The bad news (the" Great. Just great" from the last post) is that I found out that my place of work is going to be doing a remodel. Unfortunately, this means that they will be cutting people's hours severely. I was told by one person that this would happen in January. I have now found out that they are planning to do it in March. So, there's that.
The good news is that after my performance review, I got a raise. Hmmm. I'm guessing it won't make up for the hours I will be missing in March. Oh well.
More good news, is that I am going to start yet another semester of school, starting Monday.
The bad news is, it looks like one of my classes will be cut because not enough people are signed up, which means that I will have to scramble to try to get another class that fits the requirements that I still need to fulfill. Grrr.
Oh well. I'll do what I have to.
I will be 74 percent done with this degree by the time I finish this semester. I have to figure out what I'm going to do about transferring to another school to get the next finished. I've given myself until the end of this semester to figure out where I'm going, and I'll have to figure out how to get there. I am excited but terrified. Yayy.