I miss you lots
remembering the times we spent together
they made me so happy
now that you're out of my life i've decided that im totally better off without you
our kisses and hugs are something ill always cherish
those nights we spent together being together
our drives
the time i let you drive
my first high ever, ill never forget that
girl, you drive me crazy
my mom continously tells me she doesnt know what i saw in you
how can i tell her that you were the first girl that showed interest in me and that i fell in love with you
the butterflies came the first day i met you and still haven't left
the movies we watched
the times we just talked
talking on the phone
all the things i miss when i think of you
When i see you around Huron I can't help but miss you
you called me a stalker and to this day that still hurts
I think about you often and when I do I get this huge smile on my face and big butterflies in my tummy
you still make me smile
i don't cry over you
i miss you like crazy though
I loved you
I would've done anything for you
I dropped everything to come see you
I loved talking on the phone to you
I didn't like you high though
it was just weird being around you when you were high
remember getting lost when we drove to cavour to get high?
i was scared to death when we got lost but i didn't say anything because I didn't want to freak you out
my first high i'll always remember
that was our first kiss ^_^
and i had to feel my fingers to see if they were still there
I miss you alot
I kind of wish you'd take me back because i had a good time with you
You were my first real girl love ♥