I don't know what to do or who to go to about what happened here... I went to rate a page, and I ended up getting a virus.. I KNOW it was from here, but the higher ups deemed it not true.. I don't understand how they can reject it so quickly... You don't NEED to download anything to get a virus. Just visiting a website has the potential for getting a virus... That is why there are anti-viruses that check websites... For example, you would go to a search engine like google and type in what you are looking for, and the software would put either a check mark by the good sites or an X by the bad sites... No downloading necessary. I would say ok, maybe I did get it at another site but a) I was at no other site when my computer showed symptoms, and b) I know a few other people that had said the same things, but no one believes me... here is what someone said who got hit:
"They need education.. ANY site on the world wide web can enter a virus.
They get attatched to photo pics very easily and entered into computers if viewed.
So even rating someone with a virus in their comp, attached to a pic they placed can cause a virus entered into your system.
Run your virus scan everytime you are online.....always!
There is no such thing as a 100% secured site, it's vertually impossible, even government agencies get hackers and viruses!"
"PPL are just so naive when it comes to places like this. They seem to think they are perfect and cannot be attacked. All I can say is be careful and us your virus protectors dont listern to ppl saying there site is virus proof as ****** said no place is no matter how many safe guards they have.
They will find out the hard way."
I will not give the peoples names who said the above as I don't want to cause them trouble, but it is frustrating no one is believing me! I can't even go higher up then what was already done... ARGH!!!!!
Did I like the movie??? I dunno... New Moon was so much better... This one kinda dragged, and not only that, the director had way too many closeups, it was getting hard to focus sometimes... They missed, what I thought, were a few key points... I think I should not had reread the book, I finished it last night, so it was very fresh on the mind... I got teary eyed a couple times and I have no idea which side I am on (will admit Jasper looked good in this one though).. Seriously, Im Switzerland too, completely neutral. Apples and Oranges.... I can't wait for Supernatural City (if it ever gets done....) so I can give some respect to the werewolves :) With all the money they brought in, I still think they could have done the movie up better... So do I like it??? 50/50 yes and no... Now to wait until November of 2011 to see part one of Breaking Dawn.... UGH....
06:25 Jul 10 2010
It's easy to reject it when you know how things work. I'm sorry you are not satisfied with the idea that you didn't get a virus from Vampire Rave. I don't know of a single member here that's ever gotten a virus from this place. And if they thought they did... they quickly found out they were mistaken.
I'm quick to respond here because I don't want our membership freaking out thinking this place isn't secure. It is. Very much so.