well it's the same old shitty feeling, the same old shitty weather and the same old shitty me...
for those who haven't guessed i'm on a downer, no surprises there, no one bothers to read my journal so just writing everything is easy i have expectations to meet and no one to please.
my freind is passed out up stairs and i've had about 3 and a half hours sleep, my ead is pounding so much my vision comes and goes and i can't believe i still feel like this i knew it was my own doing but i'm not gunna stop complainin about it... i'm british its in my blood to be a grumpy shit >< i just wish i could wake up on a day like this and for me to actually feel good about myself and enjoy the days peace
well me and my boyfriend have been watchin the cartoon series of the avatar and needless to say, with being the nerds that we are, we loved it.
our mates went and saw the last airbender at the movies and said it sucked so i decided to watch it and see what all the comotion was all about... they weren't wrong
firstly katara was played by some white chick, saka was played by the former "vamp" in twishite and the boy that played Ang wasn't cheery enough and just couldn't act to save momo's life >< they skipped through most of the important stuff, so for those who never watched the series would have been so lost .... i may just be some nerdy metal chick on her high horse but if your gunna make a film about something that was brutal atleast get it right >
i agree with u end they still havent gone into the other eliments of bending