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My thoughts -randomized-
10:25 Jun 18 2012
Times Read: 385
This will be a prolonged entry so only click to read if you want to know.
My thoughts, nightmares, dreams, and experiences all cross thru me each day. I can't sleep at night due to alertness. I can sleep during the day though because I feel safer.
I have deployed and I have had one fucked up life. My twin brother is dead. My mom being killed thru time slowly and painfully. My family is as a whole is fucked no cares about the other unless there is something to gain.
Sometimes you look back and think if I had done this or if I would have went there. Always a "if" involved. Growing up I was poor and only had one parent and various wanna be dads.
I never had anything but I had everything to....thru hell you find heaven and thru hate you find love. There is no peace without war (vice versa) whether it be mental, physical, or emotional.
You see people achieve great works of art thru sheer will and pain. There is so much pain in religion and politics. We as a people are all to happy to give one person responsibility of our lives and laws. And that one person is all but to happy to take it. For he is granted power over you and everyone who follows him.
You so many people as followers who will jump at the slightest wind of noise. When a black is harassed it makes headline news. When a white is killed it like nothing happened.
There is corruption everywhere and all everyone seeks is betterment of themselves even if they hurt or destroy people to get there. I find myself sick of humanity.
You see people complain about there life yet they are unwilling to make any changes to better themselves. People say they are lonely but will only go out with a particular set of guys/girls and maybe that's why.
When someone or some entity rises to power it will do anything to keep that power even if it means invasion, genocide, or producing falsehoods of the other side just to make there cause right. People believe they are right to make change in others lives. If people want change they should go and make the changes themselves cause only then does it build strength of character to keep want they want alive.
All reigning empires come to a end even when influence is vast because people one day wake up and see corruption and filth in what they used to believe.
I never want to ask help from others or ask for a free ride cause there where is your freedom if your bowing to another just to get ahead.
People say I am crazy, weird, cunning, sneaky, and malicious but it is only said because I never follow the group and they can never have dirt on me. People are afraid of those like me because I am capable of doing what they are not and that is change to life. I decide how I am living whether in debt or not.
People set up laws just so they can believe they have power and they set up uniforms and standards on how someone should act, dress, and go about conducting business so they can attain power over them.
Edmund Burke Said faithfully "The only way evil succeeds and is when good men/women do nothing"
I believe in that most defiantly and always will.
I wish that there was no law and order but only chaos because then only the strong would be alive. And you would see the true colors of all these people who say they pray and they are good wholesome people.
When one has to provide for himself/herself and said kid/s they will go to any measure to protect and defend.
I all so believe our world is dying and no matter what we do it will fade away and we will have to find another way to live and survive. I say this because we already strain our earth right now with our population and every day thousands more are born. So one day a mass exodus/Exterminatus will happen to either purge this world of said burden or to find and colonize other worlds so we can lighten the load.
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