The Hardest Nights
God, I should just sleep,
I think at one, two, now three.
The hours tick by and I am
I never knew how cold a room
Could feel.
Shuffle, arrange, roll over, beat the pillows.
It never works.
It’s so still in this room,
This home.
No lights, no noise.
It’s too big.
The room, the bed, the silence
The world.
I feel the ache again
As I fight the urge to crawl into a hole and die.
Even the cat won’t come near me,
In my sad state.
It’s nights like these
I hate the most.
It’s nights like these,
When I’m so alone,
That I hate you the most.
It’s nights like these,
When I hate the silence,
the bed,
the coldness of this room,
that I think of you most.
My youth always gets the best of me
On nights like these.
When we finally meet,
My youth will speak
And tell you in terms
Too brash to use in public
How much I missed you.