So this is what has been happening..
I started working at this new job completely free of the past that seemed to really have my mind twisted with anger, disgust, hate and contempt. I felt releashed from so many of the burdens of my past relations and finlly recovering from it all.
I ended up meeting someone that really has caught me off guard, something felt so familiar about this man. Unlike so many lustful flings and obsessions I found him intoxicating. As insane as myself, spiritual and communication that was oddly similiar to mine. So much we were telepathically linked in our thoughts.
Fast forward a bit.. We started dating and things were chaotic and I never would think to deal with it again but I did.
Let's go a little further, oddly we have connected to the point that we're taking it slow because we both are deeply damaged from this lifetime but were talking about marriage. I've never had a man tell me he would marry me and give me everything I want. I'm quite humbled by this because I've never imagined meeting someone like this. That sees I deserve more, that I've fought a struggle my whole life just to control what is within the depths of my being.
I've really been playing this future out in my head. I feel I have nothing to lose by going for it. He's perfectly insane as I am. He's as damamged as I am, he's as hungry for life as I am.
I think this is it. The perfect composition of two people that are mature and healthy and can gain so much from one another. I think it is time to leave my childish antics behind and look towards this union. Marriage in mind