Today I waited while manager C. counted my drawer so I would know right away if I was short. He said I was short yesterday, and I got blamed for it and everybody and their mothers were on my drawer and usually are. So when he finishes today, he tells me my drawer is 240 plus dollars short. ??????? O-o?
Manager L, who has been a total hole to me and picks on people and is generally irritating, defended me. WHAT? HIM? He said "No, that can't be right, no way her drawer is short." Well, it turned out manager C. entered the drawer skim for 200 dollars ON THE WRONG REGISTER! (And he's the one who told me yesterday "You can't make those mistakes." So I said, "You can't make those mistakes, C.", but I don't think he heard me.) And another manager, N. had taken money out of the drawer BEFORE I GOT THERE, so he figured out it wasn't my fault and let me go. What the heck? Are these people managers or a bunch of kittens chasing their tails? And why would L. defend me? Have I fallen through the looking glass or woken up in Narnia or something? Huh. Maybe I am finally losing my mind.
I'm getting better at it. I sometimes even enjoy it. But it's getting more stressful. I still need a different job. *sigh*
06:27 Apr 19 2012
Manager C sounds like a total prick.
02:32 Apr 20 2012
They seem like a bunch that have fallen from the turnip truck...duh.