This time next week I will be packing the car and driving back home to Tennessee. The leaving part is always hard but as soon as I get home we have some work to do so that there wont have to be any more goodbye's because they kill me.
I have spent lost of time with alex, as far as my family, well now that my Gram is gone, my Mom is gone, there really is no one left here for me and I already feel like a misplaced person.... I feel like stranger around my family...
Its really sad that it has to be this way...
yep look's like you are stuck with me as family.
I dont think of that as being stuck with you though dear
Im here aunty!
06:52 Aug 31 2010
07:08 Aug 31 2010
I need to have duct tape covering my eyes so they never open again....and sometimes things read can't be unread either 0>o
07:30 Aug 31 2010