I will always love you forever and never leave ur side u have been here with thru my troubles and hurt I love you unconditionally and forever more.
Todat is my boys first day of school yesterdays was my older boys and daughter
15:30 Aug 20 2019
Times Read: 67
I found a donor yet he's worried about me tony
Tony bones is my donor but u can have him my sloppy secs
I would love to thank devious desire 4 the profile layout. And another one which I cant say but I'm gratefully happy
Your'e welcome I am glad to be of help I get bored and need something productive to do lol.
Ok lol
Greatest night of my life
Sex was awsome like he was meaner and rougher but it felt so good. I got his monster out he made me scream and moan all night
He bit me all night showing that I am his
Ha ha ha
16:34 Aug 07 2019
Times Read: 10
Pregnant with cell phone 😂 bitch. She calls me screaming demanding i delete number i didn't take orders from u nor your boy toy and go suck someone else dick.
Wow all of ur ex's tell me u have a fungus and rotten pussy that if they touch u they die. No wonder u can't keep a man because soneone tries to be nice to u a (man) u assume y'all are dating . no hunny y'all are fucking friends. U think they like you they dont they just want ur pussy btw. And btw I did not scream bitch i was calm. And no one wants a raunchy stinking ass white bitch for a girl friend.
I'm 6 months pregnant no lie I can show proof but they are twin boys
Jack and James
Well this is Mr and Mrs Impaler now. New profile same ppl