It is written into science rules and laws that it takes energy to make energy. “bold statement, yet it works”.
If the above is the case then our universe would be crunched so tightly that nothing could move, not even at the quantum level. I say this because all the energy in our 3D space/time dimension/universe is already here, so there would be no room for the energy that made up this place we live within, in other words there is no room for both energies to be within the one universe.
I’m not knocking the Big Bang theory out of the ballpark here. What I’m getting at, is that all the energy here was created by an equal amount of energy elsewhere.
So, where did the other energy come from and how did it come into being? Are the questions I will answer here.
As put forward in my previous posting here in my journal, thought comes from another dimension.
Now to make up so many different things in our dimension you would need a great number. And the greatest number that could ever be, is thought, yes thoughts. If we combine the amount of thoughts that could ever be, we would have enough energy to create all within this universe / dimension.
Since I have established that thought is energy from another dimension, we will now look at what could have possibly created so much energy.
Logically it would have to be an entity that is capable of thought. I call this entity ORIGIN, for it is the origin of the thought energy that create all the energy here. I’m not claiming a GOD here, I’m just stating that an entity thought, and all its thoughts became different types of energy.
I do have a balanced theory as to how ORIGIN thoughts came into our dimension/universe, that I will leave for another posting.
I have just read Multi-Dimensional Existence written by Cancer, and this got me thinking.
I will try and put as much of this article into plain broken-down English for you as I can. As there could be a lot of technical things and physic terminology otherwise. I would like this article to be enjoyable not a nightmare to go through, so here goes: -
Thought itself cannot exists within our 3D space/time universe, without first coming to us from another dimension. Otherwise we would be able to find it with one of our senses or equipment. We can by way of some equipment see a thought while it is happening, and latest research has it that we can trace a thought to an area of the brain where it is stored for recall.
Just a little bit of background here, before going further into this subject.
Every one of the 5 elements, yes five, they being the four we all think of (earth, air, water and fire) and the fifth being (ether), or rather the stuff that science is yet to find, that makes up space, so-called (dark energy/black matter). You see all things of this dimension/universe at their bottom level are made up of just energy. Where energy by nature is a product that gives out a frequency. And our 5 senses are just receiver’s that receive these frequencies. The brain on the other hand is both a receiver and a transmitter.
This is where it gets a little difficult yet bear with me here.
As reported by the great and knowledgeable Carl Jung in his paper on the “collective unconscious”. He concludes that the bigger part of thought, does not exist in the physical world as we understand it to be. Later, scientist working in the field of brain pattern research would conclude that they will never find, were thought comes from or how it gets manifested. So, it is fair to say thought does not possess a property that we can observe in this world.
This leads one to look at what Cancer wrote about, in relation to another dimension could possibly exist. If thought is not originated in this dimension/universe, then it is feasible that thought, and its property is of a nature that the brain can receive break down and interpret. This clearly shows that the brain is definitely a receiver and we know from psychology, the brain has the ability to send a message to consciousness so we can think.
It is to be seen from the above that thought has no height, width or depth. The only thing we can see and observe with equipment is the after effect, once a thought does enter the brain. What is not seen seems to be the realm, universe or other dimension that thought arose from.
So just maybe in our lifetime we shall prove once and for all that, other higher dimensions do exist, and we understand their purpose and products.
Hope you enjoyed a little piece of my mind…….cheers Nokturnl.
There have been a lot of good articles written on VR about energy, and how vampires partake of this energy, as most of us know and understand, all things living or not give off energy. So, how does all this energy that we agree things do have come from?
A bit of background here: - Imagine looking at something, anything through a microscope. The first thing you see is MASS, this mass is made of MATTER. As we keep zooming, we find matter is made of ATOMS. As we keep zooming down, we find atoms are made of things called QUARKS which there is six different category types. They are named (up, down, top, bottom, strange and charmed). A quark is made up of things called PARTICLES of which there is an unknown amount of different types, now particles are made up of ENERGY. So, there you have it, at the very bottom, the very beginning of all things is energy. There are a few other things out there in the universe that science has yet to find what role they play, yet it is known they are not part of the building blocks for matter, and they too are just energy at their bottom level.
So how is it that energy, which has no physical structure make up solid mass which we can see, feel and interact with, come into being?
Picture a cup of water, as you push your finger into it, you feel little to no resistance. Now slowly add sand into the glass, at some point when there is enough sand in the glass, you will start to feel solidness. This resistance you feel works the same for energy. As energy clumps together it starts to form a resistance, a solidness to it.
Now how does all this relate to vampirism? Well for any of the different types of vampires, there is energy transference. They draw energy from an energy source. For Sanguine vampires, there would be the energy within the blood cells that are consumed. And for the Psi vampires that draw energy from other things such as living or not, it would just be the energy, they are receiving that gives them a feed. Other vampires’ types would also receive an energy boost from their chosen source and methods. Vampires often refer to this energy transference as receiving life-force.
Energy due to its behaviour vibrates, this vibration is what’s commonly referred to as a Frequency. Remember here that energy can, enhance other energy, it can also neutralize other energy or breakdown other energy. A good example here is, medication. Medication is just chemicals that at energy level go after the energy signature of the illness to alter the illness’s energy, by either neutralizing it or breaking down the illness’s energy, another way is the medication energy will attach itself to the illness energy thus not allowing the illness energy to carry out its task. It is just a matter of finding the correct energy to make the medication from, along with finding better delivery systems for the medication. So, partaking the correct type of energy would have one feeling better or at least different, as is the case for most modern-day vampires. So, one can see here that acquiring energy whether by blood or other, can have a desired effect upon a vampire.
Along the same lines there is a lot of merit here that wiccan’s, spiritualist and alchemist have good grounds for their craft’s, which evolves around drawing energy, releasing or energy manipulation by various means to achieve a desired outcome.
I hope with this little piece of information you can better understand how vampires get a feed off other energies. And how dabbling in the mystic arts can alter energies, for better or worse.
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Psychic Attack
12:56 Dec 30 2019