for the contest. Below each picture will be the small essay that I wrote in the "Artists Comments" section.



The title of this submission, being called “Flow” has some various meanings for me. The first of which is the fish. I have four fish, A goldfish, a Shibinkin, a Black Moor, and a Plecostamous, or a bottom feeder if you will, and so, while looking at these, today, I began to notice that they didn’t just swim through the water. No, that’s too general a term, fish flow through the water. They make their own currents, and I’m sure that if we were to find some way to record their movement so that you could see everything, even the tiniest wave, that you would see a certain design, just as if we were to actually sit and study how they move, I'm sure, you get my point. Another meaning of this picture for me, is the Sakura flowers. Sakura, in the Japanese language means Cherry, and so the flowers have a sort of double meaning, I love cherries, and I love the Japanese culture.

It was then that I got to thinking about the NVIDIA logo. Being a sort of claw, I looked at it, and saw that it looks sort of like a discombobulated crab claw. But it wasn’t just that it looked like a crab claw, it looked like waves of some sort as well. It was then that I decided that I would go with a sort of fishy theme.

I believe that this picture speaks visual because it is a common thing that people understand, and yet, I think, that people can enjoy. It's also something that people actually have to look at. Lately, nature is pushed aside to make way for such things as electronics, and automobiles. It is something that even artists, I've seen, are starting to veer away from. And yet, everything we see, every design that is made, was taken from nature. Thus the fish, something that is nature it self, but brought into an unnatural home for people to look at. Anywhere there’s an aquarium, you can see fish, and it was stemming from that idea, that I figured, why not stick with something that is understood? To me, this picture becomes a testament, not only of legends and history, and lore but of the modern age-being that it is digital-blending in with such old and common things. Just as a fish flows through water, so too does art flow through time. It may change, but over the ages, art is simply art. It’s a form of expression that has been used since the cavemen first learned that scraping rocks on the wall could make pictures.

Return to Nature


When we think about nature now-a-days, what do we think of? We think of the endangered species, precious animals so important to our eco-system that they are about to go extinct. We think about the nature reserves, and the growing forests, and we often wish that we could just get away from the hustle and bustle of our cities, and go out into the wild. The problem is, Nature, now, is so small, the WORLD is so small, that we often lose hope that we will ever see it for what it truly is, this bustling eco-city full of plants, and life, where the Amoeba is just as important as the Jaguar. Here, I command you, put down your video games, and return back to nature. If we, as a human race, are going to survive for much longer, we need to step out of our computer screens, and we need to Return to Nature. That is why I think this picture speaks so visually. After reading a little about NVIDIA, I learned that NVIDIA is a computer software/gaming based program-thing. If you think about it though, the claw that is the NVIDIA logo, came from nature. In fact, a lot of the things we wear, eat, sleep on…hell, most of the things that we don’t even seem to care about, comes from nature. Think back to history, as it once was, how great the empires were, how long they prospered, and how well they did. Think back to all of the countries, and peoples that used Nature in their everyday lives. Don’t YOU think it’s wrong, that we, as a people now, constantly have some form of plastic in our grasp, be it a cup, or a game controller, or a steering wheel? I remember the long walks I used to take on the trail, and remember how quiet it was, and how much I loved it. Then I would go home, back to the cars, the exhaust, and the pollutants, and what not, that I wished I could just go back to the trail and stay forever. We need to return to nature, or perish.


Utensils: Mechanical Pencil, Ballpoint Pen, & Adobe Photoshop CS

Time Spent-Flow: Approximately 8 hours

Time Spent-Back to Nature: Approximately 4 hours


Art Work (c) - Me




Cop a Feel

15:43 Jan 06 2009
Times Read: 629

Alright, so I know it's a little late for breast cancer awareness, but I felt like I had to do something, because we as women, need to be aware of the possibility of breast cancer at all times. This picture is called, "Li Cops a Feel," but it's a message to all women that, no matter who you are, no matter what your skin color, what cup size you have, or how big your damned nipples are, you can still get breast cancer.

Li, being the "genius" that she was, decided to have a little bit more fun that was needed to check hers, but that doesn't really matter. Just remember to stay aware of your boobs. If you feel something odd, GO SEE A DOCTOR RIGHT AWAY!

I got the idea after seeing the contest winners for the Pinkitude contest on Deviantart.com. To me, it thought like a good idea, to sort of do my own little, unofficial, version of the picture, and to also congratulate the winners, who did an awesome job, by the way.


Utensils: Mechanical Pencil, Ballpoint Pen, Adobe Photoshop CS

Time Spent: Approximately 4 hours

Picture © - me

Susan G. Komen logo © - It's perspective creators





01:05 Jan 04 2009
Times Read: 633

No comment really. She's a raver, and then after the party, she goes outside and get's rained on! WEWT! No really, there are artists comments to these, but I'm too lazy to write them right now...JUST ENJOY THE ART DAMMIT! What do you meed comments for? *slumps*



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