Feelings are fickle.... Can you be in love with two people? I believe there's no real limit to how many people you can be in love with...
Im in love with LordOfShadow and BloodyThorn.... They both make me feel the same way... Is One stronger than the other? But maybe the distance from the both of them... whether it be physical or otherwise is the reason why there is that space...
Maybe I can't be in love with only one person... But perhaps because i am Bi sexual... one love being a man and the other a woman... it all makes sense.... I cant be ashamed of who I am and what I feel or think...
But I also believe you can fall out of love with someone just as quick as you fell in...
Here's something that sucks on my end.... I am what many would call a nymphomaniac.... I want it more than anyone else I know... Asid from the only blonde woman who lives in Missouri that I respect....
I Think about it as much as a man if not more than... I can even turn anything nonsexual into something so sexual that almost everyone gets confused hence why i dont mention half the things that go through my head...
I'm wondering how many more people are like me in this sense...
Well looking at everything in my life right now.... I have a fiance who just cant seem to get a job. We may be getting evicted from out apt..... I have a job and am doing my damndest to keep it.... We have no car.....
There are times where I swear that he doesnt want to get a job.... almost as if you doesnt want to become independant.... he is quite co dependant on me for almost everything.... clingy if you will....
Does he fear if he gets a job that things between us will faulter? What is going on in his head is a mystery to me but.... him not getting a job is causing more issues than anything else at the moment besides his temper and my comments and discussions with him....
Then theres a lovely lady named Amber who I have my eye on... She's sweet and caring and beautiful..... What of my/our (mine and my lover's) relationship with her?
All these questions and not many answers.... I believe the answers will come to smash my mind in sooner or later...
My life is seeming to be rich in friends and new adventures.... But i fear my love life is starting to fall apart.... My fiance and i have been together for 4 years..... The sex is great! When were good... were good.... Bt Im noticing that more negative is coming into our lives... More tension... But it isnt mostly from me.... It's from him.... Talking to him about this is useless because he sometimes feels his life is worthless... I dont want to hurt him any further than he's been hurting himself.... Ive tried to bring this all up but he isnt interested....