I get in my own head so badly that I just want to end it all. Nothing is more frusting then hating the person you see on the mirror. All I can see is an ugly worthless piece of shit. How can one hoenstly change their mind set. I have BPD with CPTSD among other mental illnesses. How can I move on from my past traumas and see my own worth? Not fishing for shit but I've been seriously going threw it.
Yet again insomnia hits hard.... I'm irritated asf for no damn reason. I'm tired asf but can not sleep. And I'm in a fuck the world kind of mood.
I had the same issues have to take trazadone 300 just to knock me out.
im on trazadone 100mg
22:09 Mar 29 2021
Completely mood. Forgive me for Ranting MrsBradly I go through this a lot cuz of trauma and what not. I self hate. I'm trying to be the me that I have recently discovered cuz of a light winter glove I found. Immediately made finger holes, and then putting it on my left hand. I have nudes lol also on fetlife. That might be tmi i'm flirty and overly sexual but I try to respect peoples boundaries. I have PTSD schizophrenia Bi Polar. Dissociative Identity Disorder. Generalized Anxiety from past trauma. Pansexual Transwoman. This would have probably been a message to you but I'm shy to talk to you.